Glamour star

Chapter 180 Chips

Chapter 180 Chips
The Celestial Realm master sneered in a low voice, although the voice was not loud, but a Qingcheng faction disciple who was walking in front suddenly turned his head to look at him, his face turned cold, and he didn't speak.

He ran over and whispered in the Qingcheng sect's head's ear, "He just said that a person went in first."

The head of the Qingcheng faction was taken aback for a moment, then he became furious, and asked in a deep voice, "But it's true?"

The disciple whispered, "It's true."

"What strength?"

"It's not clear."

"Bring him to me."


This disciple went over to the person just now and said, "Come here."

The Celestial Realm narrowed his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Come here if I tell you to come, why are you talking so much nonsense?" the disciple of Qingcheng Sect snorted coldly.

"Don't bully people too much." The master of the heavenly realm said in a deep voice.

"Get over here right now, or I'll kill you right away." The star-level disciple shouted coldly.

The Celestial Realm master frowned. Given his current situation, he was completely unable to bargain with the sect, so he could only walk over.

The star-level disciple snorted coldly, and led him to the head of the Qingcheng faction.

"Master, bring it here."

The head of the Qingcheng faction nodded, and his eyes fell on this master of the heavenly realm.

"What is your name?"

"Xue Yong."

"Who was that person you mentioned just now?"

"Which one?"

"Come in early."

"Oh, Yang Fan, he came in a long time ago, half a night earlier than us."

"Who else but him?"

"Just him."

The head of the Qingcheng faction squinted their eyes. This one who came first was very smart. They did come to take a step. If they had come earlier, they might not have encountered crocodile monsters and giant living fossil birds.

If this person gets the Everlasting Grass in advance, is it still worth it?

So he glanced at Xue Yong and said, "Get lost."

The light and fluffy word made Xue Yong's face ugly. This is completely treating him like an ant and not taking it seriously.

But he still didn't dare to lose his temper, he didn't even dare to snort. In this situation, everyone is selfish. If he dared to talk back, he might kill him immediately.

Xue Yong could only turn around and walk into the crowd before him.

I only heard the sneer from the sect disciples behind: "Trash, rubbish, don't even dare to fart, how dare you go to Fire Dragon Valley to find treasure?"

"Such rubbish is an eyesore."

"Oh, forget it, I can go to the depths of Fire Dragon Valley and kill these wastes when they are useless."

"I want to kill them right now."

Listening to these naked and undisguised words, Xue Yong clenched his fists, his face was gloomy and terrifying.

If possible, he would rather kill these bastards than have nothing at all.

Too much deceit.

Not only Xue Yong's face was ugly, but other people's faces were also extremely ugly. Although there were many of them, they were not as many as those of the sect family.

What's more, there are many masters in the sect family, and it's useless for them to have many, they can only suffer and let the abuse.

Even the star-level disciples scolded the master so badly that they had no temper, and none of them dared to attack.

The three old poisons sat down to adjust their breath in the distance, and looked at the people around them indifferently. Xiao Zhen also watched indifferently in the crowd, but when the head of the Qingcheng School said the word Yang Fan, anger flashed in his eyes.

He must kill Yang Fan, and he hates him to the core.

So after a little thought, I walked over.

One of the disciples of the Qingcheng sect frowned and scolded: "Get out, this is not a place for rubbish like you to come."

Although the other disciples did not speak, they all looked at him with a sneer.

Xiao Zhen's face was indifferent, his eyes swept across the disciple's face, and he smiled coldly: "Don't regret it."

Said to turn around and go.

"Stop, who told you to talk back? It's quite courageous."

The disciples of the Qingcheng School looked at Xiao Zhen angrily and shouted.

It caught everyone's attention in an instant.

The sect disciples all had the mentality of watching the excitement, and the casual cultivators also watched the excitement.

They all know that Xiao Zhen is a villain, so they can just watch what happens when a dog bites a dog.

Xiao Zhen turned around coldly, squinted his eyes and said murderously: "How dare a mere star-level ant insult the master? If you dare to say another word, the old man will kill you immediately."

As soon as the voice fell, an aura erupted from his body in vain, surrounded by true energy, which was not something that the star level could bear.

Xiao Zhen's reaction was beyond everyone's imagination, and they all looked at him in surprise.

At this juncture, are there still people who are not afraid of death and dare to offend the sect?
Wasn't Xiao Zhen a shrewd person before?What's the matter now?Can't you really stand the insult?
If this is the case, I really admire Xiao Zhen at the moment.

The other masters were obsequious and didn't dare to fart, but Xiao Zhen was lucky enough to scold him directly, and even wanted to fight.

This courage alone is not comparable to other masters.

The casual cultivators all looked at Xiao Zhen in surprise, and for a moment they forgave a lot for what Xiao Zhen had done before.

Maybe Xiao Zhen really has the integrity of a master.

Even the three old poisons in the distance looked at each other in surprise, somewhat unbelievable.

Toad frowned and said, "This old bully has changed his temper? He wasn't so tough before."

The centipede shook his head and said, "Don't be fooled by him, this old man may be thinking of some bad idea."

The poisonous snake nodded and said: "I know this guy well, he never does anything he is not sure of, and the current situation is definitely just pretending."

Toad and Centipede nodded, and laughed sinisterly: "Let's see what tricks this old man is going to play."

At this time, the disciples of the Qingcheng School naturally couldn't bear the turbulent qi, and they all took a step back. The gap between the master and the astral realm was simply one thousand and eight thousand miles away, and almost one look could stare at the astral realm to death.

So Xiao Zhen is domineering at the moment.

The expression of this star-level disciple changed slightly, he glared at Xiao Zhen, and said in a cold voice: "Just because you dare to kill me? It's ridiculous. You dare to fight against the sect even if you are just a casual cultivator. You must be tired of work."

Xiao Zhen's face was very heavy, and he said leisurely: "I'm really tired of living."

At this moment, everyone felt Xiao Zhen's murderous aura.

This Qingcheng sect disciple was the most direct.

He even felt the illusion that he was about to die.

The head of the Qingcheng faction also felt it, and narrowed his eyes: "Are you really looking for death?"

Xiao Zhen glanced at him, "I have a bargaining chip if I dare to stand up. You disciple must die, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life."

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the head of the Qingcheng faction, but no one could see it, do you have a bargaining chip?What chips?
"Oh? What bargaining chips are you talking about?"

Other sects and aristocratic families also looked at Xiao Zhen, surprised and at the same time made them care about, this person dares to be so high-profile, maybe he really has some big chips.

Listen now.

Xiao Zhen looked at the sect disciple who looked ugly and nervous in front of him and said coldly: "Yang Fan."

This disciple looked at the head of the Qingcheng faction, and for some reason, he suddenly panicked. Could the head really believe that this old man has bargaining chips?
If he really has a bargaining chip, does it mean that the head of the sect allowed this old man to kill him.

Cold sweat dripped from the forehead of this Qingcheng sect disciple.

(End of this chapter)

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