Chapter 237
"Li Huai, can you answer me?" Xi Lan didn't hear his answer, and looked up at him.

"Don't listen to her, she is trying to tie you up with her emotions, but if you turn around, she can destroy you!"

"Li Huai, didn't we agree?"

"Have you forgotten who you are? Think about what you have done for the world, and then look at what the world has done to you?"

These two voices kept ringing in his ears, he pushed Xi Lan away, hugged his head and shouted: "Shut up!"

Xi Lan froze, but did not back down. She walked over a few steps and reached out to caress the back of his cold hand.

This time she didn't speak, just looked at him like this.

He calmed down a lot, slowly lowered his arms, and looked at those big smart eyes, shining like night pearls in the dark night.

But this process didn't last long, he suddenly turned around and went out from the attic.

I don't know if he can't face Xi Lan, or if he can't face himself.

In the attic, only Xi Lan was left alone. This long night made her lost!
She climbed up to the roof again, wanting to see the stars and the moon in the sky, but found something different.

She saw a lotus-colored orchid on the rubble where she had sat last time, and she held it in her hand. Under the moonlight, the flower gave off a strange purple light.

She didn't know who let it go, but she knew that there was still a person in this world whose heart was as pure as this orchid flower, and seeing this flower, a glimmer of hope suddenly surged into her troubled heart.

As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, she can persevere.It's not the end yet, she can still change.

That night, the sudden thunder and lightning illuminated the night sky of the small town, and on this day, everything really changed!

"My lord, there is someone outside who wants to see the princess!"

Li Huai was sitting in the study looking up the letters from the capital when Zhuang Zhimou came in to report.

"Princess is not feeling well, it's good to bring her here!"

Zhuang Zhimou didn't hesitate, after retreating, he quickly brought the person who asked to see him.When he saw it, he was just an ordinary-looking young man.

"It's you who asked to see the princess?"

"It's Cao Min, who was entrusted by someone to deliver a letter to the princess!"

After the man finished speaking, he took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Zhuang Zhimou.

Soon, the letter was in Li Huai's hands. He opened it, and after reading it, he dismissed the sender indifferently.

At this time, outside the study door, a person walked in slowly.

"My lord, is anyone looking for me?" Xi Lan heard about it, so she made a special trip to check.

Li Huai picked up the letter paper he was looking up just now, and observed it carefully. Hearing her question, he replied, "It's just an insignificant person!"

Xi Lan's face was full of doubts, and she walked up to him: "Are you sure it's someone who doesn't matter?"

It has been several days since Yan Ming went to Gongcheng, there should have been news, but she has not received any news, she just made a divination, which said that there will be news today.

At this moment, she just noticed that there was a letter on the table.

"Li Huai, give me the letter!"

When Li Huai heard it, as if his innate authority had been violated, he slowly raised his head to look over, with sternness in his eyes.

When Zhuang Zhimou saw this expression, he knew that something was going to happen, and immediately stepped forward to persuade him: "Princess, you really don't matter, you'd better go back!"

Xi Lan was not afraid at all, she met those sharp eyes without blinking, and repeated: "Give me the letter!"

"What if the king refuses?"

She didn't know why he refused, presumably it was mentioned in Yan Ming's letter, he didn't want her to see it!Therefore, she wanted to see it even more, and immediately reached out to take it by herself, but Li Huai grabbed her wrist.

"Long Xilan, don't push yourself too hard, this king has tolerated you enough!"

She asked without showing any weakness: "Then what will happen if the prince doesn't tolerate me? Kill me?"

"Come on!" Li Huai made up for the gloom, and wanted to call someone to take her away.

From time to time, two other Wangfu guards came in.

Xi Lan's expression changed, and she lowered her tone and asked, "Li Huai, this is not what you want to do, and you wouldn't treat me like this, would you?"

After hearing this, Li Huai's eyes really changed.

She patiently said again: "Show me the letter, okay? No matter what the letter says, just let me know, and I promise to listen to you, okay?"

"You go out first!" As if he was persuaded, he sent all the guards of the Wangfu out.

Xi Lan felt a little relieved, ever since Li Huai became so uncertain, the royal guards who used to fight around in front of him didn't dare to speak casually, and only she had the courage to stand in front of Li Huai Both hard and soft.

But after sending the person out, Li Huai Ren kept the face he didn't want to see, and asked, "What did you do against my king's wishes?"

"Yan Ming has been with you for so many years, I don't believe you can really..."

"Long Xilan, you have to find out who you are, why do you think you can make decisions for me?" He interrupted her.

Xi Lan looked at that impatient face without any flinching, she said earnestly: "I understand you, Li Huai, you know that we are all undergoing changes, but we should try our best to maintain the status quo..."

Li Huai smiled and said, "You know me?"

She froze for a moment, as if reminded by the other party, what she understood was only the soul that was being expelled by this physical body.

"This king is very tired of your self-righteous face that can save the world." He stood up and approached her. When she saw his movements, she took a few steps back in fear, but she was still pulled by him forcefully. Holding his wrist, he dragged her to the window, which was on the second floor, where he could see the bustling street and the noisy crowd below.

