Chapter 287
Xi Lan didn't hesitate, she said urgently: "Little Sixth Uncle, this divine pearl has protected you for the rest of your life, and it will definitely protect you this time. You won't die, you won't..."

"It's Little Sixth Uncle who is old. Even if he is ten years younger, that little boy Bai Ye won't be able to touch a single hair of my hair!" Although the other party was seriously injured, he was still unconvinced!

"Little Sixth Uncle, stop talking!" She blocked his wound with her hand, and could feel the dampness from the warm liquid. It was the same way when Xiaofeng and Uncle Feng died at that time, the blood stopped. Unstoppable flow.

Little Sixth Uncle looked at her worriedly and asked again, "Do you remember what Uncle said just now?"

Xi Lan knew that these were his last words, so she nodded sadly and reluctantly, "Xiao Lan, remember it!"

"Also, everyone knows that Yi Huazhu can give people the speed of the wind, but it also has a potential ability..."

When the other party said this, she suddenly lost her voice, her eyes panicked, and she shouted loudly: "Little Sixth Uncle! Little Sixth Uncle!"

Little Sixth Uncle died just like that, and she didn't even have time to say his last sentence clearly. She thought, this is fate, she had no chance to know about Yi Huazhu's other potential ability, she looked at Sixth Uncle's body, Listening to the sound of wind and snow, self-blame instantly occupied her whole body and mind.

Zi Xuyuan in the distance heard her cry, knew that the person had gone, ran back quickly, and saw her kneeling on the ground, looking uncomfortable, he walked over, gently covered the eyes of Senior Six Hands with his hands, and said softly: "Xi Lan, Uncle Six Hands is gone!"

"I know!" Xi Lan didn't move her eyes, her voice was weak, "I killed it, I killed it..."

Of course the other party didn't want to see her like this, and emphasized very forcefully: "The one who killed him is obviously Bai Ye, so what has it to do with you?"

"If I hadn't insisted on going with you, if I hadn't been discovered by Bai Ye, Sixth Uncle wouldn't have lost his life in vain because of me!" She thought that she was strong enough to ignore those mobsters, but She couldn't avoid it, and others were hurt because of her.

"You came here to look for your father, these people are pestering you, how can you blame you?"

She was distracted, and asked herself in a low voice: "That is also the sin I committed, do I have to repay it in this way?"

Zi Xuyuan hated him for not contending and scolded: "Xi Lan, I don't like you like this. Little Sixth Uncle volunteered to help you. This is also his destiny. He should know it well, but he helped you. But let you become this self-pity and self-indignation, death is too worthless!"

She was stunned, as if she was awakened by the truth in the other party's words.

"Xu Yuan, you are right! If I am defeated by them like this, everything Little Sixth Uncle has done today will be in vain!"

Seeing that she could still understand, the other party sighed in relief.

Later, they found a quiet place at the foot of the mountain and made a cemetery for Uncle Liu.

Because the snow was too thick, Xi Lan dug alone for a long time, and finally a small bump was raised in the snow.

"Xi Lan, how to write this tombstone?" Zi Xuyuan cut a piece of pine wood with a sword, and carved it into the shape of the tombstone with his bare hands.

She didn't think too much, and replied in a deep voice: "Little Sixth Uncle has no descendants, and I learned Shadowless Hand from him for a few days before, so he is my master! In order to avoid his former enemies, come to disturb his old man An Ning, don't use his name. The sixth uncle's surname is Liu, and his name is Liu Xiaoniu. When he first entered the rivers and lakes, he felt that this name did not match his occupation, so he changed Xiaoniu to Xiaoliu and added " Hand', few people know his real name."

Zi Xuyuan nodded, "So that's where the name came from. Then engrave the tomb of your teacher Liu Xiaoniu?"

"it is good!"

As soon as it was said to be carved, Zi Xuyuan's knife skills were really good, and a few words were clearly carved on the tombstone in strong and powerful fonts.

The two of them kowtowed respectively and walked down the mountain!

"Where are we going next?" When they arrived at Beili Pavilion, the heavy snow had not stopped, so they took shelter from the wind and snow in Beili Pavilion.

