Glamour star

Chapter 171 Martial arts sect and family

Chapter 171 Martial arts sect and family

Everyone gathered together in twos and threes and began to discuss that these are local forces among warriors.

Basically all the masters take the lead.

At this moment, someone shouted, "Look, who are those people?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to the distance, only to see a large group of people coming from all directions.

These people came on foot, and there was a long queue, wearing ancient costumes, such as the martial arts costumes on martial arts TV dramas.

All of them are solemn and solemn, with no smile on their faces.

"The martial arts sect, the Cangyun Sword sect has arrived."

"Martial arts sect, Wendao hall is here."

"Martial arts sect, Qingcheng sent."

The warriors representing the sects arrived, and there were people from each sect shouting loudly, full of arrogance.

"Martial arts family, the Liu family is here."

"Martial arts family, the Huo family is here."

"Martial arts family, the Chen family is here."


In the other direction, the team representing the martial arts family shouted, full of domineering.

At this time, the warriors who arrived first were all confused, and these aristocratic families also came?

Even unborn sects have come.

All for the longevity grass in Fire Dragon Valley?
Is this worth it?

Xiao Zhen watched these aristocratic families arrive one by one in the crowd, his expression was ugly and he was extremely angry.

These martial arts families are all unborn existences in the world of martial arts, all of them have incomparable backgrounds, and their cultivation bases are generally strong. They all came to Fire Dragon Valley today. This is to set off a struggle.

Once you find everlasting grass or other treasures in Fire Dragon Valley, wouldn't you have to work hard?
How can their miscellaneous families compare to the martial arts family?

This is so that they can't even drink soup.

Now Xiao Zhen's expression is incomparably indifferent, he no longer has the high-spirited and easy-going way of making friends before, but at the moment he is full of depression and rejects others thousands of miles away.

The three old poisons were also offended by him, and never left with him again.

Only a few Celestial Realm bodyguards from his family followed him.

Otherwise he would really be alone.

"Hmph, what about the martial arts school? What about the martial arts family? If anyone dares to stop me, I will definitely not let him go."

"Yang Fan, the humiliation you gave me will be returned to you." Xiao Zhen roared in his heart, if he didn't have a little bit of reason, he would really scream to the sky.

Even the masters in the inner city didn't want to see him before, they avoided him, just like meeting a plague god, Xiao Zhen almost vomited blood angrily.

All of this was caused by Yang Fan, I must kill him.

All the masters looked at him with disgust in their eyes.

This was caused by the moment Xiao Zhen begged Yang Fan for mercy in the inner city.

No master is willing to call a coward a brother.

Although they are also cowards.

But Yang Fan didn't threaten others, only Xiao Zhen, so he wanted to get back the lost face in the inner city from Xiao Zhen.

As long as you cast aside Xiao Zhen's cowardice, you can give them justice.

"Let's see what these warrior sects and aristocratic families want!"

At this moment, all the martial arts sects and aristocratic families from all directions came over, and they clasped their fists from a distance and said, "I've been waiting to see you all."

Each of their families and sects wore uniform clothing, with long hair tied up.

Then those who came first responded with clasped fists.

Don't know what they are doing.

"Presumably everyone is here for the longevity grass and precious medicinal materials in Fire Dragon Valley. Since everyone has arrived, everyone has the right to get the opportunity. Why don't we all go in together?"

"And we know the periphery of Fire Dragon Valley, just to take you there to understand.

The masters responded with a smile, saying that it was the best.

Then it caused the martial arts sect and the family to sneer in their hearts.

"A group of weak casual cultivators have to kneel when they encounter our sect?"

But no one dared to show it on their faces.

maintain a superficial relationship.

At this time, everyone was heading for the Fire Dragon Valley.

The team is huge and spectacular.

Among them, these martial arts sects and martial arts families took the lead spontaneously, and no one dared to say anything.

Don't look at these people with indifferent faces and martial arts demeanor, but if they really provoke them, there will be absolutely no good fruit to eat.

Wang Yue and Lord Qianmian were in the team, discussing in low voices.

"What should we do now? Can we enter Fire Dragon Valley?" Wang Yue asked.

Thousand Faces Langjun frowned, looking at the awkwardness of these teams gave him the illusion that he was about to be used.

Both of them changed their faces, and the bodyguards also dispersed, this was also for Xiao Zhen to make trouble for them.

All the masters in the inner city recognize him, so he can't be found, or he will really be besieged!

Now these masters hate Yang Fan to the bone.

But he didn't dare to really go to Yang Fan, because he couldn't beat him.

Qianmian Langjun said: "Come in, if there is a real chance, if you miss it, won't you regret it forever?"

"But it's very dangerous inside. There are so many people entering at the same time. Even if there is a chance, it will not be our turn. I think we can wait outside for a while." Wang Yue suggested.

"Wait for a while and the day lily will be cold. If you really can't get it, then let's see the world."

Wang Yue thought for a while and said: "Since you said so, then go in, but try to stand at the back when you get inside, once they fight, it's none of your business."

Lord Qianmian nodded, and followed everyone into Fire Dragon Valley.

Everyone in the Huolong Valley at this moment is full of curiosity and curiosity.

When they really saw the billowing magma and the Huolonggu structure, they all took a deep breath.

This is simply a volcano about to erupt.

Will it be too dangerous?
However, everyone wants to know that the Everlasting Grass is full of endless desire for them. Wouldn't it be unbearable to not go in since they came?
The people in front were going deep, and the people behind followed, but as they moved forward, the people in front suddenly stopped, that is, the warriors and aristocratic families of the sect, all turned around and looked at the people behind.

The humanity of the Qingcheng School said: "Fellow Taoists are the first to arrive at the Fire Dragon Valley. We respect the later ones and let you hunt for treasures in front. If you find treasures or everlasting grass, they will be given to you first. What do you think?"

The martial artist who came before heard this and suddenly showed anger on his face, and let us go first?Out of respect?
Isn't this just asking me to wait for the wayfinding and be cannon fodder?
Once the treasure is found, these sects will probably kill people immediately.

What kind of martial arts school, what kind of martial arts family, it's all bullshit.

You look at each other and I look at you, no one dares to refute.

Someone muttered: "It's all Yang Fan's fault. If he hadn't killed the city lord Nangong Batian, how could we be so passive now? I'm afraid the city lord has already negotiated with them. It's like now that he has no right to speak and is completely treated as a weak ant. It's really hateful. It's really deceiving to be used as cannon fodder."

After the several masters looked at each other, they immediately smiled and apologized to the family: "Well, let's go first."

(End of this chapter)

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