Glamour star

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Mei Bo and Wang Meili stood firmly on the steps, dragged by their true energy, and both looked at the young man on the steps not far away.

Wang Meili's pale face was full of surprise, and she blurted out, "Yang Fan? Why are you?"

Mei Bo saw Yang Fan's photo on Wang Meili's phone and recognized him.

The old man's face was also surprised, he didn't expect that at the most desperate moment, it was the lady's boyfriend who saved them both.

Is this the so-called fate?

At the same time, his eyes fell on the crocodile monster lying on the steps and the magma monster about to rush out of the magma.

At this moment, they all turned into fly ash, and the monsters that were about to rush out of the magma shrank back, and the bubbles on the magma also returned to normal.

These monsters will not come out again for a while.

This shocked Mebo, the monster didn't retreat automatically at all, but was killed after the arrival of the lady's boyfriend.

It wasn't until the crocodile monster in the magma didn't dare to come out again that it returned to calm.

Yang Fan's body was full of colorful colors, his true energy was boiling, and his charismatic aura was radiant.

As soon as he arrived, he immediately activated the charm light, killed all the crocodile monsters, and dragged the two who were about to fall into the magma up with true energy.

If it was a little later, Wang Meili and Mei Bo would have already melted.

Really close call.

After the two stood on the steps, Yang Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Fortunately, it's not too late."

He ran with all his strength just now, but all the magma monsters rushing up along the way were scattered by his charming light, until the terrifying sound of dragon chant sounded in front of him one after another, he dared not relax for a moment and rushed over.

I saw the two of them back to back resisting the crocodile monster with true energy, and then fell directly down the steps.

Without any hesitation, he not only killed the crocodile monster with his charm light, but also dragged the two of them up with his true energy.

Yang Fan looked at Wang Meili and said, "Is that why you don't trust me? You didn't even make a phone call when you left. See if I'm late now, wouldn't it be the end for you two?"

Yang Fan spoke directly, and there was deep concern in the reprimand.

Wang Meili had a sore nose and almost shed tears. Thinking back to the fatal situation just now, she felt chills.

Yes, fortunately Yang Fan came, fortunately he came at just the right time, otherwise there would be nothing left, not even ashes left.

Scared to think about it.

He said in a low voice, "I was wrong."

She apologized from the bottom of her heart, sincerely.

One should not presume to come alone.

Mabel's life should not be taken lightly.

We should not selfishly think that we are invincible.

She shouldn't disappoint Yang Fan's sincerity towards her.

In short nothing should be.

Yang Fan looked at her eyes that admitted her mistake, all the resentment in his heart dissipated, and he smiled: "Okay, sincerity is not bad, I accept your apology."

Wang Meili's eyes lit up and she smiled.

His pale complexion looked even weaker and more attractive.

Yang Fan walked over, and finally Wang Meili couldn't help but threw herself into his arms, her beautiful eyes glowing red.

Those magma monsters just now were all flames, and they didn't spew out any disgusting things, and Wang Meili wasn't stained with anything.

Otherwise, she wouldn't rush over.

Mei Bo looked at the two with smiles on their faces, and sighed, "It's good to be alive. Although I am very old, I don't want to die now. How can I die if I don't see Miss get married?"

Yang Fan heard the words and looked over. The old man was alone in a white exercise suit, with gray hair, but there were not many wrinkles on his face, and his face was kind.

"You are the master that Wang Yue said."

Mei Bo nodded: "I can't talk about being an expert, thank you little friend this time."

Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "I should be the one thanking you. If it weren't for you, Sister Meili would be in danger."

Ma Bo smiled and said, "It's my job to protect Miss."

After another few words of thanks, Yang Fan said: "Recover your true energy first, this Fire Dragon Valley is too weird, I think there are other things besides those crocodile monsters."

Mabel nodded: "That's right, should we leave now, or continue to look for Miss's father?"

Wang Meili said: "I think you should leave directly. Dad may not be here, and the news is fake."

Yang Fan glanced at Wang Meili, and said in surprise, "Sister Meili, you...why are you so angry? Are you already a master?"

Wang Meili nodded: "Yes, I was sealed by Mei Bo. Actually, I didn't know it before, but I only found out when I came out to find my father."

Mabel nodded: "Not bad."

Yang Fan was surprised, it seems that there is something special about Wang Meili, she has become a master without knowing it, is it true that she was born a master?

Otherwise, how could he not know that he is a master?
But the homophony is not important, now we have to make a decision whether to go or stay.

Yang Fan said: "Since you're here, let's look for it. What if your father is in Fire Dragon Valley and is facing great danger now, wouldn't it be a good thing if we find and help?"

Wang Meili's eyes lit up. She really thought so. She had no way to do it when she had no strength. Now that Yang Fan is here, the danger will be greatly reduced.

The mood for finding a father has never weakened.

Mei Bo hesitated to speak, but after thinking about it, he said: "If that's the case, let's look for it. I hope the Patriarch is really in Fire Dragon Valley."

"Both of you recover your true energy first, take a rest here before leaving." Yang Fan said.

Mei Bo and Wang Meili nodded, now they can only rest in this situation.

"By the way, the depths of Fire Dragon Valley are even more dangerous, and there seems to be a terrifying monster under the magma, we have to guard against it." Mebo said in a deep voice.

Although they are now in the center of Fire Dragon Valley, it is not the case at all. They are still at the throat of Fire Dragon Valley, that is to say, they have just passed the head.

Yang Fan nodded: "No hurry, I believe those masters or masters of the heavenly realm outside will come in."

"Under the temptation of the everlasting grass, even if there is a fire unicorn inside, it will come in without hesitation."

"Let's wait for them now, there are so many people to explore the way." Yang Fan said with a smile.

Those masters in the inner city before, Yang Fan, would not let it go, as well as Xiao Zhen, this old man, he would definitely kill.

Anyway, they are all here for profit, so we must be prepared to deal with danger.

Yang Fan and the others came in early, but it was impossible to make wedding dresses for the people behind, so they had to go together.

Whoever finds the treasure is the one who gets it. In the world of warriors, only the strong can speak from the top, and the weak are not qualified to speak.

At this moment, the sky outside has already brightened, and everyone a hundred miles away from Tucheng put away their tents, gathered in front of the car and began to cook and eat.

Most of them brought instant noodles, some dried meat, and bread, etc., in short, a lot.

After eating, the forces started to get together one by one to discuss whether to enter Fire Dragon Valley.

(End of this chapter)

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