"Look, these stupid people, do they need redemption? Think again, when you were trying to save them, but they bit you back, it was in Jiangcheng, did you forget it so quickly? Couldn't you learn can you?"

Xi Lan numbly looked at the flow of people passing by below, not knowing how to answer his words. After a long time, a deep voice came out of her mouth.

"Sushi! You are Sushi!"

Li Huai didn't deny it, he nodded, "That's right, Broken Moon String inspired the memory of my previous life, but what I saw in it was just the ugly faces of these people, they cursed me as a devil, what happened to the devil? They fear me because I have the ability to destroy them. Do you think they don’t want to have this ability? They will only be more greedy and unscrupulous than this king! So wake up, there are no good saints in this world end!"

She shook her head, thinking he was wrong.

"This is not Sushi's idea. Sushi is a hero who rescues the suffering..."

He looked coldly at her panicked face, and said with a sneer: "When you suffer from hell, are pierced by all demons, and never come out of the world, you will understand how ridiculous the so-called hero is. Only then Only then do you understand how vulnerable and even hypocritical gratitude and emotion are in the Three Realms. Only fear can be immortal. In this life, I don’t want to be the forgotten hero, but I want to be the overlord of the world, and I am the only one !"

Xi Lan was burned by the burning ambition in his eyes. She had seen this kind of ambition in the eyes of Li Quan and Zhu Kuang before, but it was obvious that the one in front of her was more prosperous and crazier.

"No, it's not!" When she spoke again, her voice was so soft that she couldn't even hear herself!

Fortunately, now Li Huai's hearing ability is comparable to that of ordinary people, he can hear really well.

"Bodhi, don't be stupid again. From the beginning to the end, what was carried on me was not a contest between good and evil at all. I am Li Huai, and I have all of Li Huai's memories. Who am I, I am Sushi, the Sushi who is cast aside and cursed by the world!"

"Don't touch me!" Xi Lan pushed him away with one hand, she didn't want to see the evil-driven expression on Li Huai's face.

The other party saw how ignorant she was, as if she had seen through everything, and said with a chuckle, "One day, you will understand, and you will hate those stupid and selfish people in this world just like me!"

She didn't know what day Li Huai said "one day" would be, but she was still slowly accepting that the demon spirit that was slowly awakening in Li Huai's body turned out to be the ephemeral who came back with hatred.

How would she change this soul filled with resentment?

Seeing her stubborn and unwilling to admit defeat, Li Huai finally showed a trace of tenderness in his eyes. He approached, stroked her cheek lightly, and asked her: "Before changing others, at least you should not be changed, Bodhi!" , kindness and integrity will change, what are you insisting on?"

"What if..." She suddenly grabbed his hand and asked him, "What if there is a person who can not be changed by the outside world from the beginning to the end?"

"Are you talking about yourself?" Li Huai looked at her calmly, his eyes were already laughing at her innocence, "When you learned that Zi Xuyuan lied to you, what did you think? Hate? When you see When Feng Xiaofeng dies in front of you, what are you hating? What else can you hold on to? You are obviously wavering, but you have to keep looking for more ridiculous reasons to support yourself. If you linger on this hypocritical road, even if you succeed in cultivation Dao, so what if you are fully enlightened, even those immortals, who can bear the hatred of ten thousand demons like me?"

She looked at him, not knowing how to respond.

When a soul is controlled by resentment, they will only choose to save him.

And when a powerful soul is filled with countless resentments, the only way is to choose to destroy him, right?
To destroy him, in addition to all kinds of reluctance, there is also the unwillingness from the end of reincarnation.

Xi Lan began to hesitate. In the previous life, Bodhi sacrificed herself in order to save a soul that could not be redeemed at all. Is it really worth it?
She even began to suspect that what Li Huai said was true.

This world is so densely covered by evil thoughts and endless greed.Isn't it the same for her fellow disciples who she always believed to be righteous?

Is the path she insisted on really right?

When she couldn't find the exit, Li Huai added a dose of heavy medicine to him.

"Do you know who was going to take you away that day?"

She didn't answer, but stared at him blankly, she knew that he would tell her the answer.

"It's the caravan under Zhu's family!"

In fact, when she was trapped in the carriage that day, she already guessed that the caravan that can pass through the country, besides the wealthy Zhu family, who else is there?

Li Huai asked her again: "Then do you know how Feng Xiaofeng got to Dugu City?"

Her eyes moved slightly, and she felt a little timid in her heart, what he was going to say next.

"Long Xingtian! I arrived in Jiangcheng a month ago!"

"My dad he..."

"Yes, your father is also one of them!"

Xi Lan was like thunder, and almost sat on the ground with weak legs.Li Huai had already grabbed her arm, and asked in a cold voice: "Now tell me, when all of them are on the opposite side, will you still not change your original intention?"

She almost begged and asked him: "My father must have a reason. They all thought you were an evil monster. I want to prove to them that they are wrong. Li Huai, tell me that they are wrong?"

The other party smiled coldly and reminded her: "Long Xilan, don't you understand that there is never a right or wrong in this war? No one can live without blood. Justice is won by victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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