Chapter 278

Xi Lan stood in front of the carriage and silently accepted this fact. It didn't take long for the news to spread into the palace. The emperor has always loved this daughter, so he thought he would leave the palace immediately, but there was only a message from the palace. The imperial decree to ask Dali Temple to thoroughly investigate the cause of the princess' death.

This pear courtyard is usually guarded by an old man, it is not popular at all, it is very desolate, and it is this cold winter, when Changle's body is carried out, the depression brought by death makes her breathless.

"I've seen it all, let's go back!" Li Huai said coldly from the carriage.

"Li Huai, people should be affectionate. Although Changle is not my own sister, she calls me Huangsao from the bottom of her heart, and I saw her future shortly after I came to the capital. The reason for this and The murderer, I want to catch it with my own hands!"

Hearing her dark voice, the other party had expected it a long time ago, and waved to his guard, who led the carriage back!
He accompanied her here, is he doing his best?

From the shadow of the leaving carriage, Xi Lan only read this, and there was a layer of disappointment in her eyes. She thought that he was slowly becoming a human being, but in fact, her relatives did not recognize her.

He doesn't care who will die today and why, he only cares about who will harm him and who will stand in his way.

Xi Lan turned around and saw that they had parked Changle's body at the gate. The princess died, and Li Xiaosi, who was in charge of funerals in the palace, would come to take over, but because the cause of the princess' death became a mystery, before that, the Dali Temple would check it out. The corpse is waiting for Mr. Song from Dali Temple to investigate the case. The father-in-law of Li Xiaosi said that the princess has a high status, and she is not allowed to use the knife, only to watch.

She walked over, surrounded by the loyal servants of the princess mansion, all crying together.

"Princess—" Someone saw her and made way for her.

"I want to see Princess Changle!"

This request is not too much. With her status there, no one dared to stop her. Only an adjutant in military uniform reminded her: "Princess, it's better not to look at her!"

Xi Lan ignored it, she went to the side of the stretcher, gently lifted the white cloth covering it, and saw that Chang Le still had her eyes open, with sadness in her surprise, and this was the last expression she left in the world, that is to say , she was not afraid when she died, she just didn't expect that she would be this fate.

She took another look at the dress on Chang Le's body. It was the same pink satin skirt she wore when she saw Chang Le in the afternoon. At this moment, it was covered with blood. With the naked eye, it could be seen that Chang Le was stabbed by a sharp weapon. Judging from the shape of the punctured skirt, the sharp weapon should be a long sword.

His gaze finally fell on Chang Le's bun, which was the bun she combed for Chang Le in the afternoon; Chang Le asked her at that time: Sister-in-law, do you think His Royal Highness will like it when he sees Chang Le like this?

Perhaps it was because of her impetuous temper that she couldn't even wait for this night, so she sneaked out to see His Royal Highness, right?
Xi Lan closed Changle's eyes with her own hands, then covered them with a white cloth, raised her head and searched for the figure of His Royal Highness in the surrounding crowd, and soon, her four eyes met!

At this time, people from Dali Temple had arrived, and a group of people had ugly expressions. The emperor's favorite princess, Princess Changle, died the night before the wedding in the emperor's favorite prince Xu's house. Find the murderer within seven days.

Now the people in Dali Temple are about to start a thorough investigation of the case. According to the gatekeeper, he doesn't know when the princess will appear in this other courtyard, and no one comes over on weekdays. At that time in the afternoon, he is usually in the east courtyard. Sleeping behind the gate, and found that the west courtyard of Princess Changle had been sealed off a year ago. When the people from the princess mansion came to look for it, they happened to see that the seal of the west courtyard had been torn. They found Changle lying in the west courtyard by the lake.

Changle went to look for Mo Gongyi, why did he end up in another courtyard?
All the doubts and incomprehensions in her eyes were fully written, everyone's attention was on Mr. Song, Xi Lan walked directly towards Mo Gongyi, and asked in a deep voice: "Why?"

Two words, like carrying a thousand catties of weight.A long time ago, she had seen a vision about Chang Le's death. Looking at Chang Le's expression when she died, she was sure that Mo Gongyi was definitely there at that time. If the murderer of Chang Le was this person, why did he do this? ?

"What did the concubine ask? Xiao Wang doesn't understand!" Mo Gongyi's expression showed a bit of disappointment.

