The psychic Xi ​​Lan

Chapter 279 The Unbearable Truth

Chapter 279 The Unbearable Truth

Xi Lan agreed, and explained a few words to Song Ziyao, and then led people to follow the young man to Jifu.

Although she was still calm and imposing just now, but during the time sitting in the carriage, her palms were sweating a lot. She had always had a guess in her heart, and she didn't know whether this trip would be revealed!
When he arrived outside Ji's mansion, Ji Jinjiang personally came out to pick her up. He was still such a well-promoted and upright man, but Xi Lan saw a murderous look all over him. He said lightly, "Go in, my lord father is waiting for you!"

It's such a simple sentence, and there is not even a redundant expression. She doesn't have much relationship with this family, and the others are fine, but Ji Jinjiang is the one who brought her into all this in the first place. , They also had a chat for a while, but until now, this person is still a mystery in her eyes.

Followed behind the other party and went in, shuttling through the cumbersome courtyard of the palace. Xi Lan has been here countless times, but every time she walked inside, she wanted to escape from the bottom of her heart. Did you come here to ask me not to meddle in Changle's affairs?"

The other party stopped and didn't look back, but from her point of view, it could be seen that the other party's face was serious, and he replied: "Since you know, why do you need to intervene? You still say such inappropriate words under the watchful eyes of everyone?"

She couldn't help sneering in her heart, how long did it take for the words she said against Mo Gongyi to reach General Ji's ears.

The two of them didn't talk anymore. Later, Xi Lan came to the living room where he saw Qiao Wanzhi last time. At this time, it was almost dawn, and Ji Changqian and Qiao Wanzhi were both there.

"Here?" Ji Changgan sat beside a high square table, and Qiao Wanzhi sat next to him. The two of them were like two mountains, creating a very depressing atmosphere in this originally spacious hall.

Now that Xi Lan knew the other party's motives, she didn't go around the circle, and she was not interested in connecting with this family. She said bluntly: "If the general wants to prevent me from intervening in the investigation of Chang Le's death, then there is no need to waste words! "

In the eyes of the general with a thick and compelling aura, there was a bit of frivolous contempt for her.She pretended she hadn't seen her at all, and said, "If the general hadn't sent someone to call me over, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to conclude that my guess is right!"

As soon as the words came out, the other party's brows and eyes moved slightly, "Your guess?"

She is smart and meticulous, and she has already had her own guesses. She raised her head, squinted at the old and respectable cheeks of the other party, and asked: "The Ji family chose to marry Xu Wangfu, but they have repeatedly been involved with Mo Gongyi." Qing, what is the reason for this?"

There was no one else in the hall, and her voice was clearly heard by the three of them.These people are very calm, and she doesn't want to be confessed easily by her in just one or two sentences. She doesn't give up, and asks more directly: "General Ji, who was the woman who was at the scene when Chang Le died?" Just staring straight into those dreadful eyes.

The other party didn't answer her question, as if he was thinking about something, or brewing something.

Xi Lan looked at Qiao Wanzhi beside her, and asked, "Then tell me, who is that woman?"

There was a complicated look in Qiao Wanzhi's eyes. Just like last time, when this woman saw her, she always had a look of pain that she had a lot of troubles but didn't want to tell.After learning from Father Long that she was not a descendant of the Long family, Xi Lan once didn't know who she was, and even wondered why the person who gave birth to her would want her?After 18 years, let her replace another daughter, two identical baby girls, how did they make the choice to abandon her?

"Aren't you going to answer?" There was sarcasm in her voice, and she said again: "Didn't Changle see something she shouldn't have seen, so she was killed and silenced? What did she see?"

"Long Xilan, you should know your identity, what to ask and what not to ask!" The general's unhappy voice was full of warnings.

She chuckled and said: "My identity? Before I was in front of the princess, I was used to being free and wild, and I didn't listen to others, let alone the powerful, and with my current identity, I don't think I should listen to you, General Ji." Just order to shut up!"

A little disdain appeared on Ji Changgan's face, "Do you really think that you can ignore the old man's orders by taking the position of Princess Xu? Don't forget, who helped you to that position!"

"Hehe, you don't need to remind me, General. I always remember who is planning to get involved, and I remember very clearly that who was planning to stab me in the back when he was accused of being a demon!" She abandoned her when she was born a few years ago, but now when she comes back, she is ready to abandon her when she is useless. If these are her blood relatives, she is really puzzled. How can there be such a thing in this world? Such a cold-blooded family?
Xi Lan did have a lot of grievances and complaints in her heart, and she wanted to try to tolerate these people, but as Li Huai said, some people don't know how to stop, and they will only go too far.

The Ji family is like this, in order to hide a secret, they can get rid of innocent people without mercy.

Now, the purpose of her coming here is to know the truth about Changle's death, and she doesn't want to get entangled with this family any longer. She solemnly asked: "There is no need to talk about other redundant nonsense, just answer me, Changle's death , because after seeing Mo Gongyi and someone he shouldn't have seen, he was killed and silenced, right?"

When Changle died, there was definitely a woman, but Ji's family tried their best to prevent her from investigating, so it was only right for her to suspect that it was Ji's head.

Ji Jinjiang, who had been silent all this time, began to persuade: "Long Xilan, you should calm down after talking so much. If you still want to stay in Prince Xu's Mansion, you'd better not ask about this matter."

No matter how she heard this sentence, she felt that there was another meaning. When she looked back, she saw another person walking in from the gate behind Ji Jinjiang.

How would Xi Lan describe the mood of that face? Anyway, it's not the first time. When she saw this face for the first time, her life changed completely!

