Glamour star

Chapter 164 Strange Earth City and Magma

Chapter 164 Strange Earth City and Magma
Yang Fan looked at Xiao Zhen with a playful smile in his eyes, but a cold killing intent had already been brewing.

He was lucky not to kill him last time.

I can't let him go today.

Xiao Zhen's face was ugly, he didn't expect Yang Fan to be so powerful, a master of the fourth heaven realm, no one present was his opponent.

Even the city lord Nangong Batian was beaten to death by Yang Fan.

At this moment, even if he joins hands with the three old poisons, he is not an opponent.

Xiao Zhen looked at the poisonous snake and said in a low voice, "What should we do now?"

The faces of the three Vipers were the most aggrieved and angry, and they glared at Xiao Zhen: "Didn't you say that this kid is just a master? What's going on now? This is the fourth heaven of masters, a master among masters, and it's not something we can do at all." To deal with it, you actually tricked us into joining hands to kill him. Didn’t you let us die three times? You are really vicious, even more vicious than the three of us old poisons. Now you actually ask us what to do? How do I know what we should do? "

Toad also stared at Xiao Zhen angrily, with fire coming out of his eyes.

The centipede also said angrily: "If you can't settle this matter and hurt us, you will die."

Xiao Zhen's face was already distorted, he felt humiliated, angry, and scared at the same time.

He is afraid that he will die now.

He is a person who is afraid of death, and there are still good times to live, so how can he die now?
And he also wants to get immortal grass to live forever.

Now that you're dead, don't you lose everything?

So under Yang Fan's half-smiling eyes, under the sinister eyes of the three old poisons, and under the gloating of other masters, he tried his best to change into a smiling face.

Looking at Yang Fan, he said: "Master Yang, I was wrong, please let me go once, regardless of the fault of the villain, and I will definitely follow your lead in the future."

"Just treat me like a fart."

Xiao Zhen begged for mercy with a face full of self-blame.

Even the other masters couldn't bear to look at this face.

So disgusting.

At the very least, you are also in your 60s and [-]s, and you are not ashamed to beg for mercy to a young man in his twenties.

If you choose to fight Yang Fan, they will think highly of Xiao Zhen.

But now begging for forgiveness like a dog is disgusting.

They couldn't help but want to vomit.

Yang Fan tore off his mask to reveal his true face, there is no need to hide it now.

Anyway, no one present was his opponent.

Yang Fan sneered and said, "Old man, do you think I will let you go?"

Xiao Zhen's face changed and he said, "As long as you let me go, I can do anything."

When Yang Fan was about to say something, Lord Qianmian was beside him and said, "You can think about it."

Yang Fan glanced at him and said nothing, Xiao Zhen must be killed.

This person has completely offended him.

Just when Yang Fan was about to make a move, the whole Tucheng suddenly shook.

Immediately afterwards, it shook directly.

Everyone was shocked: "What's wrong?"

"Is this an earthquake?"

"Everyone, run."

Everyone reacted, and they were about to squeeze and run out.

Although Grandmaster has the protection of true energy, but the earthen city is very thick and magnificent, once it collapses, they will all be smashed to death.

It doesn't work even if there is a real qi body.

On the one hand, it was because staying here would be life-threatening, and if Yang Fan didn't let them go, no one would be his opponent.

Judging from his appearance just now, Yang Fan didn't intend to let them go at all.

The shaking now just gave them a chance to escape.

Yang Fan didn't expect it to be like this at the moment, there was an earthquake?

Is it so disrespectful?

Could it be that God wants Xiao Zhen and these bastards to work?
Not giving face at all?
Although Yang Fan is a master of the fourth heaven, he can indeed kill these masters, but it will take time, and the three old poisons are the most threatening to him, so it doesn't make any sense for him to do it now.

If it's been a long time and he can't get out, wouldn't even he himself be involved?
Wouldn't it be an idiot to risk his own life just to kill these people?
So Yang Fan yelled coldly: "Let go of you today, and deal with you tomorrow."

As he spoke, he exchanged glances with Mr. Thousand Faces and immediately ran out.

After seeing Yang Fan and Lord Qianmian go out, these masters were all relieved, if Yang Fan blocked the front, they really wouldn't be able to get out.

Xiao Zhen's villainous dog-like appearance just now became gloomy in an instant, his face was terribly distorted, and he clenched his fists fiercely, feeling the incomparable humiliation hit his heart, making him tremble with anger.

I roared in my heart: "Yang Fan, I'm not done with you."

The three old poisons took a look at Xiao Zhen and sneered, then ran out.

I don't want to be with Xiao Zhen.

The other masters also avoided Xiao Zhen like the plague and ran out one by one.

Finally, Xiao Zhen took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. From now on, he will be a transparent person, run away when he sees Yang Fan, and kill him in one fell swoop when he finds a chance.

Then he shook his hand and ran out.

Just as Xiao Zhen ran out, magma appeared on the ground of this Tucheng hall, slowly floating up, and a hideous and terrifying shadow could be faintly seen from the magma.

Everyone ran out. At this moment, not only the inner city was shaking, but even the outer city was shaking, and the shaking was more rapid, as if the whole earthen city was about to collapse.


Everyone was stunned and didn't understand what happened. They stood as far away from the building as possible, as if their fate at this moment could no longer be controlled by them.

"What happened? Why the earthquake?"

"Why is the tremor getting stronger and stronger? It's getting stronger and stronger."

"It's scary, let's run, maybe it's too late."

"Yes, run quickly, you can't stay in this place, it's very weird."

Everyone ran to the outer city, and the inner city couldn't stay any longer.And even going to the outer city may not be safe.

Yang Fan and Lord Qianmian couldn't care less about killing Xiao Zhen at this moment, if they didn't run away, they might end up here.

"Let's go first, we can't stay here, we can talk about it after the earthquake is over." Thousand Faced Lord said.

Yang Fan nodded, and went to the outer city together.

As soon as they left, all the masters who were in the hall just now came out. After seeing that Yang Fan was gone, they were overjoyed and immediately fled in all directions.

Xiao Zhen was the last one to come out, and the three old poisons had disappeared.

Xiao Zhen also didn't care about other matters of running for his life.

The situation is really scary now, as if the whole earth city is going to be turned upside down.

Everyone ran away for a while, and the inner city was basically a master, even if it was a big player, the speed was very fast.

Just after everyone ran away, magma rose up again from the underground of the inner city, devouring the foundation of the Tucheng.

But this earthen city is extremely tenacious and solid, and it was not swallowed by the magma. Although it was shaken from side to side, it was still not destroyed.

Finally, the magma was firmly pressed down again.

Moreover, an angry roar could be heard faintly coming up from below.

(End of this chapter)

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