Glamour star

Chapter 163 Yang Fan Deters the Masters

Chapter 163 Yang Fan Deters the Masters

Nangong Batian snorted coldly: "What are you doing talking nonsense with him? Give it to me, kill him together, don't care about the moral rules of the world, killing him is morality."

Wang Lin squinted his eyes and flickered, he didn't come up immediately, he was the loudest, and now he was urging others to come up first.

Yang Fan sneered, this person must die, especially his sword is very attractive to him.

Xiao Zhen and the three old poisons were also communicating in the corner.

Xiao Zhen said in a low voice: "I can tell, this person is not Ye Zhetian, and the one next to him is not Ye Gucheng either."

Toad was stunned: "Then who are these two?"

Xiao Zhen sneered and said: "It's Yang Fan and Lord Qianmian. I could tell when he made a move just now. That true energy belongs to Yang Fan alone. I will never admit my mistake."

"This is definitely the disguise of the man with thousands of faces. These two people have arrived a long time ago. If it weren't for Yang Fan's bastard, I really wouldn't have recognized them." Xiao Zhen said with a murderous look on his face.

He was full of murderous aura towards Yang Fan, and he had never been beaten in such a big age.

He was almost beaten to death by Yang Fan that day.

He must avenge this revenge.

The bomb dropped from the plane before knew that it would not kill him, and it was just a warning to him. Now that it is delivered to his door, and he has offended so many masters, is this kid still alive?
God helped Xiao Zhen too.

The poisonous snake said hoarsely, "What should we do now?"

Xiao Zhen said: "Let's go together, there is a city lord restraining him, we just need to sneak up on the black hand, as long as we can kill him, we can use any method."

The poisonous snake glanced at the toad and the centipede and said, "We like to use poison."

Xiao Zhen laughed and said, "Then poison him to death. Make his life worse than death."

The poisonous snake nodded, they were cruel and vicious people, and they would feel itchy if they didn't do bad things for a day, and now they were thinking of tricks to kill Yang Fan.

At this moment, all the masters were looking at Yang Fan with fierce eyes, but none of them dared to be the first to strike.

Nangong Batian was furious, and shouted: "Trash, give it to me quickly, what are you doing?"

Wang Lin said in a deep voice: "City Master, we are no match for this kid. Come and hold him back, and then we will join forces to kill Ye Gucheng."

Nangong Batian nodded and said, "Okay, solve it quickly."

Everyone looked at each other and surrounded Yang Fan.

Poisonous snakes, toads, and centipedes are playing their flutes to attract poisonous things.

Xiao Zhen walked towards Yang Fan with a cold face.

Yang Fan glanced at Lord Qianmian and said, "Sit down, leave this to me. If you make random moves by the side, I'll see it as an eyesore."

Lord Thousand Faces: "..."

You are so arrogant, do you want everyone to know about you?
Lord Qianmian asked, "Can you do it alone?"

Yang Fan waved his hand: "I'll know if you try it."

Lord Thousand Faces: "..."

At this moment, Nangong Batian punched Yang Fan, and he tried his best to take down Yang Fan in one fell swoop.

Yang Fan was still sitting, did not get up, and punched him.


This time Yang Fan used [-]% of his strength.

That is, the master's triple heaven strength.

And his charismatic halo is different from the true energy of a warrior, and its strength is generally much higher.

At this moment, it is close to the fourth heaven of masters.

The violent power raged, making everyone present feel a chill.

The table flew horizontally and turned into slag, and the masters couldn't stand still, as if they were blown down.

Then they heard a scream.

"Ah... are the fourth heaven, how is it possible!"


Like the middle-aged man just now, it also fell on the dirt wall, and the dragon robe became rags and shattered.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and his face was instantly sluggish.

With a pale face, he couldn't believe it, this person turned out to be the fourth heaven of masters, not only crushing him, but also crushing all the masters here.

Not on a level at all.

Yang Fan still sat calmly on the chair, looked down at Nangong Batian, and said with a faint smile, "You want to kill me? Do you have that strength?"


At this moment, everyone was stupefied. They looked at the city lord who was vomiting blood in disbelief, and looked at Yang Fan who was not concerned. The contrast made their hearts beat so fast that they almost jumped out of their throats.

His face twitched extremely quickly, how could this be possible?

Even the city lord can't take a move, how can they fight?
Master Four Heavens is not just talk.

But a truly invincible existence.

Not at all that they can insult and profanity.

This is like the heavenly realm not daring to insult the master, whoever insults will die.

Just now they not only insulted, but also scolded. The scolding was extremely ugly, and the insult was even more exaggerated.

They all threatened to kill Yang Fan.This is what they said.

At this moment, the intestines of regret are green. Will Yang Fan forgive them for scolding so hard just now?
Yang Fan glanced at them indifferently, and the hearts of these masters jumped, and this glance made them stand upright and feel cold.

"Just wait, I'll clean you up later."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Nangong Batian again.

He asked faintly: "You want to kill me? Just rely on you?"

Nangong Batian's face was ugly.

"Want to stand up for that fat pig? Is that okay?"

Nangong Batian's face turned blue.

"Do you think you are really the lord of the city? Wearing a python dragon robe is the emperor? You don't take a piss to take care of yourself. I feel sick when I see you."

Nangong Batian's face was flushed, and a mouthful of blood spit out from his throat.

"Why are you a scum like you still living in this world? Forget it if you don't die, and save yourself from harming others."

Nangong Batian's eyes were red, he glared at Yang Fan, raised his hand to point at him, but he was exhausted.

"It just so happens that you are dead now, everything is mine, you can close your eyes at ease."

Nangong Batian suddenly roared, and shouted out with the last of his strength: "My elder brother...will...revenge me...."

"Ah... poof"

Nangong Batian died immediately after roaring.

He stared at his eyes and died with resignation.

Yang Fan sneered and kicked him to the corner, out of sight and out of mind.

Just now Nangong Batian was shattered by his punch, and his internal organs were shattered, coupled with the attack of Qi and blood, he died suddenly.

You can't blame him, since you want to kill him, then be prepared to be killed.

Buyun was still sitting on the chair, looking at these masters who lowered their heads and dared not look at him.

The old man or the middle-aged man dare not look up at him.

One by one, they are obedient, just like elementary school students.

"What do you think I should do with you?"

Someone immediately said: "Let me go, I was also forced by Nangong Batian, I really don't want to be your enemy, and if you want, we can also be friends."

Yang Fan's eyes fell on this man. He was a middle-aged man, and he snorted coldly, "Just you? Are you worthy of being friends with me?"

The man immediately knelt down and said, "Forgive me, if you don't want to, I will never be your friend."

Yang Fan laughed, and so did Mr. Thousand Faces. This man's bones are so soft that he is rare in his life.

"Get the hell out of here. Be obedient. If you dare to make a move, I'll let you see Nangong Batian immediately." Yang Fan said coldly.

The person nodded and said, "Yes, I will never make a sound." Then he obediently stood in the corner.

The other masters saw that this man was so lucky, and they were also moved, wanting to confess directly.

Yang Fan glanced at them lightly, shaking their minds and not daring to move anymore.

At this moment, Yang Fan's eyes finally fell on Xiao Zhen, and he chuckled lightly: "Patriarch Xiao, it seems that you are tired of living."

(End of this chapter)

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