Xi Lan thought about going to Bai Ye and Fang Yuan to avenge Little Sixth Uncle again, but Zi Xuyuan advised her not to go for the time being, firstly, she had exhausted a lot of energy in Bailian Temple and needed to rest, secondly, it was hard for them Come out, what will happen when you go back?

"Then let's find my father first!" She suggested, she didn't know if her father got the news of Little Sixth Uncle's death, but no matter what, she still wanted to bring the news.

Also, the scene of breaking off relationship with her father last time is still vivid in her memory, she still doesn't know whether her father will accept her again now, and she feels very uneasy.

"The Master of the Dragon Gate taught you his lifelong knowledge, and never treated you as an outsider, and you are also his closest relative in this world, as a parent, how could he really be so cruel that he doesn't want you?"

After hearing Zi Xuyuan's comfort, Xi Lan felt a little comforted in her heart, "Yes, my father is strict and cold on the surface, but in his heart, he is just an ordinary father!"

The other party asked her again: "Then where are we going to find the Dragon Gate Master?"

"Us?" Xi Lan recalled the promise about them traveling around Kyushu, she had been looking forward to it since the day she left the palace, and when she was asked again, something seemed to change in her heart.

"Go back to Tianmen Town, find another place with mountains and rivers, build a unique courtyard for my father, and spend his old age with him peacefully."

Zi Xuyuan smiled slightly when he heard this, he leaned on the pavilion pillar, looked at the snow scene outside, and said comfortably: "Okay, then I will carry water and chop firewood, you weave clothes and cook, and honor your father together!"

Xi Lan frowned slightly, and said softly: "No, Xu Yuan, you shouldn't be buried in a small place like Tianling Town. I hope you can go back to Nanxian Mountain and practice with your master..."

The other party's expression sank immediately: "Smelly girl, you don't mean anything!"

"Yeah, I don't mean anything, Xuyuan, but I can promise you that during this period, we can go around and help those in need together. After we find my father, we will return to Tianling Town , you go back to Nanxian Mountain and be your Taoist priest!"

"Hmph!" Zi Xuyuan turned his face away angrily, he had waited for so long, thinking that he could finally see the moonlight when the clouds opened, but all her life still excluded him!
Xi Lan knows that he is angry, and he should be angry too, but she has her own ideas. Zi Xuyuan came here to fulfill her long-cherished wish of not being able to cultivate the Dao in the previous life. He missed his chance to gain enlightenment.

"Xu Yuan, do you still remember what your master said to you when you went down the mountain?"

"Smelly girl, I don't want to talk to you, don't talk to me!"

"Okay!" She stood up in a self-deprecating manner, and walked out of the pavilion. The fire for heating was almost gone, so she had to find some.

A hundred miles away, on the north wall of Jinling, a man in a white fur coat gazed at the north. It had been snowing for three days, and the outside was already icy and snowy. The group of tall Wangfu guards behind him were too cold by the ghostly weather, but with the military discipline there, they didn't even have a chance to rub their hands and stamp their feet. Zhuang Zhimou knew this very well. In order to prevent everyone from being frozen into popsicles, he boldly stepped forward Go ask: "My lord, why don't we go back to the palace and wait for the news? It's too cold, it won't be good if you get sick in a while!"

Naturally, he wasn't worried that the lord was sick, the lord couldn't be sick!

Li Huai did not respond. At this time, several hidden guards quickly ran up the tower, and they were the first to report: "Yesterday, a group of masked men sneaked into Xiyang Lake Xiancuiju, and they were all beheaded. It must be someone from the Eastern Palace!"

"Excellent!" On the other side of Xiyang Lake, there is Lou Kuo who is being imprisoned by him. Donggong went there to find someone, naturally to give Mongolia an explanation, but he was not what they wanted.

At this time, another secret guard reported: "The Palace of Qiankun has been completely sealed, but the subordinates still found out that the emperor has gone crazy!"

There was no sympathy in Li Huai's cold eyes, but he said in a sympathetic tone: "He has been a wife and son all his life, but he was also plotted by his wife and children to death, but he has protected the king for half his life, and the king will definitely guard this place for him." A piece of land."

