Glamour star

Chapter 165 Going to Fire Dragon Valley Alone

Chapter 165 Going to Fire Dragon Valley Alone
Yang Fan and Lord Qianmian breathed a sigh of relief after they ran to the outer city. It was really scary just now. The roar of the gangster made Yang Fan, who has the aura of a supernatural master, feel his scalp tingling.

It seems that a prehistoric beast is about to rush out.

And at the moment the outer city is also a mess.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and most people living in the outer city had already gone to bed, and there were almost no people on the street.

But after the earthquake sounded, everyone rushed out, looking in the direction of the inner city with suspicious expressions on their faces.

The walls there were leaning, and they almost collapsed.

But the city wall returned to its original state, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Although I don't know how the earthquake came about, but as a martial artist, I vaguely understand that there are crises everywhere in the Fire Dragon Valley, which is definitely related to it.

After Yang Fan and Lord Qianmian arrived, Wang Yue greeted him and immediately asked, "How are you two?"

Yang Fan shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Wang Yue breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine."

"What should we do now? This place seems to be changing." Wang Yue frowned.

"Let's adapt accordingly, let's find a chance to go to Fire Dragon Valley." Yang Fan said.

As more and more people rushed out, everyone's eyes changed, and they looked towards Fire Dragon Valley full of worry.

Is this place going to change completely?
Moreover, these people revealed emotions that they should not forget in their worries.

In short, the people who come here are all for the longevity grass and other rare medicinal materials in the Fire Dragon Valley.

Now this small earthquake can't affect their determination to continue exploring.

If you don't get something, isn't it in vain?

At this moment, someone exclaimed: "Look, what is that?"

Hearing the voice, everyone's gazes followed the direction of his fingers.

The next moment, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

"This is?"

"How is this going?"

"Why are there dragons flying in the sky?"

"You're blind, that's not a dragon, it's fire, it's just a dragon formed from fire."

I saw a fire dragon soaring into the sky extremely far away, extremely dazzling and bright, and after only a moment, the fire dragon disappeared without a trace.

But after a while, the fire dragon appeared again, exactly the same as before, and disappeared after appearing for a moment.

"That direction is Fire Dragon Valley, right?"

"Yes, it is indeed Fire Dragon Valley. It is still some distance away from us. The fire dragon that appears now is very similar to that of Fire Dragon Valley. Could it be that the fire dragon is actually the magma gushing out of Fire Dragon Valley?"

"I understand now that you said that, it is indeed the shape of Fire Dragon Valley."

"It seems that the magma is about to overflow. This Fire Dragon Valley is really dangerous. I wonder if the magma will spread over?"

"Shut your crow's mouth, Fire Dragon Valley is so far away from this earth city, it's impossible to overflow."

At this moment, someone exclaimed again: "It's over, it's over, what do you think this is?"

Then everyone pointed in the direction of his finger, and saw a red thing appearing under the earthen city. If you look carefully, isn't it magma?
Moreover, layer after layer of magma emerged from under the houses in Tucheng.

It seems that the city wall is about to be overturned and the house is about to rush out.

For a moment, everyone's face turned pale, especially the warriors in the realm below the master. Among them, the astral realm is the most fearful. They are also the weakest here, and they will die at any time.

Someone shouted: "What are you doing here at the star level? Are you looking for death? Get out now, Fire Dragon Valley is not a place for you to get your hands on."

A big master of the heavens scolded.

"Hmph! It's the same as saying how powerful I am. It's just a great position. As long as you don't become a master for a day, you will be a weak one for a day. What qualifications do you have to drive us away?" A star-level master sneered.

"What did you say? Say it again if you have the ability?" Da Xingwei was furious, looking at the star-level realm who spoke just now, with a murderous look on his face.

But then the murderous aura disappeared without a trace.

Standing behind this star position is the master.

Those who cannot be humiliated by a master must die, this is recognized by all warriors.

But under the master, they don't care so much. The star level can indeed insult the heavenly level, as long as you dare.

With more and more magma, everyone's complexion changed, and they stopped arguing with each other. These are meaningless things, so let's find a way to survive.

This magma is not for fun, even if the master touches it, it will be melted.

Someone shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze? Run quickly."

After everyone reacted, they immediately ran towards Tucheng, and now no one dared to run to the inner city.

That is undoubtedly courting death.

Huolonggu and Tucheng gave them a great spiritual shock at this moment, and there was a strangeness everywhere, which made them very excited.

Wang Yue asked Yang Fan: "What should we do now?"

Wang Yue's remaining ten bodyguards looked at Yang Fan, and now Yang Fan was their leader, and no one dared to disobey him.

Yang Fan glanced at the direction of Fire Dragon Valley, then glanced at Wang Yue, Qianmian Langjun and the others, and made up his mind: "You go out of the city first and wait outside, I'm going to Fire Dragon Valley, if I don't come back in two days, Just go and leave me alone."

Wang Yue frowned, Qianmian Langjun frowned, and said at the same time: "No, the Fire Dragon Valley is too dangerous, and going now is undoubtedly looking for death."

Yang Fan shook his head, his tone firm: "No, I will find Miss Meili for you, otherwise I will never go back."

Wang Yue and Qianmian Langjun looked at each other, this Yang Fan really has a deep affection for Wang Meili.

Even they were touched.

Wang Yue said: "Do you want to think about it again?"

Yang Fan shook his head and didn't think about it.

Lord Qianmian thought for a while and said, "I'll go with you."

Yang Fan shook his head again: "You don't need to take risks with me, go back, I'm enough alone."

Lord Qianmian wanted to persuade him again, but Yang Fan interrupted directly, "If I am lucky, and if I can get the longevity grass, I will give you a little bit, so it is decided."

"It's not too late now, I'll go first, if I arrive one step earlier, the beauty will be less dangerous."

"Mr. Qianmian, take care of them, I think Xiao Zhen and the others will make a move."

Yang Fan looked at the two and said.

Now his prejudice against Wang Yue is gone, and he almost believes Wang Yue's words. In fact, he has been protecting Wang Meili for a long time, but he just doesn't want others to know. He is a good person.

After the chapter Wang Meili is confirmed, then make friends with Wang Yue.

Lord Qianmian smiled and said: "Don't worry, with me here, Xiao Zhen won't even try to recognize us."

Yang Fan nodded, the disguise technique of Lord Thousand Faces is really powerful.

If he hadn't made a move in the inner city before, Xiao Zhen would not have recognized him.

After saying goodbye to each other, Yang Fan quietly ran towards the inner city without the attention of others. As long as he passed through the inner city, he would not be far from Fire Dragon Valley.

Wang Yue and Mr. Qianmian looked at each other with a wry smile and said, "Let's trust him, he will definitely come back."

Lord Qianmian said: "We will go to Fire Dragon Valley soon."

Wang Yue remembered something, nodded and said: "Yes, no master will miss such an opportunity. It's just that Yang Fan is too impatient, I hope he's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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