Chapter 288

Her heart suddenly became tense. If Li Huai was here and he killed these people, would there be other corpses inside?And Zi Xuyuan is also here, will he also be murdered?
Xi Lan was terrified, and immediately stepped on these warm corpses, and ran forward quickly, looking for the figure of Zi Xuyuan, and Li Huai's. The more time, the more uneasy you feel.

Sudden!She found that in the depths of the rock in front of her, there was a doorway carved as delicately as a tomb. It was engraved with the Palace of Wonders, and there was a vague evil spirit floating out of it. She knew that she found the right place!
She vigilantly explored the door opening, and suddenly a person jumped out and grabbed me by the neck. She was immediately pressed against the rock wall by the other party, and she also saw the other party's face clearly, it was Bai Ye!
Moreover, Bai Ye was injured, and the black robe was soaked by the wet night. He originally wanted to kill her, but when he saw her face clearly, he suddenly let her go!Xi Lan's body fell vertically and fell on the stone steps. She coughed twice, and saw Bai Ye collapsed with serious injuries, spitting out a mouthful of black blood. When she saw the blood color, she remembered those who died in the The people outside Baiyemen, it was the same murderer who injured them.

She originally wanted to find Bai Ye to avenge Little Sixth Uncle, but seeing that he was so injured, she only had one question in her mind, she didn't hesitate too much, and went directly to Bai Ye; this Bai Ye is indeed the number one master in the world, Injured like this, there is still a breath left, and the eyes that are tortured by pain are full of struggles that are about to be occupied by death.

"Bai Ye, did Li Huai kill the people outside?" She tried her best to keep her voice calm, without any emotion in it.

Bai Ye raised her right hand, Xi Lan originally wanted to hide, but seeing that the other party's life was about to die, she didn't dodge, and those blood-stained hands grabbed her wrist with blue veins.

"Destroy the Dzi Bead..."

Bai Ye almost exhausted all his strength to say these three words with difficulty.

Xi Lan immediately raised her head and looked around, but she didn't see Bai Ye's Destroyer Sword nearby, so the person who hurt him must have taken the sword away!
"Who is it? Is it Li Huai?" Xi Lan wanted to know if it was Li Huai.

Bai Ye opened his mouth to tell her something, but he vomited blood and died violently!
In that world, Bai Ye, who had the fastest sword, just died like this. He died in front of her, closing his eyes with extremely unwilling resentment, and didn't even utter the last words he wanted to say.

I don't know if it's retribution or what, but Xi Lan was not surprised at all that this person ended his life in such a way.

"Is this the retribution of the present world?" She thought, she should be happy, at least no matter who killed Bai Ye, she had avenged Little Sixth Uncle.

But she couldn't be happy. According to everything she knew, Li Huai was the one who did all of this. She really couldn't think of anyone else in the world who could kill the number one expert who destroyed the Dzi Bead, and at the same time possess Demon spirit.

Naturally, he did this to get the Dzi Destroying Orb, but he was already strong enough, what would he do with the Dzi Destroying Orb?
Perhaps, she was too easily satisfied, and didn't understand how greedy a bloodthirsty demon is, but if it was him, she would finally kill him!

She looked at the dozens of blood corpses here. There would always be someone to ask him for these evil debts, right?
"Xuyuan? Xuyuan?" She suddenly thought of Zixuyuan, and began to panic and choose around. This extremely wonderful palace seems to be a hidden place of practice. In this deep valley, there are stone platforms and tribute platforms. , and some complicated totems, she searched everywhere, but never saw a living person, let alone traces of Zi Xuyuan.

But Zi Xuyuan must be here, her paper figurine brought him here!

"Hurry up, the door master and the others are inside..." She seemed to hear a voice coming from the valley, hearing this, it seemed that the people from Baiyemen had come here!

Xi Lan originally wanted to stay longer, but she didn't want to be discovered, so she immediately left the Jimiao Palace and hid behind a large rock. Those lying on the ground were all disciples of Bai Ye, and they were all filled with grief and indignation.

"They're all dead! They're all dead! Find the sect master!"

Although she still had many doubts in her mind, it was not easy to stay here anymore, she immediately quietly bypassed these people, left the deep valley, found her horse and drove out of the mountain.

