Glamour star

Chapter 122 Death Song Invincible

Chapter 122 Death Song Invincible
The two sides started to go online, and Yang Fan controlled Death Song while walking while watching his special effects of the demon king. The skin was dark, and he was wearing a dark robe to cover his face. He exuded a strong blood-red evil spirit, like the Hades in charge of the underworld, extremely cold .

Yang Fan is very satisfied. The shape is so cool, and the special effects of the skills are more intuitive. When the Q skill is released, it is a bulging blood bubble, and then explodes, blood splashes everywhere, giving people a sense of suffocation.

However, Yang Fan has already adapted to the skins of the ten demon kings, and he doesn't think there is any bloody smell.

But the one on the opposite side is the male sword, obviously he wants to kill him infinitely!He felt that as long as he defeated Yang Fan, it would be easy to win the game.

The double reverse stands again, if you don't play a first-level team, you dare not fight against the opponent. The lineup determines that the opponent of the first-level team will lose.

After 30 seconds, the two sides went online. Yang Fan was very clear both physically and mentally. Since he improved his IQ, his head became more flexible. He could completely make zero mistakes in the game, and his release of skills was extremely accurate.

As a result, at the first level, the male sword is uncomfortable. It is necessary to hit a few dead songs with a Q skill. Every time, the blood bubble explodes because of the position. After a few Qs, the male sword will be half blooded , retreat directly, use W skills to make up the knife, it is very uncomfortable.

Yang Fan inserted a ward in the river, and said to Mao Xiaofeng: "Come on or above the river, I want to press the line, and the jungler on the other side may come to catch me."

Mao Xiaofeng nodded: "Understood."

I went to the river and scanned for nothing, and the male knife on the opposite side couldn't even take care of the eye. It must be too confident to choose the male knife.

You must know that the skill of avoiding the dead song is actually very simple, you can dodge only by moving, but Yang Fan is different. His dead song seems to always know how to move the male knife, and the Q skill is always free.

It's also fortunate that the male knife was wretched early. If he waits for Death Song to level two and learns the deceleration wall skill, he won't be able to run, and I'm afraid he will die after crossing the flash.

The wine barrel was waiting in the river, Yang Fan pressed the line and released his skills under the male sword tower. The male sword dared not make up the sword directly, and it was not safe under the tower. In the end, he could only call the jungler to forcefully kill Song Yibo .

Even if you change the dead song, you still make money.

So the mantis came to the middle directly after playing F6, and turned on the scan to see if the wine barrel was there or drained the eye.

The location of the wine barrel was chosen very well. It was directly on the river on Yang Fan’s side, and it couldn’t be scanned by scanning. At the moment when the praying mantis appeared, Yang Fan said: “Wait a minute, I can show you. Come out again."

Mao Xiaofeng said: "No problem."

Due to the slow moving speed of Death Song, the praying mantis didn't jump immediately after coming out of the grass in the river. It was an old mantis, and the male knife followed, and flashed W to keep people away, and the mantis also released W to slow down.

Yang Fan didn't panic. After the male knife flashed up, he used his W skill and then took a small walk to hide the second W. He was not slowed down, and Mantis' W was easy to dodge. Then Yang Fan didn't panic anymore, and the key skills of the two of them did not stay. It's not so easy to kill him, and he still has a flash, so he can't die at all.

Afterwards Mantis and Male Knife couldn't control that much anymore. One jumped up and used the burst damage of Q and the damage and ignition of Male Knife to prepare for a forceful kill. Yang Fan directly activated all three skills, which not only slowed down, but also accurately hit with Q. Male Knife Direct blood, and he lost the flash and then successfully killed with a Q.

Mantis didn't do much damage in the early stage, and Yang Fan was surrounded by soldiers, so he was not alone, so Mantis only hit him with half of his blood, and Mantis was already brittle, so that his blood volume began to be unhealthy. With an E flash, Mantis was stunned before he could react. After receiving a Q bucket, Yang Fan's Q skill also followed. Mantis was directly killed and won a double kill.

Then push the pawn line under the opposite tower, take a layer of tapestry, and Yang Fan takes off directly.

It can be said that there is no need to play this male knife. As long as he is hit by three Qs of Death Song, he will die, and he will go home directly with two Qs.

At level 10, both the top laner and the bottom laner chose to fight, and Jiu Keg went to the bottom lane to help, and then Death Song made a big blow, and the opponent directly exploded. It was only [-] minutes, and the QG team exploded.

Just one dead song can't keep them alive.

For a moment, the five members of the QG team all looked ugly, extremely depressed, this is like beating a primary school student!
They were an old team, and they were defeated by a rookie from a newly promoted team, and they were still absolutely crushing, not an enemy at all.

So much so that at 15 minutes, the wine barrel released the canyon vanguard, and the five people on Yang Fan's side concentrated in the middle and pushed over.

Titan directly flashed to start the group, Raven flashed dizzy and zoomed in, Wine Barrel E threw an explosive barrel in the past, and then the policewoman output output from behind, Death Song opened up on the spot, the opposite side exploded instantly, and the group was destroyed directly, and then went directly to the high ground Bo pushed, not wanting to waste any time.

The game was over at 7 minutes.

However, Yang Fan and his team's match did not appear on the big central screen, so Jie silently left the stadium after saying hello to the QG team members who were still doubtful about their lives.

The young referee was also full of surprise. He had been watching the games of the two teams all the time, and he was not interested in the games on the big screen, so he couldn't calm down after seeing the TST team end the game in an absolutely crushing manner. Yes, this is too violent.

As expected of a team led by someone with [-] million fans.

Simply terrifying.

Wang Meili also paid attention to the movement here, saw Yang Fan and the other five quietly leaving the gymnasium, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and then followed them out.

There were not many people outside today, and most of them entered the stadium. Only some office workers and elderly people were outside. The weather was sunny and warm.

Wang Meili came out and asked, "How is it?"

Yang Fan smiled and said: "It's okay, the game ends in 7 minutes, and we still need to work hard."

Ge Jinghong said: "Brother Fan is too fierce, this game is simply his game, one big move, the crispy skin on the other side will be gone immediately, we are playing soy sauce."

Ji Tiantian also said excitedly: "Yeah! I didn't expect Brother Fan's death song to be so powerful, and I can use it in every game in the future. We don't have to work so hard."

Mao Xiaofeng glanced at her coolly: "You still want to get something for nothing! Although Brother Fan is very powerful, you can't relax. If you fall down, it will be difficult for us to fight."

Ji Tiantian stuck out her tongue: "Got it, I'm just talking, are you so serious? No wonder you're still single now."

Mao Xiaofeng: "..."

Everyone laughed.

Wang Meili said: "Now go find a place to rest, drink some water, and start the second round in an hour."

In the group stage, two out of three rounds are won. If you win two rounds, you don't need to fight again, and if you are tied one to one, you can continue to play the third round.

Wang Meili said again: "I'll go in and register, you can do whatever you want."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Let's go to the gazebo over there and sit for a while, just come over later."

Wang Meili responded with a smile, turned around and entered the stadium to register.

(End of this chapter)

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