The No. 3 secret guard randomly came to report: "The gangsters in the White Lotus Temple seem to be fighting among themselves. The inquiring people heard harsh fighting sounds coming from inside, but they were afraid of being discovered, so they didn't approach."

He waved his hand, as if he had seen what happened at that time, and sent the three spies away!
"Only three of the hidden guards came back?" Li Huai asked Zhuang Zhimou coldly behind him.

Zhuang Zhimou was about to nod his head and say yes, when another late guard came running up.

"My lord!"

"Why is it late?"

The dark guard touched his cold sweat quietly and was about to explain, but he avoided it for the first time, "Just tell me the news."

With the heavy snow outside, the road from Beiliting might not be easy. It was normal at that moment.

"She and that Zi Daoist have been staying in Beiliting for two days, as if they were waiting for someone, I heard her say from afar..."

"say what?"

The dark guard imitated Xi Lan's tone and said: "Let's go back to Tianling Town, find a place with mountains and rivers, build a unique courtyard for my father, and spend her old age with her!"

What else was said later, the spies were afraid of being discovered and dared not listen anymore, after all, it was really difficult to track two masters in a deserted place.

"Let's go back to Tianling Town..." Li Huai repeated these words, his eyes flickering thoughtfully.You don't have to see it yourself, you can imagine such a comfortable life.After a long time, he withdrew his dim eyes and sighed two words: "Excellent."

Zhuang Zhimou knew long ago that the person the spies were talking about was Long Xilan, but he didn't know that the prince obviously had a different feeling for the princess, so why did he let her leave with such a cold attitude?
He has never loved anyone, but he thought, after experiencing so many lives and deaths, why should they separate?Is it just because the prince needs the support of the Ji family?
"Zhuang Zhimou!"

When he was thinking about these problems, Li Huai, who was walking in front, suddenly called his name.

"What are your orders from the lord?"

"You have been thinking so much recently, is it because you are too free?"

His expression immediately became tense, and he knew his mistake: "This subordinate knows his mistake!"

Li Huai didn't say anything else, and got into the carriage at the bottom of the city tower to go back to the palace.

When he arrived at the gate of the palace, he saw Ji Jinhua standing at the gate wearing a cloak, his demure and gentle face was in stark contrast to the cold snow.

He walked over and glanced at the other person's face, "Why are you staying here when it's snowing so much?"

Although the words were meant to show concern, his blunt tone and ice-sculpted handsome face were too cold and unattainable.

Ji Jinhua lowered his head slightly, and replied softly: "My lord, is there something wrong with Jinhua?"

He tilted his head slightly, "Why did the princess ask such a question?"

"It's not bad, why is my lord..." She was embarrassed to say what she said later.But they all knew what she was talking about.

That night he clearly promised her to stay, but he left after eating. He didn't even give her a reason, only letting her rest well.

After all, she is also a respectable young lady. She was treated like this, and her self-esteem was hurt, but she couldn't see him for a few days, so when he was away, she waited at the gate. If she didn't believe it, he wouldn't... come back here.

"Your stubborn temper is somewhat similar to her!" Li Huai said lightly.

Ji Jinhua's eyebrows were slightly tight, and he was about to say something when he heard him say, "But it's in the wrong place."

Long Xilan is indeed stubborn, but she will not waste time on such boring things, even if he does not come back, she will go to live her own life, take care of and help others, this may have something to do with what she was born to do Bar!Ji Jinhua is different. She was born in a famous family and has no worries about food and clothing since she was a child. She has been served by countless servants. She is used to being cared for and taken care of. Hold on to a brooding matter.

"Since she is so good in your heart, why do you let her go?"

When Li Huai was walking towards the mansion, Ji Jinhua's confused question came from behind him. He stopped, and the other party thought that he was attracted by her question, so he followed her closer.

Who knows, but he asked her softly: "Have you seen the bodhi relic?"

The other party nodded.

"What color is it?"


He asked with certainty: "Black? Not ink?"

"Black, pure black!" Ji Jinhua emphasized.

There was deep meaning in his eyes, "Oh?"

"Does it matter?"

"No, I'm just curious. Let's see what the relics from your previous life will look like." After he finished speaking, he smiled and said, "It's time for dinner, right? Do you want me to accompany you to dinner?" ?”