When she got far enough, she took out the paper figurine to find her way, but the paper figurine pointed her in another direction!In other words, during the period when she entered the valley and found Bai Ye and others, Zi Xuyuan had already been taken away!

Zi Xuyuan left with his father's people, why did he come here?And why did Bai Ye appear here, and what happened?
Now it seems that the person who took away Zixu Yuan is the same person who killed Bai Ye. That person killed Bai Ye to destroy the sky beads, so what about Zixu Yuan?
"Pure Yang Bead..."

Yes, Zi Xuyuan has pure yang beads on his body!

Xi Lan's heart was completely messed up. She thought that if she and the brat stayed away from Jinling and all these disputes, they could live in peace, but troubles would always find them by themselves, and it was impossible for them to stay out of it!

"Li Huai!" She held the rein very hard, maybe out of breath, and accidentally fell off the horse. Her body hit the gravel, blood was seen in many places immediately, and she clenched her teeth. , got up from the ground, but it was so painful, she sat on the gravel beach, watching the horse, which was frightened by her evil spirit, galloped away!
Yes, her only horse had run away, and she was still out in the wild.

Xi Lan didn't worry about what to do. When the pain from the fall was no longer so painful, she stood up from the ground with her sword scabbard. She couldn't rest. Zi Xuyuan was still alive and dead. She wanted to find his whereabouts and rescue him. When she came back, she walked on the mountain road and kept walking until it was dark. She still didn't stop, and finally when the early morning came, she saw a small town, and she wanted to find something in the town. Only then can she continue to look for Zi Xuyuan, otherwise, she will die of exhaustion and starvation on the way.

First of all, she was going to the town to find a horse. She dragged her exhausted body like this, and asked horse sellers around the town, but in such a secluded place, where is there a horse, only a donkey!

donkey!She thought for a while, and if she couldn't find a horse, she could only buy a donkey. At least a donkey was much better than walking on foot, and it could save her a lot of energy.

"In this town, there is a man with a horse!" The aunt she asked suddenly said leisurely.

There was joy in her eyes, "Where is it?"

The aunt pointed her in the direction, "Just outside the town, by the stream to the west, there is a bamboo house, and there lives a Pulsatilla. He has a white horse, not to mention how handsome it is!"

As soon as Xi Lan heard that this was it, she immediately ran towards the place where the aunt went. When she arrived outside the town, she saw a small stream, and there was a bamboo house next to the stream, which was really quiet.

"Is anyone there?" She called into the bamboo house, and there was a sigh from inside.

He ran over to take a look, and saw an old man in plain clothes grooming a pure white horse. That horse was indeed beautiful.

"Grandpa, do you sell this horse?"

"I said why the horse is so dry in the morning today, it turns out that a distinguished guest has arrived!"

The old white-haired man didn't look back, and continued to bristle.

She took a closer look, "Grandpa, will you sell this horse to me? I'm rushing to save my life!"

The other party raised a white eyebrow, turned around and said, "What are you doing to me?"

She froze for a moment, but still refused to give up and said: "Otherwise, you can lend it to me, and I will send it back to you after you use it up. Anyway, you won't be able to use it for a while! I will definitely send it back to you. I will give you all my money ..."

"What are you doing to me?" The four words from the other party extinguished the enthusiasm on Xi Lan's face!She has seen a lot of these old people who live alone in secluded places, and they are all eccentric. He cherishes such a horse so much, it is naturally a beloved thing, how could he resell it to her?She thought it was her naivety, she shook her head, she thought she should go back and buy a donkey!

Just as he was about to leave, the white-haired man said again: "But if you can help me fetch a bucket of water from the stream, I will give you this horse!"

She suddenly felt strange, how could the old man be willing to give her such a cherished horse for nothing?Just fetch a bucket of water?The old man must have nothing to do, teasing her, she thought to forget it, even if someone else has malicious intentions, it is someone else's debt, and she should have good intentions, so she said nothing, holding a wooden She limped to fetch a bucket of water from the stream and poured it into the water tank for the white-haired old man. She came out and said, "Grandpa, if you are short of water, I can fetch you more buckets!"

