Glamour star

Chapter 168 The Effect of Charm Light

Chapter 168 The Effect of Charm Light

Mei Bo and Wang Meili resisted the monsters rushing up to bite them with true anger.

Each one was only the size of a finger, and their backs were covered with flames, like small crocodiles, criss-crossing like spider webs, like fireballs, extremely terrifying.

At this moment, these dense crocodile monsters have already covered the two people's infuriating masks, without a single gap.

The little crocodile monsters following closely behind were still scrambling to climb up.

I'm afraid the infuriating mask will be completely destroyed in a short while, and then the two of them will be submerged.

For a moment, the two were at a critical moment.

If these crocodile monsters don't leave within a specific time, the two will die.

Wang Meili could no longer see Mei Bo's figure, and could not even hear her voice, it was completely dark.

"What should I do? These monsters didn't leave. Am I going to be eaten? It's so disgusting and painful." Wang Meili was already afraid at this moment. If she regained her senses before, she wouldn't be in such a dangerous situation. .

Unexpectedly, there are dangers everywhere in Fire Dragon Valley, and this monster is just a small crisis.

Even so, they couldn't handle it.

Even Mabel couldn't get out of it unscathed.

As time passed, these crocodile monsters receded slowly, and the magma underneath stopped bubbling, and it was about to return to calm.

At this moment, suddenly there was a roaring sound from the bottom of the magma, like the sound of a dragon's chant, very rough, and anger and aggrieved meaning could be heard in this sound.

When Wang Meili and Mei Bo, who had been struggling to support, heard the terrifying voice, their faces changed suddenly, and the fluke mentality disappeared in an instant, leaving only despair.

Even Mebo couldn't have fought so many crocodile monsters.

Surrounded by the crocodiles, Mabel shouted, "Miss, how are you? Can you still hold on?"

At this moment, Wang Meili looked at the dark surroundings, she didn't even have the energy to speak, her face was pale, without a trace of blood, and her whole body was exhausted.

If it weren't for the last bit of will to survive to support her, she really couldn't hold on anymore.

There was very little true energy left in her body.

"Miss, I will try my best to rescue you, and I cannot let these disgusting monsters defile you." Mabel said loudly.

Wang Meili also breathed a sigh of relief, and said in the loudest voice: "No, Meibo, don't worry about me, go away quickly, I'm the one who got you in trouble, and you can't let you send you off because of me, I made a big mistake this time , let me take it on myself, with your strength, you can definitely escape."

"No, you are the master, and I am the servant. Even if I die, I won't put you in a desperate situation." Mei Bo yelled, about to break through the qi shield and blow away the monsters crawling on it.

"No, you can't do this, otherwise I will immediately withdraw my qi and let these monsters eat me." Wang Meili threatened.

"I... oh..." Mabel sighed, he really couldn't bear the threat.

Just when the two were desperate, suddenly the roar in the magma sounded again, which was extremely shocking.


It's like breaking through the eardrums of people.

At this moment, all the crocodile monsters were lying on the qi mask and trembling.

It seemed that he was extremely afraid of the sound.

"What's going on? How did this sound come out?" Wang Meili was shocked.

Mabel's breathing was fairly steady, but his eardrums ached from the shock of the sound.

The two of them had no choice but to hold on.

Mei Bo is very helpless, with his strength, he can send Wang Meili away as long as he fights his life, but Wang Meili's threat is really too much for him.

so that now we can only stand in a stalemate
I hope the growling noise will disappear and the crocodile monster will retreat.


At this time, Yang Fan was still walking forward, looking down at the magma from time to time, frowning all the time.

"Why do I feel that someone is watching me? Is it an illusion? Impossible."

Yang Fan was talking to himself, but his expression was very flat.

With the system in place, he didn't feel afraid at all.

This comes from trusting the system.

Looking at the fire dragon rising suddenly in front of him from time to time, Yang Fan smiled lightly, not used to seeing it all the way.

At this moment, an extremely vicious stare suddenly hit, Yang Fan turned around instantly, and looked at the source of the stare.

There is nothing there.

The magma is very flat at the moment, and there are no bubbles.

Yang Fan frowned and said, "What the hell is this thing? How could it be so evil?"

"Forget it, this place is already weird, why bother so much? It's better to find Miss Meili first." Yang Fan muttered to himself.

At this moment, as he went deeper into the Fire Dragon Valley, a strong anxiety gradually hit him, giving him the illusion that he was being watched by countless monsters.

"Huh? Monster? How did I come up with that word?"

Just when Yang Fan was about to move forward, a huge crisis hit, and this time the feeling was very real.

Turning his head suddenly, a little monster covered in flames like a spider's web attacked his head.

Looks like a baby crocodile.

The look in his eyes was extremely ferocious, which made him feel like a light was on his back.

Yang Fan didn't dare to be careless, this place is full of weirdness, it's not unusual for such a monster to appear.

"Since you dare to harm me, be prepared to die." Yang Fan said coldly.


Instantly mobilized the power of the charm halo, and knocked the monster into the air with one punch.

He was covered in colorful rays of light, like a god-man, this monster was smashed into pieces like a fly with a punch.

He shook his hand and said with a sneer, "You're too young to kill me."

After the monster was shattered with a punch, Yang Fan looked around and continued walking when he saw that no other monsters were coming.

Looking at the high-altitude rock wall and the magma below, he should have reached the central area of ​​Fire Dragon Valley.

But then the feeling of being stared at just now hit again, and this time it was very different from just now, just now it was one, this time it seemed like countless eyes.

Yang Fan frowned, looked around, didn't find anything special?

The only difference was that bubbles gradually appeared on the magma.

"Could it be that the monster came from..."

Before he could finish his thoughts, a little crocodile monster shot out of the magma with a whoosh sound and rushed towards him.

Then came the second, the third, and finally the dense.

"Damn, why are there so many? Let's play!"

Yang Fan cursed angrily, and immediately mobilized the light on the charm halo to resist the monster.

His body refracts infinite light like a colorful robe, making him like a god.


The light scattered, and when these monsters rushed to him not far away, they split apart like sand in an instant, turning into a handful of fly ash.


Yang Fan was a little confused. Could it be that the glamor light can directly kill these monsters?

If so, that's great.

Yang Fan grinned and looked at the crocodile monster rushing over without any panic.

(End of this chapter)

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