"My lord doesn't want to be with you, so why bother to force a smile?" Ji Jinhua still has some temper after all, saying this, he really did what she wanted, "Then I will go and see Xuer!"

Later, Xi Lan and his wife walked hundreds of miles to the north and went to two cities to search for news about Father Long, but they found nothing.

"The farther you go north, the colder it gets. According to my hexagram, your father is not in the north, but in these small towns north of the capital." When they were eating noodles at a small noodle shop, Zi Xuyuan guessed road.

"What is my father doing here?" After she asked, she found that Zi Xuyuan was eating noodles with a sullen head, as if he had something on his mind.

"The last time I heard Miao Qu on the White Lotus Temple, what kind of magical method is your father practicing to eliminate demons? What is it? I have never heard of it before? What kind of magical method can have such great power?"

Zi Xuyuan wiped his mouth with his sleeve and said: "Do you think someone like my father would tell me this?"

This is to tell her, he doesn't know, right?Zi Xuyuan probably wouldn't lie to him, she also fully believed that this brat is the person she trusts the most, she touched the Yihua bead on her neck and said: "Xuyuan, when Little Sixth Uncle gave me this bead , let me not give it to anyone, although he confessed correctly, but I feel that he seemed to have some concerns at that time."

The other party immediately thought that Uncle Xiao Liu wanted to dismiss him that day, and said bluntly: "This proves that Senior Xiao Liu no longer trusts anyone except you? At least, he doesn't trust me!"

"Well, Little Sixth Uncle has died countless times in his life, and there are very few people he trusts. You have never dealt with him, so it is reasonable for him not to trust you." After Xi Lan finished speaking, she saw a big bald man walking in from outside the noodle shop. It was very familiar, she took a second look, the big man had come to their table, she subconsciously reached for the long sword under the table, Zi Xuyuan called her softly, "No problem."

The man respectfully said to Zi Xuyuan: "My lord—"

As if he was afraid of Long Xilan who was next to him, that person didn't continue talking.

Xi Lan also knew what was going on, she stood up and stretched, and said, "I'll go outside to get some air."

The other party nodded at her, and she came to the alley behind the noodle shop, bit off her left hand, and drew a talisman on her right.

After a while, Zi Xuyuan came out from inside with an apology on his face. "Xi Lan, I'm afraid I have to leave for a while."

"Oh." She seemed to have expected it, and asked, "Did your father tell you to go back?"

"Of course he wants me to go back, and he was very angry because of the incident at the White Lotus Temple last time. I have to go back, and I will be back in about a day. You can find an inn in this city to stay!" All the purses were given to Xi Lan.

"My son is naturally angry when he confronts me. You should go back and comfort him as an old man." Xi Lan said in a normal manner.

Zi Xuyuan also knew her free and easy temperament, so he didn't care about these things, thinking of going early and returning early, he pointed in the direction of the big man just now. "Then I'm leaving!"

Xi Lan nodded, "Go, go!"

After all, he was still worried, "Why don't you go with me?"

"It's better not to go, in case your father fights with me and you don't know who to help!" Xi Lan replied with a smile.

"Then be careful!"

"Stinky boy!" Seeing that he was about to turn around, Xi Lan stopped him again and said. "Shall I hug you?"

"Ah?" The brat was flattered, why did he act like he was about to meet, "You don't have any conspiracy, do you?"

She pulled her expression down, "Forget it, let's go!"

"Then... give me a hug!" He blushed, and opened his arms like a boy who had never seen a girl before, his sleeves fluttering in the snow wind.

Xi Lan strode over and put her arms around his waist.

Immediately, Zi Xuyuan felt a joy of flying into the sky, he pursed his lips and smiled sweetly, did the stinky girl finally change her mind?Hahahahaha!
But she didn't want to, the smelly girl hugged him and patted him on the back twice, "Be careful along the way, come back quickly, or I'll beat you!"

She hit him twice, almost causing him to jump away in pain, "Why are you so hard?"

"I'm trying so hard, come and hug me again!"

"Don't!" Zi Xuyuan raised his head, "I won't hit you, brat!"

Xi Lanhai smiled playfully, "Then you should leave quickly!"