After finishing speaking, she continued to drag the wound to fetch water!After returning, the white-haired man was quite satisfied, and said: "You take the horse away!"

She thought to herself, ouch, this old man is having fun!It's a pity that she doesn't have time to play with his old man!
"Grandpa, I don't want your horse, I'm leaving! Don't make fun of other people like this in the future!"

"Who said I played tricks on you?" The other party was surprised this time, "Aren't you rushing to save people with a horse? Why don't you want the horse I gave you?"

Looking back, Xi Lan seemed to be telling the truth, but she shook her head and said, "I'm rushing to save people, but I don't have to use this horse. I can ride a donkey. Slow down." , but the next place is near, and you will be able to buy a new horse soon, but this horse must be your cherished companion!"

She doesn't want to do things that steal people's favor.

Pulsatilla squinted her eyes and smiled, and didn't want to keep her anymore, so she went back to the town to buy a donkey.But the donkey seller wasn't there, so she had to wait again. While waiting, she planned to find some food, and when she got down, the donkey seller came back!

"Brother, you really made me wait!"

The donkey seller glanced at her, then lowered his head again, as if he was afraid of something, she was naturally a little puzzled.

"Brother, don't be afraid, the injury on my body is caused by a fall..." She thought the other party was because of her distress, so she explained, but then she found out that it was not the case.

The murderous aura was approaching, she turned her head vigilantly, and saw countless black shadows leaping down from the roof, and countless sword lights coming towards her, she reacted very quickly, and immediately drew out her long sword to block the fatal blow.

"Demon girl, kill my sect master, take your life!"

It was a woman who spoke, because she covered her face, she couldn't see her face, but she must be Bai Ye's confidant.

Although she wanted to kill Bai Ye, she didn't want to take the blame for no reason. While accepting the move, she emphasized: "I didn't kill Bai Ye!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" The woman didn't listen to her explanation, and attacked her viciously, and there were more killers running behind her who wanted to avoid her life. She wanted to use the power of the Dragon Ningzhu to repel these people , but the power of the Yi Huazhu on her body interfered with her, her power erupted uncontrollably, did not hurt the killer who came to kill her, but almost hurt the innocent people behind her.

She immediately realized that it was not easy for her to fight for a long time, and she had to leave here immediately.

But at this moment, a frightened horse ran out from behind, drawing everyone's attention away!
It was a white horse, and Xi Lan had only seen it this morning, and the owner, the white-haired man, was chasing after the horse and shouting: "Be careful, be careful, you won't pay for a stubborn horse if it gets hurt!"

The white horse ran towards them madly, and the killers in front saw that the stabbing horse was doing something bad, so they didn't have much worries, and rushed forward immediately, wanting to kill the horse first, but these first-class horses in the Jianghu One of the killers was kicked away before reaching the horse, and one of his bones was kicked on the spot. Where have these people seen such a fierce horse?
"It's said that you won't lose money if you're injured, you won't lose money!" The white-haired man was not afraid at all, chasing the horse and he was in front of him in a blink of an eye.

Those killers can't kill the white horse, and the white-haired man is also in the way, and he will come up and attack him immediately.

Xi Lan hurriedly said, "Grandpa, be careful!"

But it was obvious that she was overthinking, the old man just chased the horse, and didn't care about these people at all. He started to run and swung his arms exaggeratedly. I didn't touch it, and I was thrown into a shit.

This time, the woman who took the lead let out a bad breath, "Let's go, the witch has a helper!"

When the sound fell, these people retreated and flew away!
It was only then that Xi Lan saw that this white-haired old man was really a master, perhaps that's what a real master is like, right?Hidden in a remote village, born indifferently.

With mixed feelings in her heart, she immediately stepped forward and sincerely thanked: "Thank you for your help, senior!"

The white-haired man ignored her, looked at his horse with bright eyes, and said, "Oh, it finally stopped for me!"

The horse was still mad just now, but suddenly stopped quietly at the corner of the street to eat the hay on the side of the road.

"Why are you still watching? Why don't you bring Xiaobai back?" the white-haired man ordered.