Xi Lan sneered, disregarding the many pairs of eyes around her, and asked directly: "You never really wanted to marry Changle, don't you feel disgusted by pretending to be here now? Mo Gongyi! Why? You even married Changle? Such a simple child can do it? Huh?"

"Princess—" Song Ziyao was already familiar with her. Hearing her outrageous remarks, he was naturally worried for her, and came over to remind her to stop talking!

She didn't stop talking, Changle died when she was born, and she was sent to Concubine Yu to be raised. Although the emperor loves her, but in this conspiratorial imperial city, the imperial concubine who has been loved by thousands of people all her life, is not. With such a tragic way to end this life, even at this moment when the news of her death spread, how many people are there who are dearest and dearest to her?Now, she wants to ask Chang Le, why?
"Mo Gongyi, do you know? Changle has admired you since the first time she saw you. She regards you as the most beautiful man in the world, and takes pride in marrying you. She vows to be with you for the rest of her life." Abandon, you don't need to love her, why do you want to kill her?"

Mo Gongyi didn't speak, but his entourage said, "Concubine Xu, we must provide evidence in everything. Our prince has been running around all night looking for the princess. Your slander is simply spitting blood!"

She snorted coldly, "It's hard work for him to put on a show all night, knowing where Changle is, and leading people all over the city to find..."

The man said again: "Speaking of which, the person who directed us to find the princess here is Princess Xu. How did the princess know that the princess's body is in this courtyard?"

This fellow is eloquent, and he pointed the finger at Xi Lan in just a few words. When she told everyone, she was not afraid!

"Since my princess came back from the princess mansion in the afternoon, I have been taking care of the little prince in the palace. There are hundreds of pairs of eyes in the palace watching. I ask how this princess knows?" Her eyes moved to Mo Gongyi, and she was full of disappointment. "My princess had a dream, and I just dreamed that the princess died in this other courtyard, so I went to the princess mansion with the prince overnight, but the nightmare came true. Changle has always been close to this princess, I'm afraid it's like this I am unwilling to die tragically, so I hope that my sister-in-law can help her seek justice. God is watching, do you want evidence? Okay, I will find evidence for you!"

Everyone saw how bold she was, no one dared to interrupt!

Xi Lan called out in a deep voice: "Please also invite Mrs. Song and this princess to go to another courtyard for a while!"

Song Ziyao naturally followed closely. This time, they first wanted to figure out why Changle appeared in the other courtyard.

"When the princess was found, the door of the west courtyard was closed, but the seal was torn off!"

People from Dali Temple checked the seal and came over to report: "It seems that the seal has been torn for a while, Wangfei, look!"

She observed carefully and found that the dust on the seal did not appear to have just happened in the past few days, it must have been uncovered before then, and this other courtyard has been vacant for too long, and the old guard is also jealous of this. By the side, no one has ever been found here.

Xi Lan opened the door and went in, and came to the place where Chang Le's body was found, there was still a big puddle of blood on it, she walked around again, because it snowed two days ago, the courtyard road next to it was not dry yet, someone walked over it They will all leave footprints, a large group of people came in just now, naturally many footprints were left on them, but one of them still caught her attention, she raised her head and asked: "Among all the people who came in together just now, is there a woman? "

"Only a dozen or so brothers from our team who were looking for the whereabouts of the princess came here. After discovering the princess, Wang Shizi ordered someone to carry out the body carefully. The female family members of the princess mansion are all at the gate!"

She nodded, pointed to the footprints in the mud and said to Song Ziyao, "This footprint is so small, it should belong to a woman."

Song Ziyao replied: "It may also be Princess Changle's own."

"Changle's feet are smaller than this one, and the size of this foot should be about the same as mine!"

The other party recalled it and found that she was right. "That is to say, when the princess died, there was a woman here! Could it be..." Song Ziyao had an idea in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out.

"Chang Le has no other wounds on her body, she was not taken here captive, she should have come here on her own initiative..."

As he was talking, the boy who ran in quickly said, "Princess!"

Xi Lan squinted at the other party, "What's the matter?"

"The general invites the princess to return to the residence!"

Her eyes sank, what are you asking her to do at this time?But she didn't hesitate, instead she said with a righteous attitude: "Okay, since everyone has come to invite me, I want to see what the hell your master and Wang Shizi are trying to hide!"

(End of this chapter)

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