Glamour star

Chapter 169 was almost late.

Chapter 169 was almost late.

Countless crocodile monsters rushed up from under the magma, trying to devour Yang Fan.

And it made an extremely harsh and unpleasant sound.

Makes the scalp tingling.

It is depressing to look at.

But the Yang Fan at this moment is different, not only does he not show any fear, but he is grinning instead.

The light of many colors flowed all over his body, making him look like a god descended into the world.

"Come on, you monsters, want to eat me, do you have that life?"

Yang Fan put away his grinning face, his voice turned cold, and he said indifferently.

After the words fell, he directly mobilized all the power in the charismatic aura to make the light around him flourish, and the Fire Dragon Valley where he was reflected was bright, like a fairyland.


The light erupted completely, and these monsters that rushed up were turned into flying ash under the light, without even making an ugly scream.

These monsters seem to have low IQs, they only attack people, and their fierce eyes remain unchanged, as if they will always be the same.

"Go to the monsters without any emotions!"

Yang Fan drank loudly, and immediately levitated in the air, causing all the monsters to turn into fly ash and dissipate in the air.

In the end, all the monsters that just emerged in the magma were directly submerged until the magma stopped bubbling, and then stopped.

In the end, it became calm again, and it seemed that the monster just now was just an illusion.

"This Fire Dragon Valley is much more terrifying than I imagined."

Yang Fan's expression was not very good-looking.

He landed on the steps.

"If sister Meili encountered such a monster, wouldn't she die?"

Thinking of this, he felt very heartbroken. If he really died, what should he do?
"No, I have to speed up and catch up with them. With the wideness of this Fire Dragon Valley, they should be in Zhongyang."

After the voice fell, he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and immediately ran forward.

The moment he was running, suddenly there were several roaring sounds in front of him, which sounded like a giant dragon roaring.

"not good."

Yang Fan's face changed, and he ran towards the center at a very fast speed.

Time is passing, and at this moment, Wang Meili and Mei Bo's qi masks can no longer maintain their peak state.

These monsters were all lying on the qi mask and trembling, and the terrifying roars under the magma made them temporarily unable to move.

No biting, no drilling.

It's weird, weird and super abnormal.

"Miss, I can't hesitate anymore. I must rescue you. If these monsters are afraid of something, if they don't make a choice, both of us will die." Mei Bo said in a deep voice.

Now that the two of them were talking, these monsters crawling on the qi mask did not move at all, only trembling.

If the sound doesn't stop, the monsters won't make another move.

"No, you can't do this. You are strong, so it's best to escape. Besides, even if you save me now, I can't get out of Fire Dragon Valley, so you should run quickly." Wang Meili also said.

Mei Bo is extremely helpless at this moment, this young lady who is strong is trying to piss him off.

"I'm an old bone, I don't have much flesh, besides, how long can I live when I'm old? Don't think about me anymore, it's boring."

"If I just survive, how will I face the master in the future!"

Mabel continued to persuade.And the roaring sound gradually became smaller and will disappear soon.

Once gone, these monsters will riot again, and they mean the end of life.

Was eaten up and died.

This is an extremely tragic end.

Just thinking about it makes people shudder.

"Anyway, I can't run anymore, you go quickly, I order you to go quickly." Wang Meili shouted in a deep voice, almost crying.

"Impossible. If you don't leave, how can I leave? Even if I die, I will be in front of you."

Mabel exclaimed.After his words fell, the terrifying dragon chant under the magma disappeared, and this moment was finally coming.

"Let you go, if you don't go, it's too late now, how can you ask me to be worthy of you?" Wang Meili looked at Mei Bo with red eyes, and she was already talking.

"How could I watch you die? If that's the case, let's fight. I would rather fall into the magma and be melted than be eaten by these horrible and disgusting things." Mei Bo said in a deep voice.

Wang Meili nodded and sighed, this is the only way to go now.

She looked at the red rock wall, as if she wanted to penetrate the Fire Dragon Valley and look into the distance.

He murmured: "I'm sorry for you, I can only take a step first, I hope you finish the game well and win the world championship, and marry a beautiful wife to live your life, forget about me."

Then he and Mei Bo looked at each other, showing determination.

"Monster, killing a group of you is a shame." Meber roared, bang, the qi mask exploded, and the monsters were blown away. Some broke their bodies and fell into the magma, while others did not suffer any damage.

Then he punched the monsters away one by one with the remaining true energy, with a determined expression on his face.

Wang Meili's eyes were red, she shouted angrily, her true energy burst out, she came out from inside, and she and Mei Bo were back to back, looking angrily at the crocodile monster that it didn't matter to put on them.

"It's the last fight, it's really not good, I have to die." Mei Bo sighed bitterly.

Wang Meili was very apologetic, if she hadn't insisted on entering the Fire Dragon Valley to find her father, Mei Bo wouldn't have died with her.

She is really a selfish woman.

After that, he punched the monsters one by one, exhausting his physical strength little by little, and the supply of true energy was insufficient, and he was about to be exhausted.

A mortal situation is about to come.

The two looked at each other and could only jump down from here.

I don't want to be eaten by monsters, so I can only jump down and melt instantly.

The two believe that with such heat, they may not feel pain.

So close your eyes and jump.

The little crocodile monster still rushed forward.

The two closed their eyes and jumped, the wind rang in their ears, and their lives were about to end.

Immediately afterwards, they all felt that their whole bodies had stopped, and the extent of their falling stopped unexpectedly.

Wang Meili still closed her eyes and said: "Mei Bo, it's useless, let me go, I don't want to be eaten by monsters."

And Mei Bo, who closed his eyes, also said at the same time: "Miss, this is not your fault, it is my honor to die with you, please let me go."

The two talked at the same time, fell at the same time, and then they were startled,
"Didn't Mabel pull me?"

"Didn't Miss drag me up with the last remaining true energy?"

"Then why did it stop in mid-air?"

Both of them were a little dazed, and then opened their eyes at the same time, and saw that the two of them had indeed jumped down the steps, and they were suspended above the magma at this moment.

And there is a majestic zhenqi in his body that wraps the two of them up steadily, trying to put them on the steps.

"what happened?"

"Where does this anger come from?"

Then the two looked up one of the steps at the same time, and a man in casual clothes looked at them in surprise.

"I was almost late, but it scared me to death."

(End of this chapter)

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