Glamour star

Chapter 179 Ruthless

Chapter 179 Ruthless
On the other side of the passage, masters of the Celestial Realm came out one by one, their faces were all pale, their breathing was unstable, and their true energy was surging, making them very uncomfortable.

They rushed and ran without even intending to look back. It was too dangerous. As long as they slowed down, they might be snatched away by the giant living fossil bird.

The master didn't have any power to resist, that monster really made people desperate.

As they came out one by one, their eyes fell on the front. The sect and the family stood not far away, some looked at the back, some looked at the front, and when they saw these masters coming out, they all showed sneer and disdain.

"You have some strength, and you came out unexpectedly. I thought you would become the nourishment of that monster." A son sneered, it was the disciple who mocked and insulted the master earlier, he was from the Qingcheng sect, and he was extremely arrogant.

Another disciple also chuckled lightly: "It's just a little bit of luck. Otherwise, how could I escape? I really laughed to death."

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't say a few words, don't you see these soil turtles staring at us? Why don't you teach them a lesson so that they can remember?"

"Forget it, this is not a place to fight, let's find the everlasting grass first, don't worry about these ants."

Seeing the fewer and fewer people on the opposite side, the disciples of the sect began to sneer and sneer, and their voices were even louder, without the slightest concealment, it was completely contemptuous.

"Hmph, these frogs in the well think they are masters and then go to heaven. It's really funny. In the eyes of our sect, dogs are not as good as them."

"Forget it, we never treat them as human beings."

As the voices rose and fell, some people who hadn't scolded spoke up, and the headmen didn't say anything, so they became more courageous.

Completely treat these masters who just came out as human beings.

The faces of the masters on the opposite side were so ugly that they could squirt out of their eyes. How dare these ants-like bastards dare to insult them openly, which made them fly into a rage, wishing to tear up these disciples.

But he calmed down soon, it was not a wise choice to take action now, didn't you see that their leader didn't stop them?Isn't this the default?

Now to settle accounts with them, these leaders will find fault too!
At this moment, one of the old gray-haired masters came out and clasped his fists to the sect masters and said: "Masters, you have heard that your disciples are so lawless, how can we as masters be insulted by them? You don't care?"

Immediately after he finished speaking, some disciples scolded angrily: "I'm so old, I scolded you to save face, you just have to bear it, and you dare to talk back?"

"Go back, you are really capable of making irresponsible remarks in front of us, master mere."

"Hehe, this old man thinks he will sympathize with you if he talks to our head? What a joke."

The sect disciples and family disciples were even more unscrupulous, and sneered endlessly, which has already openly hated these masters.

If they really have master strength, it is really possible to come and confront the masters.

The masters of Qingcheng School, Qingyang School and Huanyinmen's Qingjue Shitai all looked at these masters indifferently, without explaining a word, obviously they agree with the disciples.

Even the head of the Qingyang Sect has completely changed his indifferent face, which is completely opposite to his polite appearance when he was outside, and they are all the same.

The other sects also had indifferent faces.

As long as they are not from the sect family, they will all look indifferent and repulsive, even mocking.

Didn't pay attention to them at all.

Even the number one in the star realm dares to be so arrogant, one can imagine what kind of connivance this has become?

"Okay, everyone, don't say a few words, haven't you seen him change his face? His masters are joining forces, and even we are afraid." The head of the Qingcheng faction said lightly.

The fall of the voice caused the disciples to burst into laughter.

The head of the Qingyang faction nodded and said: "Indeed, these masters are powerful, you all be careful, if someone violently kills you, you can't bear it."

"Hahaha. I laughed so hard, someone dared to kill us? Come on, kill us if you have the ability." A disciple looked arrogantly at the opposite master.

Shitai Qingjue didn't say a word, but she also had a mocking and disdainful expression on her face. They didn't pay much attention to these bumpkin masters at all.

It is completely useful to let them enter Fire Dragon Valley, no, isn't the cannon fodder on the opposite side a huge use?

As for these masters, they haven't found suitable cannon fodder tasks for them, and letting them die in a suitable place is worthy of them.

The masters were already trembling with anger at this moment, they did not expect the family of sects to be so shameless, completely ignoring them, this was just blatant contempt and ridicule, which made them feel a sense of aggrieved anger.

Someone wanted to attack, but was quickly stopped by the people around him, who shook his head, signaling not to be impulsive.Now they are not the opponents of these martial arts families at all.

There are more masters than them alone.

Making trouble now is in the arms of these people.

Maybe this is an excuse to deal with them.

The gray-haired master's complexion turned blue and pale, and finally turned around, not wanting to care about it any more.

Immediately, the laughter sounded again: "I thought I was going to make some cruel moves, but it turns out that you are trash and counselors. I really look down on you."

"These old immortals will die in Fire Dragon Valley sooner or later, there is no need to talk nonsense with them."

The masters closed their eyes angrily, continued to wait, and ignored these sect disciples who were already dead in their eyes. They would kill them all without mercy if they had the chance.

As masters, they came here amidst ridicule, and this incident only made them angry, it wouldn't make them lose their minds.

Time passed bit by bit, and fewer and fewer people came in from that side, and only one came out in the last ten minutes, and no one came out in the end.

Thinking about it, these people should be left.

There were more than 1000 people in total before, and it was a dark place, but now there are only less than 400 people left, which means that more than 600 people have been lost in this disaster alone, which is a heavy loss.

They are all scattered warriors, making the masters feel desolate.

None of the disciples of these sects and aristocratic families lost any of them, they rushed up the passage and ran over a long time ago.

That's the benefit of having an advantage.

Let the people behind be cannon fodder, and those in front of them will enjoy the benefits.

Among them, Qianmian Langjun and Wang Yue were among the warriors, Xiao Zhen and the three old poisons were quietly waiting in the corner, they were all very good-natured people, and they would not talk to this sect disciple Cheng Cheng.

Just a bunch of trolls.

Just go in through the left ear and out the right ear.

Whoever is serious is a fool.

Don't think that masters cannot be humiliated, and those who humiliate must die can be arrogant in these sects and aristocratic families, and death will happen after the arrogance is satisfied.

So wait until almost no one comes out and just continue walking deep.

Now they have no room to turn back, they can only go forward, looking for the legendary everlasting grass.

At this moment, one of the Celestial Realm masters sneered, and said in a low voice: "Fortunately, Yang Fan went in, otherwise these hypocrites would really succeed. I would rather let Yang Fan succeed than let these hypocrites succeed. "

(End of this chapter)

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