Seeing it again, she was still standing there in amazement; the person who came in had the same face as her, but the woman was dressed like a girl when she was not out of the cabinet, and Xi Lan was dressed like a princess. They had the same two faces, but There are worlds of difference, one is innocent, one is mature, one is the daughter of the Hou family who has been raised in the deep boudoir, gentle and elegant, and the other has experienced many hardships and obstacles in the same years, one of them represents this time, the most beautiful The view, and the other, is full of all the gloom in the world.

She used to always think about what kind of woman Ji Jinhua would be, who could make the elegant Prince Xian give up her heart, but now that she finally sees her, the uneasy feeling in her heart can be imagined.

"Xi Lan!" Ji Jinhua smiled at her. She couldn't see any malice in the other party, as if a friend she had known for a long time was calling her name.

But Xi Lan couldn't smile at her, with contradictions and confusion on her face, she sighed sullenly: "You really didn't die, when I saw your body, you didn't die!"

In fact, she suspected that Ji Jinhua was not dead a long time ago. At that time, she met a flower seller girl on the street. The girl handed her flowers and said they were hers, but she never thought of buying them. Flowers, presumably at that time, the person who bought the flowers was not her at all, but Ji Jinhua. When the other party found her coming, he left in a hurry, so the flower girl gave her the flowers; Seeing a person who looks exactly like her hugging Ji Changgan, she thought it was her at the time, but after so long, she firmly believed that it would not be her, so there is only one answer, the person in the illusion is not at all She is just a person who looks the same as herself; also, Changle heard people say that she saw Prince Wang having a private meeting with her... All of this is this woman, Ji Jinhua!

"Yes, I'm not dead, thank you for doing so much for me for so long!" Ji Jinhua said to her softly, although they have exactly the same face and similar voices, but the tone of their speech is different Can tell, the difference is huge.

Xi Lan frowned slightly, "I will do it for you?"

Only then did the other party stop smiling, and changed to an expression that owed her: "I should have borne everything you have done, so it is only natural that Jin Hua should thank you. I am really grateful looking at you!"

"I don't need your gratitude!" Xi Lan's expression became more and more incomprehensible, even flustered.She emphasized: "Everything I do is not for you!"

Everything she did was from her original intention, so she didn't need anyone to be grateful!

She turned to look at Qiao Wanzhi, then at Ji Jinjiang, her voice was trembling because of the ups and downs of emotions, and she asked: "You asked me to replace her not because she died, but because it was on the day I was born. It's all figured out, right?"

Father Long once said that more than ten years ago, he agreed to one of Qiao Wan's conditions, and she knew that at that time, these people would have planned everything.

No one answered her, she finally found a little debt in the face of Qiao Wanzhi and Ji Jinjiang, but this debt made Long Xilan more and more disgusted, what kind of people are these people?Why?Why do two identical children abandon one of them and let her grow up to replace the other?
"It's been almost 19 years in a flash, and you really look exactly like that child..." That day at the villa in the snow mountain, what the phantom mother-in-law said when she saw her for the first time suddenly echoed in her mind.

Mrs. Rong Guo told her: "Phantom mother-in-law 18 years ago, she went to Ji's mansion to deliver her baby!"

The phantom mother-in-law holds a phantom, which is specially used for people to extend their lives.The children she delivered were not normal reincarnation children. Li Xu was like this, so did she come like this 18 years ago?
"Since you already know everything!" Qiao Wanzhi stood up at this moment, and she walked slowly towards Xi Lan, as if she was going to confess everything!But Xi Lan was very afraid of what she would say next, yes, she was so smart, as long as she was given a small clue, she could associate and guess, but she really couldn't bear the answers guessed by these clues.

Qiao Wanzhi asked her: "Your father must tell you that you are not a child of the Long family anymore?"

She looked at her mother's face in her memory and kept silent.

Qiao Wanzhi took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Actually, you are not Chang Gan's and I's child, you are transformed from a phantom orchid flower after the ghost woman photographed the soul of the painting with a magic mirror. .”

You are the soul of the fantasy woman who used the magic mirror to take pictures of the painting, and you are transformed from an orchid flower...

When Xi Lan first heard the answer, she took a few steps back in panic, and knocked down the antique vase on the cabinet, throwing it all over the floor. She refused to believe the story she told, and shook her head vigorously to emphasize: "No, no, no, I am the seventh generation descendant of No.20 of the Long family, I am the reincarnation of Bodhi Xiaoni, I..."

This was the deepest and clearest fact she remembered since she could remember, no matter where she went, she always remembered it.

Qiao Wanzhi sighed helplessly at her again, and told her: "No, Bodhi's reincarnation is not you, but Hua'er. Before she was born, I frequently dreamed of Bodhi making a vow in front of the Buddha. At that time, I I know that Bodhi Star will be reincarnated, but I know what kind of mission Bodhi needs to carry in reincarnation, I can't bear it, so I invite Grandma Huan to be a substitute for Hua'er, and that is you—although you were born in an illusion , but it became a life after all, Long Xingtian couldn't bear it, so he asked you to go back and raise you..."

"Shut up, I don't believe such absurd stories, how could I not? How could I not?" She really couldn't accept everything they told her at once, and suddenly broke down and shouted at the other party, covering her ears and refusing to listen.

She thought, this must be another conspiracy of the Ji family, yes, that's right, their Ji family is the best at planning these conspiracies!
Looking up, she saw sympathetic faces. These people seemed to really love her, and she was very disgusted.

(End of this chapter)

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