Glamour star

Chapter 121 Strong Team

Chapter 121 Strong Team
Ten days passed like flowing water. In the morning of No. 11, Yang Fan, Wang Meili, Ji Tiantian, Mao Xiaofeng, Ge Jinghong, and Han Beibei drove to the gymnasium again.

Today is the day of the group match, and the venue is still the stadium. After all, the stadium is very large and can accommodate 6000 to [-] people.

In the last knockout match, there were many teams and the area was very large. This time it was different. A large area was freed up for the audience to sit, and more tickets were bought.

This time, in addition to the 125 teams, there are also [-] veteran teams, the so-called top [-] teams.

They were decided last year.

So in total there are 141 teams competing in the stadium.

So every team member is under a lot of pressure.

Even if it is a veteran team, once they lose, they will never have the chance to show up again.

So the official is still very fair to such a choice.

Due to the large number of team members, there is no need to appear on the stage, just sit in front of the selected computer and compete.

Only the winning team is eligible to appear on the stage and accept the audience's pursuit.

Wang Meili went to register as before, and came over with the battle number plate.

"The team you are fighting against is a veteran team, that is, a strong team. Your number is 30. Let's go over there." Wang Meili looked at the five people and said calmly.

Her complexion is calm, her face is beautiful, her expression is just right, her aura is getting calmer and calmer, and she looks more like a female boss.

In ancient times, it was the aura of an empress.

Ji Tiantian said: "What team are you playing against us?"

Wang Meili said without turning her head: "QG team, you are all familiar with it. They have been in the top [-] for several years in a row. They have great strength and tactics, but I believe you can beat them."

Ge Jinghong smiled and said: "It is indeed a bit strong. I watch the season games every year. This QG team is considered a little bit strong."

Yang Fan glanced at him and said with a smile: "What do you mean you have some strength?"

"It can be seen, but they make a lot of mistakes every time they play, and they all like to be on top. If we want to win against them, it will not be a problem at all." Ge Jinghong said, seeming to understand.

Mao Xiaofeng looked calm: "Whether they are good or not, let's show some respect when we fight and show some face. After all, they are a veteran team."

Ge Jinghong: "..."

Brother, what you said sounds more arrogant than me.

Several people laughed.

Yang Fan said: "Then use your personal strength to crush, no tactics."

The corner of Wang Meili's mouth curled up into a smile, she was very confident.

But she believed in Yang Fan, and his mysterious secret was enough to solve everything, and the top sixteen was nothing.

Soon they arrived at the designated location, sat down one by one in front of the No. 30 machine, and began to install the mouse and keyboard.

Their keyboards are all one model and brand, and they feel great in the hand.

At this time, the members of the QG team also came over. They glanced at each other and nodded slightly. They didn't speak, but there was fighting intent in their eyes.

Yang Fan and the others naturally knew each other. During this period of time, the popularity of the celebrities reached [-] million on the first day of the live broadcast.

Even more famous than these real professional players, Yan Ran is a powerful rising horse.

And he exudes a seductive charm, it seems that he will be attracted at a glance, and he is more popular than Tang Seng.

At the top of the canyon, it is also the strongest king rank. Now it has more than 1000 points, and it is ranked among the top. If you work harder, you will become the first.

This is the first time they have seen such a person, even when Brother Li was famous, he probably didn't have such an effect.

And he formed a team, all of them are ordinary people, even female players, and he named his team very aggressively, called TST team, which is the strongest team.

How strong is the strongest?Isn't it above all teams?

How dare you!
But Yang Fan did have such strength, so they had to accept it.

At the same time, they also watched the knockout match of the TST team, and they were all very impressed. Everyone's personal strength is very strong, whether it is laning or awareness.

So at the moment when they saw Yang Fan, they were very silent, not knowing how to express their feelings.

There is also the urge to compete, and the fear of losing is even worse.

But now that we have met together, we can only compete. If you win, you will be happy, but if you lose, you will go home.

The other party starts to wait after plugging in the mouse and keyboard.

Both sides were very quiet and there was no communication.

With the auditorium filled, the CEO announces the start, and the game can begin when the young umpires are in place.

At this moment, all teams have started the competition, including IG, RNG, LGD, JDG, OMG, FPX, WE and other teams.

So at this moment, the auditorium is full of seats, and the fluorescent sticks and fluorescent cards supporting the teams are all lit up, making the stadium more atmospheric and energetic.

There are quite a few fluorescent sticks or fluorescent cards that light up the TST team, but they are far behind the old teams.

After all, he is an old man in the professional arena, not having so many fans is like being a jerk for nothing.

There are four teams that support the most, namely RNG, FPX, IG, and WE.

Among them, FPX won the championship last year and won the qualification to hold the World Championship in Shanghai, so it has the most supporters.

At the same time, the competition has already been broadcast live on major platforms, and the live broadcast is naturally the team competition that appears on the central big screen.

The TST team and QG team did not appear on the screen this time, because their qualifications were too young, and it was not their turn to be on camera.

You only have a chance if you win the game.

After each referee started, all teams began to create heroes, choose heroes, and compete.

Yang Fan put on the earphones, glanced at the four of them, nodded slightly and said, "Come on."

The opponent is still aiming at Yang Fan, almost taking four of his devil skin heroes, leaving one place for the blind man.

As for Mao Xiaofeng's blind man, anyone who has watched their knockout team knows that this blind man is very strong, and if he doesn't do it, it will be an unstable factor.

After finishing, the only mid laners that Yang Fan can use are Huo Nan and Death Song.

These two heroes, Yang Fan, have also played occasionally recently, and the effect is still very good, so Yang Fan decided to use Death Song this time.

Playing mid laner with this hero is rather coquettish.

Because almost most players use this hero in the jungle.

There are still relatively few mid laners.

The QG team looked at Yang Fan's selection of the hero Death Song, and they all smiled, thinking that this hero is still a bit weak in the mid laner.

As long as you play well, you can solo kill.

Although he is invincible in the later stage, as long as he is defeated in the early stage, there will be no later stage.

Ge Jinghong played Ruiwen, still his signature hero.

Mao Xiaofeng played the wine barrel, and Mantis was chosen by the opponent.

ADC is a policewoman.

Auxiliary Titan.

This lineup is still very strong.

Great both early and late.

The opposing QG lineup is top laner Sword Demon, jungler Mantis, mid laner Knife, ADC Kai'Sa, and support Morgana.

(End of this chapter)

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