"Oh." Xi Lan ran and jumped over in a daze, and led Xiao Bai back, "Senior, your horse!"

"This horse is too worrying for me, please take it away!"

She was really puzzled, "How can this be done, this horse..."

The other party couldn't help but repeat three times in a row: "Take it away, take it away, take it away!"

Xi Lan was taken aback, thinking about the whole story, she felt that she had overlooked something.And the white-haired old man hummed a little song coolly, shook his hands, and walked in the direction he came from. She listened carefully, and the little song he sang seemed to be: All living beings and Buddhas do not invade each other, mountains are high and waters are deep. Don't make any difference to understand the truth, when the partridge crows, the white flowers are deep...

"So that's how it is..." She looked at the back of the carefree old man leaving freely, with devout eyes.

Maybe the Lord Buddha took pity on her and sent a living Bodhisattva to save her from calamity, and also gave her a spirit horse.

She rode on this spirit horse and continued to go to the place where Zi Xuyuan was. Not long after, she was outside Jinling. Along the way, she lost two groups of people who followed her. To death, she couldn't figure it out, could it be because of watching her fight with those people in Bailian last time?But she has made it very clear that she has nothing to do with Li Huai anymore, why do these people want to kill them all?
After she disguised herself, she asked for a bowl of tea in the tea shed at the north gate of the city. Naturally, the owner of the tea shed she chatted with last time did not recognize her. Same as last time, this tea shed outside the north gate of the city Overcrowded, there are caravans rushing to take goods from the cold winter, tourists from other places who are looking for relatives, and wanderers, and the most people are naturally those rough-behaved Taoist people.

"Have you heard? Long Xilan, son of Longmen, killed Baiye, the master of Baiyemen, and stole the ruined dzi to give to the demon king in the city!"

"Of course I've heard about such a big event. Now Baiyemen has issued a hunting order to the whole world, and countless Jianghu alliances have accepted the order. This time, this witch will definitely die!"

"That's not necessarily true, this demon girl is backed by the demon king!"

"It's better for you to talk less, so as not to get into trouble." Someone reminded.

The man drank wine, not tea, and when he heard this, he was naturally unhappy, "What are you afraid of, I have never been cowardly with a knife!"

I don't know if it's his bad luck or what, but as soon as he said this, a few guards of the Wangfu ran in from outside the tea shed, one of them was tall and burly, grabbed the knife by the collar and raised it, cursing Said: "Who are you talking about as a witch, I will beat you to death!"

Xi Lan was originally listening to these small talk about her quietly, but now when she heard that there was a fight over there, her eyebrows frowned. Who was the one who came out to beat someone, if not Yan Ming?

He saw that Yan Ming and the other party immediately wrestled together. The one called a knife naturally couldn't beat him, and he pressed him against him for a while; There are quite a few spectators.

"Officers and soldiers are beating people! Officers and soldiers are beating people!" Seeing this, the friend who came with a knife began to shout loudly. Xi Lan couldn't stand it any longer, and rushed over from the crowd, grabbing Yan Ming's arm.

Who is Yan Ming?As strong as a cow, his thick arm was so tightly bound by Xi Lan, even he himself was a little surprised, when he looked up, the other party was a thin white-faced boy.

"Let go, if you don't let go, I'll beat you up too!"

Xi Lan said in a deep voice, "Stop hitting, if you hit again, you will die!"

"I want to beat this grandson to death!" Yan Ming has a fiery temper, he is in a fit of rage, he looks like a mad dog when no one cares about him, and he doesn't recognize Xi Lan's voice familiarly.

She naturally wanted to slap this guy, "I'll teach you a lesson, if you keep beating like this, your princess will know about it, and it's your fault!"

Yan Ming was about to shake off her hand, when he first heard it, why did the other party talk about his concubine instead of the prince?

He looked up belatedly, this thin little brother has a pair of very agile big eyes, "Wang..."

"Hurry up and let go!" Xi Lan interrupted him.

He put down a knife in frustration, "Let me see you again in the capital, watch and hit you once!"

Picked up his stuff with a knife and ran away like hell!
Xi Lan was also holding her own things, leading the horse and was about to leave when Yan Ming followed behind. "Wang...that..."

