Glamour star

Chapter 127 Top 6

Chapter 127

Ji Tiantian exclaimed: "Brother Fan broke out again tonight, he is really my idol, with [-] million popularity, it's scary just thinking about it."

Mao Xiaofeng had always admired Yang Fan, and looked at Yang Fan with strange eyes, but he was still calm.

After all, I have witnessed Yang Fan's journey all the way, he is not ordinary at all, and it would not be too unusual for him to have such a big change at this moment.

Wang Meili smiled and said, "This time it's really famous. If you can't win the championship, it really doesn't make sense."

Both Ji Tiantian and Mao Xiaofeng nodded, "Yes! If we don't win the championship, it will be our problem."

Yang Fan continued the live broadcast without looking back.

Yasuo in the first game, Yasuo in the second game, Yasuo tonight.

Unless it is done.

The fairy king skin is very powerful.

He operated it as if he had turned into a sword fairy, with ease and incomparable agility.

The shift in attitude towards Yasuo does have a different effect.

At this moment, in Baoya Company, the employees of the data department and Chen Chuang all looked at the crazy soaring numbers in Yang Fan's live broadcast room with shocking faces, and they were all quiet for a while, without blinking.

After a long time, Chen Chuangcai burst out laughing, laughing crazily and heartily.

Apart from Yang Fan's first debut, this is the second time he laughed out loud, which is really cool.

Since the establishment of the company, there has never been a god like Yang Fan, which is even more miraculous than a miracle.

Let everyone amazed.

Just looking at Yang Fan's appearance, he couldn't help feeling an impulse.

This is too attractive.

Chen Chuang asked immediately after laughing: "How many people can the data space accommodate?"

The employee responded: "Enough for 12 billion."

Chen Chuang nodded and said: "12 billion should be enough, if it still rises, then forcefully shut down the broadcast, anyway, it is not the first show."

The employees all nodded, their eyes couldn't leave Yang Fan's live broadcast and his prosperous face at the moment.

As time passed, the popularity reached one billion at eleven o'clock, and it was still rising, but not as fast as before.

After all, Xiahua only has a population of 14 billion.

It couldn't be any more.

After all, most people don't play games.

So it slowed down when there were 2000 million people, and it stopped improving.

At this moment, Yang Fan's consciousness restrained the golden water man, and under his control, the water man closed his eyes, the light converged at this moment, and finally returned to plainness.

At this moment, Yang Fan's charm also dropped a little bit.

But he didn't let the audience leave, but continued to watch him live.

As for the gifts given, I don't know how many there are, and I can't count them. I can only find out by asking the Baoya platform to count.

Yang Fan no longer knows how much profit he has brought to Baoya Company, and he has lost count.

However, since it is live broadcasting here, they have to make money, and it is their luck to meet him.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock, after the last round of Yasuo, that the live broadcast was turned off.

Yang Fan also let out a long sigh of relief.

Upgrading is also not easy.

Wang Meili and the others looked at him with smiles all over their faces, and Yang Fan said with a smile, "Aren't you going to bed so late? You two didn't broadcast live?"

Wang Meili said: "You made such a big commotion, why did you let us sleep?"

Yang Fan said: "It's my fault, so sleep now?"

Wang Meili gave him a blank look.

Then he looked at Ji Tiantian and Mao Xiaofeng, "You two are anchors now, you must persevere."

Ji Tiantian glanced at her mouth and said: "The popularity is already with you, how can we still be popular?"

Mao Xiaofeng also nodded seriously.

Yang Fan smiled wryly, is this his fault?

So he smiled and said, "Okay, let's go to bed, it's twelve o'clock, and I'll go to the Internet cafe tomorrow."

The three nodded, and then rested and slept.

Early the next morning, Ruan Hongying put breakfast on the dining table early, and several people got up, washed and ate breakfast, and then went to the Internet cafe.

Now the Internet cafe is getting more and more crowded every day, and there are quite a few people coming just in the name of Yang Fan, plus the people nearby, the thousand machines are always full, without interruption.

Some people are even more waiting to go online.

Even the nearby Internet cafes became popular. After all, there were too many people to accommodate, so I had to go to other Internet cafes.

As usual, Yang Fan broadcast live at the Internet cafe for three hours.

The network administrators and sweeping monks recruited last time were very caring and took care of the Internet cafe very well. Wang Meili only needs to listen to them report the bill every day, and he doesn't have to worry about other things.

At noon, we went to a restaurant for dinner, and then accompanied Yang Fan to buy a car.

Yang Fan is very low-key, and only bought a BMW worth 10,000+. Although he is rich, it is better to keep a low profile.

What's the use of buying something so expensive besides showing off?

Fast is fast, but is there any urgent need in life now that needs to be so fast?
Just go to other provinces by plane and high-speed rail.

After buying the car, he went to the driving school to sign up, and when the time came, he would be notified to take the exam, and he didn't need to practice at all.

Now he is very famous, people know him everywhere he goes, and then there are all kinds of group photos, autographs and so on.

Yang Fan was really annoying.

So I decided to wear a hat and sunglasses when I went out in the future.After all the formalities were completed, life became normal again. During the day, I went to an Internet cafe to live broadcast, practice in the afternoon, and broadcast live at night. The schedule was very reasonable.

In this way, time passed quickly, ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and tomorrow is the round of sixteen.

In other words, those who advanced to the group stage last time will go to the top [-].

If you go out to the old teams, there seem to be very few new teams.

But it's not that there are no dark horse teams, and some veteran teams are not opponents.

For example, the QG team was eliminated directly.

There are other teams, we will know tomorrow.

Wang Meili only cheered for them, didn't say any more nonsense, and asked them all to have a good rest at night, and only Yang Fan went to bed after the live broadcast.

Now he is in very good condition, he hardly feels tired and has great energy.

On the second day, Wang Meili still drove a few people to the gymnasium. The top [-] is still the gymnasium. Only the winning team today is eligible to go to the new venue.

At that time, both the host lady and the official commentary will be in place.

Therefore, only by reaching the top [-] and entering that field, will it be possible to be remembered.

No matter what, Yang Fan's driver's license needs to be three months. Now there are many people taking the driver's license test and have to queue up. Even though Yang Fan is a celebrity, he has to abide by it.

There are still too many people today, more than the previous two times. After all, only the remaining strong teams can get the attention of all players.

The gymnasium is full of people, most of them are college students, and there are also many young people from the society. Internet cafe masters also lined up to enter the arena.

A ticket sold for 1000 yuan.

How much does it cost to have so many people?

So much so that ordinary people don't understand how rich people make money.

The six of Yang Fan are free to enter, they are members of the team and do not need to buy tickets.

After entering, there were already a large number of people inside. Yang Fan was very low-key, wearing a peaked cap and sunglasses, otherwise he would be surrounded. He had had enough.

Then Wang Meili went to the stage to collect the number plate for the battle, while Yang Fan and the other five waited.

(End of this chapter)

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