Glamour star

Chapter 126 Immortal King Galewind Sword Hero

Chapter 126 Immortal King Galewind Sword Hero
Yang Fan consciously looked at the Shuiman who was exactly like him in his mind, and his heart was so shocked that he couldn't describe his mood at this moment with words.

It's an exaggeration.

A person appears in the mind, which is equivalent to the Nascent Soul among the strong Nascent Soul in myths and novels.

Will he really become a cultivator in the future?
However, thinking about it for the time being, Yang Fan also got the system's affirmative answer, this water man will not have a bad influence on him, and will not take him away.

Put him at ease.

As long as you don't take it away.

And he also said that not only is there no harm, but there are also huge benefits, that is, he will have extraordinary power in the future, and his strength will become great, and the source of extraordinary energy is this water man.

He felt that he was transforming into a warrior.

Thinking of this, he immediately controlled the water man with his mind.


As soon as the mind communicated, the brother Shuiren directly communicated with him, and there was an illusion that he was the Shuiren and that the Shuiren was him.

But this is not an illusion, but real.

He felt now that he could smash a door in one punch and a boulder brittle with one kick.

This is an intuitive feeling, as if it has been practiced countless times.

It's a bit exaggerated, but Yang Fan likes it.

At the same time, his charisma is unprecedentedly overwhelming. Adding extraordinary strength is equivalent to adding extraordinary charm, making every inch of his body exude a fascinating charm.

Really like a Tang monk, everyone wants to eat a piece of meat.

The live broadcast room has been blown up. Anyone who comes in is already fascinated, and no one goes out. There are more and more of them, and they are getting more and more outrageous.

In just 10 minutes, the popularity has exceeded [-] million, and it doesn't seem like a long time before one billion.

This night is destined to be unsettled, everyone is shocked, what kind of charm is this.It can make a person reach the height of not going.

I'm afraid everyone in Xiahua is watching Yang Fan's live broadcast.

Wang Meili came out wearing a mask, Ji Tiantian and Mao Xiaofeng and I came out, only Ruan Hongying was already asleep.

Wang Meili opened her mouth wide in shock, she didn't expect that Yang Fan's secret was so heaven-defying, and made Yang Fan have such a great charm, she wished she could throw herself to Yang Fan's side now and never come down.

"This is a true God-man." Wang Meili could only smile wryly in the end. It is impossible for her to achieve such an achievement!

Of course, no second person has reached such heights.

role model for all.

What kind of profession do you still play, just live broadcast directly, earning much more than professional players.

But Yang Fan doesn't think so. His goal is to become a world game superstar, which is nothing in China. Only by playing the role can he be regarded as on the right track and stand on the world stage to accept the glory.

Let the whole world know without hearing about the live broadcast.

Yang Fan doesn't want to cover up his edge for the time being, the charismatic halo of the extraordinary master will let him shine first, and wait until he breaks through one billion popularity.

There is no place to find gaps in the bullet screen in the live broadcast room, and they are all surrounded by words, just like a wall.

Therefore, audience fans can only feel comfortable by turning off the barrage.

In this way, we can more clearly see Yang Fan's infinite charm that seems to be shining all over his body.

Staring at his face, I didn't want to leave in the slightest.

With this level of charm, no one can do it.

The live broadcast was still going on, and at this moment, the system sound rang again.

[It is detected that the host is tired of the devil's skin, the system decided to continue to issue three skins, will the host accept it? 】

Yang Fan was taken aback, and the skins were released?sure!

He plays those heroes every day now, and there is really nothing new about it. Now that the system said so, Yang Fan said without any hesitation: "Accept."

[Ding dong, the host accepted it successfully, please check it. 】

The voice of the system fell, and the transparent panel in front of him was displayed, and the three skins were also listed one by one.

[Immortal King Galewind Swordmaster was released successfully.Nine Heavens Xuannv Blade Dancer was released successfully.The Shadow of the Blade of the Great Sage of the Sky was released successfully. 】

When the system sound fell, these three skins appeared on the vision panel.

Yang Fan looked at these three skins and felt an urge to worship them.This is too realistic.

The Immortal King, Nine Heavens Xuannv, and the Great Sage Qingtian are all figures from myths and legends, and they are too domineering at the moment.

In stark contrast to his devil skin.

Yang Fan said: "System, I don't like playing Yasuo."

System: [Play as soon as the audience asks you to play, why so much nonsense? 】

Yang Fan: "..."

Silently shut up, complaining in my heart, just play as long as you want, is it so cold to talk?

System: [This system is already cold, what else do you want? 】

Yang Fan smiled and said, "I didn't think about it, just say whatever you want."

Now that the system has said so, Yang Fan feels that he has changed his prejudice against Yasuo, so let's play around.

Immortal king skin, how happy that is.

The male and female swords are also good, I will play more in the future.

At this moment, the popularity has reached more than 7, almost [-], and it will break through [-] in half an hour, and then suppress the aura of charm.

Since he could break through to one billion by opening his mouth in front of Chen Chuang, wouldn't it embarrass him if he couldn't?

Yang Fan played Fire Boy. Although he had the skin of a devil king, he didn't enjoy playing very well. He felt that something was missing.

Yes, it's the show.

Then he said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "I will play Yasuo in the next round, and everyone will use 6."

Then came the full screen of 6, unable to stop.The second game started very quickly, and Yasuo was rarely played in the high-end game, so there was no one to do it.

Yang Fan directly selects in seconds.

Sure enough, when he chose Yasuo, his popularity exploded again, and soon broke through to the terrifying number of [-] million.

Yasuo is still very popular.

After entering the game, Yang Fan was stunned by the fairy king's skin. Holding a white fairy sword and wearing fairy king armor, his face was stern and oppressive, as if the fairy king had descended.

Even in front of the opponent now, it will make them feel a sense of oppression.

This is simply a level higher than the devil's skin.

The fairy king represents justice, and the devil represents evil spirits. The two extremes are also two different interpretations.

But as a normal person, I still feel that the fairy king's skin is more handsome.

With the skin blessing, even if Yang Fan is not proficient in the hero Yasuo, he is forced to become proficient at this moment.

The effect should not be too good.

The special effects are full, the EQ skills are coherent, and there is no gap in the E. These basic operations are quickly proficient.

The Snake Girl on the opposite side who was quickly crushed had no power to parry, and she felt unsafe under the tower.

Yasuo is a hero who can forcefully kill under the tower, and he can rely on the minion E to get away after killing someone. This is also the charm of Yasuo.

When equipped, it is a god, and four people can't catch it if they don't come.

Soon, the game ended in Yasuo's personal show.

He is indeed a good hero with a high score, and Yang Fan's prejudice against him has gradually decreased. Maybe Yasuo will be able to enter the professional arena as a hero in the future.

Once it is shown, it will definitely give players skins, which is also a reward for them.

(End of this chapter)

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