Glamour star

Chapter 133 Xiao Sheng

Chapter 133 Xiao Sheng
After communicating with Yang Fan, Wang Meili was slightly relieved, and she chose to trust Yang Fan.

Because Yang Fan's secret is really powerful.

How can a person who is so poor that he can't even afford food achieve such an achievement in just one year?

This is obviously impossible, which means that everything is due to the secret of Yang Fan.

So Yang Fan has the confidence to fight against the family warriors, so she also decided to try. Besides, she has to decide her own happiness, so she won't marry someone he doesn't like.

Although the person he married may have infinite wealth, but he is not rare.

Because the young masters in the big family are all dudes, and marrying them is just a number.

Why does she want that kind of man?

So choosing to believe in Yang Fan is to believe in herself.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day's life went on as usual, but today is the day for Yang Fan to get his driver's license, so everyone accompanied him to get his driver's license, and let's relax and have fun.

She didn't come back until the afternoon. Wang Meili doesn't need to go to the Internet cafe every day now, but she will go if she has time.

It's afternoon now, when Wang Meili was about to go and have a look, Yang Fan said, "I don't think you need to go, just give them a call and ask."

Wang Meili naturally understood the meaning of Yang Fan's words, and after thinking for a while, she nodded and agreed, and called the Internet cafe.

What Yang Fan said was correct, since the news was sent to him yesterday, it was equivalent to giving him a warning, maybe his family's masters had already come to the Shanghai market.

If Wang Meili went to the Internet cafe alone, she would definitely be taken away forcibly if she met those people. No matter how powerful Yang Fan was, it would be impossible for her to rush there in an instant.

So just stay on the safe side.

In the evening, Yang Fan was still broadcasting live, and his popularity remained at around [-] million.

Now he gives people a feeling of being back to basics, and his attractiveness is not as strong and impulsive as before.

But the current one is more attractive, it's just hidden.

Wang Meili came out with the mask on and was playing with her phone when a call came in suddenly.

She was slightly taken aback, the call was from an unfamiliar number, Wang Meili hung up directly.

There are so many liars now, I don't want to hear their comparisons.

But just after hanging up and calling again, Wang Meili frowned, is it bothering you?

Hang up again.

But I called again, it was the same number.

Wang Meili picked it up and said, "Aren't you bothered? You still call me even if I don't pick up. It's not a trick to cheat money, is it?"

He was about to hang up the phone again.

But this time a male voice came from the opposite side: "Cousin, I am Xiaosheng, not a liar."

Wang Meili paused slightly with the hand holding the phone.

She has almost forgotten the name Xiao Sheng, and it sounds a little strange at the moment, but there is still such a person deep in her memory.

He is the one he wants to marry.

A little fat, but not very fat, with a popular face, and sometimes a little wretched.

Compared with Yang Fan, there is simply no comparison, not a level of beauty.

As for character, it is not even a ten thousandth of Yang Fan's. Except for being rich, she looks down on everything else.

How could she marry such a person?

It's like asking him to marry a pig.

Wang Meili said coldly: "What are you doing on the phone?"

A laugh came from the phone, "Meimei, remember me, I'm your fiancé, now I've arrived at Shanghai Market, come out and meet me?"

Wang Meili sneered: "What fiancé, you are dreaming, and I'm not free right now, so it's impossible to see you. I advise you to give up your heart and go as far as you want."

"Yo, I still have such a personality, I like it, anyway, you won't see me tonight, I will see you sooner or later, by the way, I heard that you have a boyfriend? Hehe, he is quite courageous, and he even got involved with my fiancée, I really don't know How do you write the word dead?"

Wang Meili said in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything. You are my fiancée, so you have to marry me. Now you are cuckolding me. You are really good at it." Xiao Sheng said coldly.

Wang Meili also said coldly: "If you dare to touch him, I will never end with you."

Xiao Sheng laughed lightly and said, "Okay, I'll wait. Since we won't meet tonight, I'll go find you tomorrow. I hope you don't run away, or your Internet cafe will be gone."

Hang up the phone when you're done.

Wang Meili's face was extremely ugly, she didn't expect this person to be as shameless as before.

Taking a deep breath, she decided to tell Yang Fan that she is not a pedantic woman, Yang Fan has the strength to protect her, she naturally wants to rely on it.

She is not the kind of TV show who takes on everything for a man and ends up alone for the rest of her life.

That's just mindless.

Now that she believes in Yang Fan, she should tell him the truth and not hide it, that would harm others and herself.

Now Yang Fan is broadcasting live, wait until twelve o'clock to talk about it.

But at this moment Yang Fan already knew that the current sense of hearing, vision and spiritual sense is extremely terrifying. Even if he is wearing earphones and the sound of playing games is ringing, Wang Meili can hear all the conversations on the phone clearly.

This is the horror of the charismatic halo of the extraordinary master.

Even heard very clearly.

He could feel the ugly face of the man opposite him.

He even wanted to go over and beat him up to breathe a sigh of relief.

The corner of Yang Fan's mouth curled up. If Wang Meili knew what he said, she might say it later.

After twenty o'clock, the live broadcast was turned off, Yang Fan went to take a shower, and then went back to his room.

Wang Meili is playing with her mobile phone.

Wang Meili said, "I'll tell you something."

Yang Fan nodded and lay down to rest.

"That person has gone public in Shanghai, and he called me just now, saying that he will come to see me tomorrow." Wang Meili looked at Yang Fan seriously and said.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Is that the one your family wants you to marry?"

Wang Meili nodded.

Yang Fan didn't take it seriously and said: "If he comes, let him come. If anyone dares to touch you, I will be the first to make him feel better."

Wang Meili smiled, "I believe in you."

Silent all night.

On the second day, after getting up early, Yang Fan and Wang Meili drove to the Internet cafe after having breakfast.

Ji Tiantian and Mao Xiaofeng continued to practice heroes at home.

For his players, Yang Fan can't let them relax, he must raise their level to a terrifying level, so that the World Championship won't be so difficult.

It's unrealistic to rely on him alone.

This is a team game, and it requires the cooperation of teammates. Otherwise, no matter how good the individual is, the teammate will blow up and the game will be lost.

After all, professional games are not ranked.

A map is a map, but a game is not a game.

When Yang Fan and Wang Meili drove to the Internet cafe, there were two people standing outside the door, wearing sunglasses, wearing black suits, short hair, and a stern look, giving people a feeling that strangers should not be approached.

Seeing two people coming, one of them wearing sunglasses came over, looked Yang Fan up and down, and his eyes fell on Wang Meili.

"Young mistress, the young master is waiting for you inside." The person said lightly, without much respect.

And when Yang Fan heard the words Young Mistress, his face turned cold suddenly, he glanced at this person coldly, and said coldly: "What did you just say?"

(End of this chapter)

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