Chapter 238

Long Xilan looked at him with puzzlement and sadness in her eyes.

victory?What she did and asked for had never been related to this, but when she heard Li Huai take it for granted, she was unwilling to refute.

She refused to accept, didn't believe that there is nothing beautiful in this world, she remained silent until her hand was painfully pulled by him, then she said in a low voice, "Li Huai, just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it doesn't exist!"

For a moment, Li Huai was moved by the unwavering firmness in her eyes, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye!
He smiled and asked her, "Really?"

He wants to be the overlord of the world, feared by ghosts and gods, and doesn't need such humble emotions, let alone anyone's pity. He only treats her because she gave him such a way to enter the world and get rid of all demons and hells in her previous life. Chance.

He walked back to the case table and handed her the letter that he didn't want to show her at first, "Then you must prove it to this king, your unchanging belief is good!"

In this letter sent from Gongcheng, there are not too many words, just eight words: help the evil, turn back and be right.

Xi Lan sat on the roof of the attic, staring at those eight characters in a daze for a long time.

Now, is there a way for her to turn back?
Looking back, where can she go?

Opening her palm, under the sunlight, she saw a faint light appearing on her palm.

"It's not easy to hold the ordinary mantra. If you don't have the powerful blessing of Bodhi, you can't control it; the greater the power in your hand, the greater the responsibility you bear. A mantra can change in an instant and save thousands of lives. , can also destroy all living beings, Bodhi, do you understand?"

When she was hesitating, it seemed that the endless master was right in front of her, asking her these words again.

She clenched her hands into fists, it turned out that what she answered back then was so shallow and powerless.

Only by experiencing it for yourself will you truly understand how difficult it is.

Even so, she is more firm in her original belief, no matter how misunderstood by the world, she must shoulder this responsibility, even if her bones are ruined and everyone betrays her relatives...

The ancient city has been quiet and peaceful for a while. Recently, she discovered that Li Huai was gathering troops from the border town, but there was no news from Jinling.

When she appeared outside the camp in that long blue dress, Li Huai remembered that she hadn't left Fengyun Pavilion for several days!
"If you have anything to say, you can wait until the king returns later!" But he stood among the hundreds of troops with an indifferent expression.

But Xi Lan didn't leave, she whispered: "My lord hasn't gone back to Fengyun Pavilion for several days!"

He tilted his head slightly, and the setting sun of autumn, shining on her clear-eyed cheeks, also illuminated the blue color that was rarely seen in a few seasons.

Immediately, he turned around and approached her.

She waited head-on without avoiding it.

"May I accompany you to the front?" The words in these words are full of warmth, which Li Huai would say, but from the cold face of Su Shi, it is rigid.

The most charming thing about autumn in the western region is the Populus euphratica forest on the edge of the Gobi. The strange-shaped trunks survive tenaciously in the driest soil.It is here, a symbol of life, Xi Lan admires its tenacity, and is even more infatuated with the golden and deep red it bestows on the earth under the deep blue sky.Walking among them, she forgot all the differences and disagreements between them. At this moment, she just wanted to tell him: "Pullar euphratica will live for a thousand years without dying, die for a thousand years without falling, and fall for a thousand years without rotting. This kind of persistence does not require any The praise of the world, isn't it?"

The other party knew very well what she wanted to say.

He said indifferently: "Oh, I have a foundation of thousands of years, how can the Zen Tao I have heard be compared to a few dead trees in this desert?"

Her eyes did not change, she nodded and asked him: "Li Huai, do you think these Populus euphratica living in the desert are stupid?"

"It's so stupid, since you have the ability to survive in the desert, why do you have to struggle for thousands of years?"

Hearing this, Xi Lan silently lowered her head.After a long time, she said: "Li Huai, it doesn't matter if you don't want to be a Populus euphratica tree, I would like to stay by your side and be a Populus euphratica tree that is stupid in the eyes of everyone, even you!"

Li Huai was startled when she heard her words, she thought he was touched by her words, so she approached him, gently took his hand and said: "I can do it, Li Huai, do you believe it?"

There was a trace of boredom in the eyes of the other party, and he quickly withdrew his hand, "Don't try to impress this king, only ordinary people will be deceived by these words!"

She frowned slightly, when did she ever think of deceiving him?
He doesn't trust anyone, including her, so he treats anyone and everything indifferently.

"Leave back to Beijing the day after tomorrow!" The cold words reached her ears like a military order.

"Li Huai..." There was surprise in her eyes, did he know it too?

Before she came, a divination had already been made that Concubine Yu Guifei's life expectancy would end!
Seeing Li Huai gathering the army again, she was suspicious, so she went to the camp for a while, and it turned out that it was so, Li Huai wanted to think that his mother was going to the funeral, and the troops returned to the court!
"Mr. Yu——finally, I was able to do one last thing for this king before he passed away." Li Huai still spoke indifferently, but it made Xi Lan's heart ache.

"Li Huai, she is your concubine mother!"

Even though he had the memories of the past and weakened their mutual feelings, Concubine Yu Guifei tried her best to protect Li Huai.

How could he be so cold-blooded and ruthless?

Li Huai emphasized in the same tone as before: "You don't need to remind me who she is, you should also know that life and death have destiny, she died like this, she has to be buried and sealed, and her name will be recorded in the annals of history, which is considered a good death!"