Under the city wall, there are many people with mixed eyes, and she didn't want to talk to him here, so she asked her, "Where are you going?"

"Princess—the concubine in the mansion now, ask my subordinates to go to the Ping'an Temple outside the city to get the consecrated Jade Guanyin for the little prince, just passing by!"

"Then go to Ping'an Temple!" She said in a deep voice, "I'll go find you in a while."

Yan Ming didn't have much to say, so he turned around and walked in the direction of the Peace Temple!
It didn't take long for Xi Lan to follow him to the outside of the Ping'an Temple. There were not so many eyes here, and the two stood in a secluded courtyard.

"Princess, I did not admit my mistake!" The other party was suddenly very proud of his sharp eyes, and was very happy to see her again.

"I'm no longer a princess. I don't have those honorable identities. I'm just a commoner now. Don't call me a princess. If you want, you can call me Xiaolongdi!"

Yan Ming smiled, how embarrassed to speak up! "Brother Xiaolong, you left like this, Xiaoman and I miss you very much!"

"I know!" She didn't want to waste time. After all, Yan Ming is a member of the palace, and it is easy to cause trouble for him, so she asked bluntly: "Yan Ming, after I left, nothing happened in the palace, right?"

"How should I put it, you left, and the palace has completely changed again! Although the princess is a nice person, she is not you after all, and the prince, he seems to be planning a big event. These days, many people have been arrested and locked up together. In a secret prison, by the way, many of them are people from the Jianghu!"

As soon as Xi Lan heard this, she immediately asked eagerly: "Then did you see Zi Xuyuan? Was he also arrested by Li Huai?"

The other party shook his head and replied: "Now I am no longer used by the prince. I just run errands for the princess. These things were also mentioned by the brothers in the palace guard intentionally or unintentionally. They dare not say too much."

Of course she understood Yan Ming's situation, and asked again: "Then do you know where the secret sky prison is?"

"I don't know!"

"Princess, what happened to Zi Dao?" Yan Ming asked with concern.

She lowered her head, "He was taken away!"

"As soon as I come out these few days, I will hear some rumors. They say that you killed that Bai Ye? That Bai Ye is so powerful, Brother Long, is it really you?" On the way back to Beijing that time, they were almost killed. Bai Ye was extinguished by the whole pot, so Yan Ming was very clear about Bai Ye's strength.

Xi Lan sighed, and said, "I want to seek revenge on this person, but I wasn't the one who killed her, but now everyone in the world says it was me!"

"I heard from some people in the world that Baiyemen has issued a hunting order for you, little brother Long, why don't you come back? With the prince's love for you, these people can't hurt you at all!"

This persuasion was naturally out of good intentions, but it made her heart skip a beat.

Who spread the rumor that she was the murderer?Forcing this hunting order to spread all over the world?And looking at all of this, only Prince Xu's Mansion is safe for her?
But the cause of all this was because of Bai Ye's tragic death, the Destruction Dzi Bead was taken away!The person who killed Bai Ye pushed everything on her, and then that person also captured Zi Xuyuan and led her back to Jinling!
"Since the bead is with you, you should take good care of it—"

She suddenly remembered that the Li Huai she saw in her dream that night, his words, no matter how she heard them, had other spying intentions on Shenzhu.

"Brother Xiaolong, what are you talking about?"

Her thoughts turned, "It's okay, Yan Ming, do you know where Li Huai is today?"

The other party replied: "My lord has not been at the mansion for the past few days, and maybe he will not be today."

"Okay!" She said solemnly, "I'm leaving, you can go back after finishing your work!"

"But, Brother Xiaolong, will you go back? We all hope that you will go back..."

go back?She naturally wants to go back, but not to go back to avoid hunting!

She rode Xiaobai on the way back to the city, and waited until it was dark before entering the city.

In the end, she decided to take a different approach. If Li Huai did all of this, the reason to lure her back now is to get the divine pearl on her body. She must act first, so she thought of the bodhi relic. Obtaining the bodhi relic is the only thing that can deal with Li Huai.

She first went to an inn, then changed into night clothes, and sneaked into Prince Xu's mansion at night!

(End of this chapter)

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