Glamour star

Chapter 181 Xiao Zhen's Plan

Chapter 181 Xiao Zhen's Plan

When Yang Fan said the words, the head of the Qingcheng faction was stunned for a moment, and everyone was stunned for a moment.

Only this Qingcheng sect disciple's expression changed.

The person named Xue Yong just mentioned Yang Fan, and the head of the sect only noticed.

Should he really be sacrificed?

Thinking of this, he suddenly became afraid, and the previous arrogant arrogance suddenly extinguished.

Think you hit the iron plate this time?

At this time, everyone was stunned, and the words Yang Fan lingered in their ears, causing the complexions of the casual cultivators to change slightly.

"Unfortunately, I still think he has the integrity of a master, so he betrayed others."

"This old man is indeed insidious."

"I will stay with him less in the future, and it will hurt people a lot."

"The old man will die a terrible death."

"Forget it, this old man has always hated Yang Fan. Even if he doesn't frame him this time, he will frame him in the future."

"Okay, let's just watch the excitement, let's see what tricks they play."

The head of the Qingcheng faction, the head of the Qingyang faction, and the master Qingjue of the Huanyin sect looked at each other, and they all looked at Xiao Zhen, and asked, "What's the matter with this Yang Fan?"

Xiao Zhen said coldly: "Can I kill some people before I come to discuss with you?"

This Qingcheng sect disciple looked at the master, his eyes were full of pleading, and said: "Master, don't listen to him, he just wants to kill me, Yang Fan and everything are just excuses."

The head of the Qingcheng faction squinted his eyes and nodded, "You're right."

Looking at Xiao Zhen, he said: "If you want me to agree to kill my sect's disciples, wouldn't that be a mess? How can I convince the public in the future? How can I be the head of the sect?"

Xiao Zhen sneered and said: "Can a mere sect master compare with immortality? You have to think clearly, this is the time for you to make a choice."

"Death a disciple who has nothing to do with you in exchange for this chance of immortality. I believe a fool will choose it. I only give you ten seconds to consider. If you don't agree, then I will let this bastard go, but you will lose an immortality!" Opportunity."

The head of the Qingcheng faction frowned, the head of the Qingyang faction and Master Qingjue looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Who is this Yang Fan?

Other aristocratic families and sects are whispering, everyone is willing to bet on such an opportunity, I believe it is not difficult for the selfish head of the Qingcheng sect to make a choice.

The only thing I think about now is what kind of secret does Yang Fan have?
The disciples of the Qingcheng faction looked at the master. They were the most arrogant before. They looked down on the master, sneered, and insulted all kinds of things. They thought that they could do whatever they wanted with the support of the sect. Now a master really came to kill them with the bargaining chip with the master. I feel that the umbrella of sect is not so important.

And seeing the headmaster's hesitant face, it made their backs break out in a cold sweat.

If the sect master really didn't protect them for some illusory immortality, ten thousand deaths would not be able to vent the hatred of these masters based on what they did just now.

However, it has not reached that point yet, this Xiao Zhen is just the disciple in front of Xiangsha.

It has nothing to do with them, and I don't panic for a while, and it looks lively.

After all, Xiao Zhen decided to kill only one disciple.

This disciple of the Qingcheng faction saw the cloudy and uncertain face of the head of the sect, and his heart fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and there was only one sentence in his heart, it was over.

This is really going to sell him.

For a moment, his heart was full of fear, the previous arrogance disappeared without a trace, replaced by a deep cold, fear.

It was only then that he remembered that he was just a star level.

How can you insult the master?
Even if you have the backing of a sect, you have to give the master face.

He insulted him too much, treating the master like a beggar.

Now the retribution has finally come.

It's not that it is not reported, the time has not come.

The head of the Qingcheng faction finally spoke: "As long as you provide me with sufficient conditions, I can promise you."

Xiao Zhen nodded, "I know everything about Yang Fan, including the longevity grass he has obtained and other rare treasures, and I also know his specific strength. I have an advantage over you when dealing with him."

The head of the Qingcheng faction sneered: "A mere Yang Fan, how can he be the opponent of so many of us? It's a joke, even if he gets the longevity grass now, it must still be inside. As long as we go in, he still can't escape, so you The conditions provided are not enough."

The others also nodded. Although the Everlasting Grass was obtained by someone, it cannot be taken immediately, otherwise it will explode and die. then die.

What are you doing listening to Xiao Zhen now?
The disciple in front of Xiao Zhen also heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that he still had hope.

Xiao Zhen sneered: "Just because you people want to kill Yang Fan? Just dream, if he doesn't say anything, even if there is an old man beside him, no matter how many of you there are, it will be useless."

The head of the Qingcheng faction sneered: "Oh? How strong is he?"

Xiao Zhen said: "Master, the fifth heaven."

He remembered that Yang Fan was the fourth heaven of masters last night, but in order to intimidate these sects, he can only be said to be the fifth heaven of masters.

Don't look at the difference between four and five, but the gap is completely gully.

For example, a Grandmaster Wu Chongtian can completely slap Master Si Chongtian to death with a single slap.

This is something that cannot be changed.

The voice fell.Everyone's complexion changed, Master Fifth Heaven?This is the master of masters, the absolute strength of masters, which cannot be achieved by many people.

The highest level of their sects is only the fourth level of masters, which is a level behind Yang Fan.This realm alone is enough to suppress them.

So they don't want to get everlasting grass.

At this moment, not only the face of the head of the Qingcheng School changed, but also the faces of the Qingyang School, Huanyinmen, Liuyun Cave, Nanlong Cave and other sects.

If it is really the master of the fifth heaven and gets the everlasting grass, none of them are opponents.

Not even a group attack.

A real balloon can crush them.

Xiao Zhen was very satisfied with the expressions of these people. Although he praised Yang Fan as an enemy, he was only doing it for himself.

The little star-level ant in front of him dared to point his nose at him and scold him, he absolutely couldn't bear it, he must be killed, so in order to bluff the head of the Qingcheng faction, he could only fool around like this.

As long as Yang Fan's strength is greater than theirs, then these sects will definitely be under great pressure.

Then he will be asked.

He just went on fooling around.

It's another matter when I meet Yang Fan.

Sure enough, the head of the Qingcheng faction frowned and asked, "Master Wuchongtian? What evidence do you have? And why should I trust you?"

Xiao Zhen said: "All the casual cultivators here can testify. Besides, it doesn't matter if you don't believe me, but I can't help you. I don't need to kill him. We just pretend that we haven't spoken to each other."

(End of this chapter)

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