"Okay! Very good! You are really pure!" Xi Lan smiled wryly, she was ruthless, and it would be futile to say more, she might as well save some strength!
After going back that day, she started to pack her bags, and finally she didn't forget to bring the orchid. She put it in a vase and watered it with water, and it didn't dry up for several days, and even a new flower stamen came out!
Yun Yi said: "Xi Orchid, light purple in color, is a fairy grass with spiritual energy. When my master was not sealed in the devil world, Xiaoyao Island was full of this Xi orchid. Later, he was sealed in the devil prison." Afterwards, all the orchids on the island withered, and there was no more one in the three worlds. For hundreds of years, there has been a rumor in the world that when the orchids reappear, they will attract demons into the world ..."

Yunyi has many legends that have been passed down for hundreds of years, and Xi Lan remembers this one most clearly.

"Xi Lan, Xi Lan..." Since her father named her Xi Lan, why didn't he want her to lead the devil into the world?
And the orchid in Xue Ping'an's house, after being transplanted into the coffin palace, grew more orchids overnight, what relationship does he have with these orchids?
When returning to Beijing, 5 people were left to guard the city, and Li Huai set off with only [-] Shenlong troops.After walking for a day, I didn't have to pass through Gongcheng, but I still came!
Later, Xi Lan received Yan Ming's letter from Feige, saying that Gongcheng kept discovering the dead whose hearts had been dug out. He obeyed the order and did not go looking for it without authorization. He happily went to the gate of the city to welcome him. From a distance, he saw the prince wearing purple clothes, riding in the middle of the team with the same air. He wanted to run over, but was blocked by the former Wang Fuwei brothers.

"Yan Ming, don't embarrass us!"

Yan Ming was startled, he thought that the prince came to Gongcheng because he received his letter.

Watching the team go away, he asked puzzledly, "Will the prince not want to see me?"

"Yan Ming, you were expelled by Wangfuwei, how could the prince be willing to see you?"

He naturally didn't believe it, "But the princess clearly said..."

Convenience told him with a stern face: "The present is not what it used to be. It may be a good thing for you to leave Wangfuwei!"

At least left, free, no one can control.

They, the guards of the palace, swore to be loyal to the prince to the death. They would not change in the past, and they would not change in the future.

But in the past, their princes would care about them and live and die with them, but now?

Prince Xu's team quickly passed in front of Yan Ming. During the days when he left, he was like a homeless wanderer. When he saw his former brothers wearing handsome guard armor and marching into the city mightily, he felt ashamed. Happy and nostalgic, but when he was left aside, he couldn't help being hit by the same intense sense of loss.

"It turns out that it was the concubine who comforted me and told lies..."

My lord, I really don't want me anymore!
"Brother Yan!" Suddenly a voice sounded from behind.

Yan Ming looked back, his lost eyes changed a little, he knew the person who called him, his name was Aman, and he was the maidservant beside the princess.

"Brother Yan, Wangfei, please wait at the wind tower in the west of the city at the end of today!"

Only the princess still remembered him, and he had a lot of feelings in his heart, so he agreed immediately. The rest of the time was still early, and he had nowhere to go, so he went to Fenglou to find a table to sit down and wait. an hour.

Xi Lan appeared alone, dressed in men's clothes, no different from those promising swordsmen in the Jianghu.


"Brother Yan, long time no see!" There are many people here, so it is naturally inappropriate for him to call her Princess.

After the two sat down, Yan Ming cleared his voice and said, "Brother Long came this time because of my brother's business?"

"What clue do you have?"

Across the table, Yan Ming leaned forward slightly, and said in a low voice, "Yesterday, there was a new corpse, a martial arts apprentice."

After finishing speaking, Yan Ming handed her a folded piece of paper, she opened it and found that it was a list.

"Inside, there are all the dead in Gongcheng who were heartbroken to death."

Xi Lan read it carefully, and found that Yan Ming's work efficiency was not bad, and the name, gender and age of the deceased were all written in detail.

Looking at it in this way, it can be easily found that the commonality of these deceased is that they are all men!
And many of them are all 27 years old!
"The two deceased in Jiangcheng last time were also 27 years old!"

Yan Ming didn't understand, what did she mean by this, she reminded him: "These people, including the two guards of the palace who were killed in Jiangcheng, were born in the same year as the prince!"

Yan Ming still didn't understand, so she didn't explain it!

"Last time there were twelve dead in Jiangcheng, but there were 34 in Gongcheng, a total of 46 people... What's today's date?"


After hearing this, Xi Lan's expression changed. She grabbed the list on the table and walked outside.

Yan Ming followed and called softly, "Brother Long, can you find my brother?"

"If there are no accidents, it should be tonight!"

Their journey would not have passed through Gongcheng, and she wondered why Li Huai, who was eager to return to Jinling, made a detour to Gongcheng. something!
Coming out of the wind building, they passed the alley behind, and stopped as soon as they walked in.

Yan Ming had already drawn out his big knife, and swiftly stood in front of Xi Lan.

Because ahead, a thin man with a goatee appeared, just blocking the middle of the alley.The light gray gown that this person is wearing is the same as that of ordinary people, there is nothing special about it, but when he stands there, he is different, no wonder Yan Ming will guard against him.

At this moment, a different look appeared in Xi Lan's eyes, she stretched out her hand to push Yan Ming away from her body, and called out in a clear voice: "Father!"

(End of this chapter)

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