"Let's go!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and left!
She looked at his back, and her expression gradually became serious. For some reason, when the big man appeared just now, she felt very uneasy, but Zi Xuyuan was going to see his father. Could it be that his father would be unfavorable to him? ?So she had to stick a spell on his back that could trace his whereabouts.If Zi Xuyuan didn't come back after a day, she would go find him.

This night, it was eerily quiet.

Xi Lan was tossing and turning on the wooden bed in the inn, so she took out the Yi Huazhu around her neck and held it in her hand to read.Little Sixth Uncle can travel through the invisible with this magic bead, so why don't she give it a try, so she put on her coat and stood on the window sill of the inn to concentrate. At the beginning, it was not very smooth, because her body was simultaneously There is Long Ningzhu, when she uses the spell, the ability of Long Ningzhu will also come out, she can't distinguish between the two forces proficiently, and she falls all the way downstairs, fortunately there is a pile of blood underneath, there is nothing but cold Injured, she sat up from the snowdrift and tried again. This time, she moved successfully, and the speed was very fast. In an instant, the shadow of the inn was no longer visible!

"Ah!" It's a pity that the sudden speed made it difficult for her to grasp it, and she crashed into a big tree. Although she had been trying to slow down, she still knocked herself out.

She was lying on the street of this strange ancient city, and then had a dream. She dreamed that Li Huai was sitting cross-legged beside her, meditating with his eyes closed. red light.

"Li Huai? Am I dreaming?" She sat up, unable to believe her eyes.

"Yeah, you're dreaming!" Unexpectedly, Li Huai really turned back to her. He opened his eyes and looked at her. His eyes slowly moved from her face to her chest.

At this moment, the orange Yihuazhu is shining brightly.

"I won't give you the divine bead!" Regardless of whether it was a dream or not, her first thought was that Li Huai had come to control her for this divine bead!

Li Huai's brows and eyes showed a misty look, "Since it's here with you, you have to take good care of it."

As if he cared about the bead, Xi Lan curled her lips and asked, "Then what are you doing in my dream?"

He didn't answer, and continued to close his eyes, like a practitioner in the fairy world, with nothing in his mind.

Xi Lan woke up not long after, her head was bumped by the tree, she rubbed her head to look at the place where Li Huai sat in the dream, there was nothing, let alone any trace of someone sitting there.

"It really is a dream!" She sat for a moment in a daze, not knowing if it was true that Li Huai had wandered into her dream, or if she was thinking about it day and night.Immediately, she got up from the snow and grinned, "But it would be nice if I could look at you like that."

She walked back to the inn, but as soon as she entered the room, she felt that the smell was wrong, someone had been there!

She opened the door vigilantly and went in, only to find that the room had been turned into a mess, and her luggage had been taken away, but inside were her changed clothes and some small things, it must have been when she left just now, someone else came I've been looking for her, and the one who came here in the middle of the night is definitely not a guest. It seems that I can't stay here for long.

She turned around and left the inn, stayed outside until dawn, used Zixu Yuan's money to buy her luggage, and then went back to the small noodle shop where she left Zixu Yuan the day before, and waited like this for a day and a night, Zixu Yuan still didn't come When she came back, what she was worried about finally happened!
Fortunately, she made preparations in advance. She made a paper figurine out of paper and chanted a spell on the paper figurine. The paper figurine stood up and pointed her in the direction. There is her blood on her tracing talisman, and this paper man cast by her will take her to find her blood talisman.

So, Long Xilan followed the guide man out of the city, and walked south for at least a day, and arrived in a deep valley. She saw many footprints on the snowy ground that entered the valley, which proved that someone went in not long ago. However, in order not to be discovered, she hid her horse outside the valley and sneaked in. Because the light in the valley was very dark, she hid her tracks well, but when she entered the valley, she found many corpses. Stretching out his hands to touch, the corpses are still hot, it seems that they haven't been dead for too long, and these corpses are actually stained with a strong evil spirit.

She had carefully looked at the clothes and weapons of these people, and they all seemed to be from Baiyemen!She couldn't help being confused, how could the people of Baiyemen die here tragically, these evil spirits, could it be... Li Huai here?

(End of this chapter)

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