Glamour star

Chapter 132 Wang Meili's Worries

Chapter 132 Wang Meili's Worries (please subscribe, ask for tickets)
After winning WE, Yang Fan and the five all showed smiles. Although they respected WE, an old team, it was a cruel blow to them, but since they have to be prepared to fall from the altar on the professional road, they can only be sorry. They are gone.

Then they went over to shake hands and told the referee, and the five of them quietly left the gymnasium to get some air outside.

It's really tiring after two games.

After all, there are too many people in the gymnasium, and the smell is a bit heavy, so it is not suitable for long-term waiting.

But Wang Meili couldn't do it. As the boss, she had to be responsible for the team, so she could only sit at the front desk.

After coming out, the sun was shining, the sky was clear, and the weather was very good.

Ji Tiantian smiled and said: "It feels so good to win, and finally the top sixteen, the next eight is right?"

Yang Fan nodded, he was clear about the professional rules, "That's right, this will eliminate many teams, leaving only sixteen teams, all of them are masters, next time we should use tactics."

Mao Xiaofeng nodded: "That's right, if WE had a good top laner and jungler, we wouldn't be so easy."

Yang Fan looked at Ge Jinghong and said, "Next, you should practice more top lane heroes."

Ge Jinghong nodded: "Understood."

Now he can be said to be a real salty fish turning over. His name may be remembered by most people in the next quarter-finals, and his family has also given up a poor life because of his professional career.

His sister can go to school with peace of mind.

Ji Tiantian didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, so she asked Yang Fan, "Brother Fan, you're about to get your driver's license, right? Why don't you drive your car around Shanghai Market after this time?"

Yang Fan looked at her with a smile and said, "I know how to eat all day long, and I know how to play."

"If there is no fun in life, how is it different from salted fish?"

"In the past, we were all poor people. We couldn't afford food and entertainment, so we could only envy others. Now that we have money and live on tight, that's too picky."

"Even if you earn too much money, you don't bring it with you when you die, and you don't spend money to keep it to have a son."

Ji Tiantian's high-spirited talk made several people laugh, and Yang Fan said helplessly, "Okay, I will do as you say."

Ji Tiantian jumped up excitedly.

Then he found a gazebo again and sat down. Mao Xiaofeng went to buy five bottles of water.

Until 40 minutes into the game in the gymnasium, the winning team came out to breathe, the losing team looked frustrated, and went home.

Maybe they won't have the chance to play professionally in the future.

After all, youth is only once.

An hour later, all the professional teams came out, and all of them had won two games.

Including Yang Fan and his team, there are a total of fourteen teams, and the other two teams are still deciding the outcome.

Half an hour later, Wang Meili came out and waved directly: "Let's go, go and have a good meal."

His eyes fell on Ji Tiantian, and sure enough, Ji Tiantian was excited, but thinking of her bluffing, she didn't jump up, it was a bit embarrassing for so many people.

So the six of them went to the nearby barbecue city again.

Eating barbecue is fun.

It wasn't until five o'clock in the afternoon that I finished eating and went home.

Now Yang Fan doesn't want to release pigeons anymore, and still broadcasts live.

After arriving home, Wang Meili said: "Ten days later, it will still be the quarter-finals, so just do your best."

Several people nodded, and then Wang Meili went to the room, seeing that her expression was not very good.

Yang Fan frowned, went in and asked, "What's the matter? You seem to be in a bad mood?"

Wang Meili looked at Yang Fan, sighed and leaned on his arms lightly and said, "I think I'm in trouble."

Yang Fan frowned: "Trouble? What trouble?"

"The family sent me a message, saying that they want me to go back. If I don't go back, they will come and take me back by force." Wang Meili was a little helpless.

Although she is a strong woman, she is still powerless in the face of family power, and she is not something that a woman can contend with.

In the past, someone in the family supported her, and no one cares about her for so many years. Now the family does not know what has become. Now that she thinks of her, it means that those who support her in the family do not know what to do. Maybe they have no right to speak.

So this is very bad news for her.

She knows that there are still worlds in this world that ordinary people cannot touch, and as an ordinary person, it is even more impossible for her to have the right to speak.

Before, she naively thought that as long as she had enough money, she could negotiate with the family, but now that she realized that, it was just a fantasy.

Money means nothing to those with power.

So now she feels hesitant.

Should I consider leaving Yang Fan?

If they knew that she was in a relationship with Yang Fan, the family would never let Yang Fan go.

So she didn't want to make her own decisions, so she decided to tell Yang Fan and let him make a choice.

"Ask you to go back? What are you going back for?" Yang Fan frowned.

He knew that Wang Meili belonged to a big family and escaped because of the forced marriage within the family, but now listening to Wang Meili's tone, it seems that it is not so simple.

"Go home and marry the family, and they are very powerful. I can't beat them as a weak woman. I give you this to prepare you mentally. If you give up on me earlier, I won't have any complaints, because you It can be life-threatening if you get involved."

Wang Meili looked at Yang Fan and said seriously.

"Life is in danger? How to say?"

"This world is not as simple as you think. We ordinary people are just ordinary people, and there are people who are more powerful than us, and that is warriors, that is, those with martial arts shown on TV, who can break gold and crack stones with one palm. "Wang Meili explained.

There is no need to hide these, let Yang Fan know the stakes, maybe he will let go.

She, Wang Meili, didn't want to pull someone back.

Besides, this person is still the one she likes.

Yang Fan understood it this time, so it turned out to be the case. No wonder he also has this state. Every ray of light emitted by the extraordinary master Shuiren can open gold and crack stones. Now he can be regarded as a warrior.

Yang Fan wasn't too surprised, he smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, how could I let them take you back? It's me."

Now it was Wang Meili's turn to be surprised, and asked puzzledly, "Aren't you afraid of warriors? They have martial arts skills, not the kind who can kill people with one punch and one kick."

Yang Fan scratched her nose and said with a smile: "You know, I don't do things that I'm not sure about, aren't I just a mere warrior? I happened to fight against them."

Wang Meili was even more surprised, but then she thought of something, and asked uncertainly: "You mean, your secret?"

Although Yang Fan promised the system not to tell others about his existence, it's okay to call him a secret, as long as he doesn't tell Wang Meili his specific details.

Yang Fan nodded and said, "I don't know how strong my secret is, but now I'm not afraid of anyone at all, and I happened to have a fight with warriors to see the effect."

Wang Meili felt a sense of warmth and security in her heart, but she still asked uneasy: "What if you can't beat the warriors? They cannot be restrained by law."

Yang Fan said with a smile: "I feel that I have infinite power, and I should be able to fight. Don't worry."

Wang Meili had no choice but to nod: "Okay then, we'll see when the time comes. If you can't beat it, you can run away. Your secret should be able to take you far, right?"

Yang Fan nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't run away, even if I want to run away, I will drag you to run away with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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