Chapter 18

Yuan Qing pushed a chicken coop, slapped writer Lu Da's evil hands away, and rolled his eyes.

"Xia Weiwei has liked you for so many years. You are loyal and unwavering. You treat her like this, which really makes her sad!"

"I have clearly stated my attitude a long time ago." Lu Bai replied lightly.


"When she was in college, she confessed to me, and I said no."

"It was a long time ago, could it be..."

"It has never changed, and it will never change."

Yuan Qing's heart is like breaking a seasoning bottle, with mixed flavors, sweet, sour and bitter:

"Is it because you don't even like the woman who gave you a love letter before?"

Lu Bai couldn't help grinning, looking at her with twinkling eyes like a thief, and smiled maliciously:

"Who are you referring to?"

Yuan Qing's face became hot, and he couldn't help punching the man:
"Don't worry, it's not me anyway!"

The night in early spring was cold and silent, the wind was blowing cleanly, and the moon hanging in the sky came out of the clouds for a while, and then hid back for a while. Under the reflection of street lights, car lights and thousands of lights, the moonlight seemed so faint, as if A light-colored petal falls to the world and walks under people's feet.

"What are you looking up at? My saliva is about to flow down."

"Who's drooling?"

"This Wuji beef noodle shop seems to be newly opened, do you want to go and have a look?"

"it is good."

In terms of food, these two childhood sweethearts absolutely have the same views from head to toe, and they would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go.The two of them entered the small but clean Wuji Ramen shop by coincidence. It was not too far from the Qingzhu Community, only one street away, and the high-rise buildings of the community could be seen through the glass windows.

The two pondered over the menu for a long time. Yuan Qing ordered beef brisket noodles with tomato, and Lu Bai ordered spicy beef noodles.

"What else do you want to eat?"

"No, I'm losing weight."

Lu Bai raised the corner of his mouth, thinking of the empty biscuit box on the second floor of the kitchen wall cabinet, he glanced at the woman with a half-smile:
"Eat enough to have the strength to lose weight."

So, in order to "lose weight", Yuan Qing ordered another boiled fish fillet, a plate of chicken feet and a plate of steamed dumplings.

"If you make me poor, I won't have the money to pay you."

Yuan Qing glared at Writer Lu Da angrily:
"It's okay, I'll go back to work."

Lu Bai was taken aback by what his own Qingmei said, but his expression gradually changed from joking to calm:

"Yuan Qing, I'm sorry."


Yuan Qing raised his head abruptly. This was the second time Lu Bai apologized to himself in many years. If it wasn't for the familiar voice so close at hand, he would have thought that he was hallucinating.

"Knowing that you want me to go home with you and have a look, knowing that you don't want to face your aunt, stepfather and younger brother alone, but I rejected Xia Weiwei's proposal, knowing that you have many questions and confusions about me, but I have never been able to Give you the answer."

Lu Bai's voice was deep and gentle like the wind, Yuan Qing's eyes turned red, and with the steaming hot beef noodles served by the waiter, a sense of dampness rushed over his face.

After dinner, one was hesitant to talk, and the other was worried. The two returned to the Qingzhu community slowly. When they were about to reach the door of their house, they heard Ah Bai's cheerful cry.

Obviously, Abai felt lonely.

Suddenly, Yuan Qing stopped in his tracks.

"what happened?"

Lu Bai didn't wear glasses, and with poor eyesight, he looked down at the woman suspiciously.

Yuan Qing pointed to the door of the apartment, and saw a piece of white paper pasted on the door. On the paper, a word was written in a red pen:


Lu Bai's face turned pale in an instant. He strode forward and tore off the piece of paper, opened the door of the apartment and pushed Yuan Qing in, and said in an almost commanding tone:

"Never open the door to strangers, I'm going out!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Bai turned around and walked quickly to the elevator.

Everyone has their own secrets, and Yuan Qing is no exception.

When he was studying in Anqing Middle School, Yuan Qing was recognized by the whole class as the most unlucky person, not one of them.

For six years from junior high school to high school, my deskmate Xia Weiwei, the Chinese class representative and disciplinary committee member who can’t be struck by lightning, besides collecting and checking homework books, recorded XX in detail in her personal notebook. Chewing gum in class, what little tricks you did, someone who was late for homework, someone who read comics for self-study at night, gossips with your deskmate, etc., and then reported to the teacher one by one... And these little problems that you will get into if you are not careful However, Xia Weiwei never tolerated Yuan Qing just because she was at the same table.

However, this is not the most tragic.

Whenever Yuan Qing, who was sitting obediently in her seat, inadvertently turned her gaze to the back, a deep gaze shot at her through the thin glasses.The owner of that line of sight is the squad leader——Lu Bai. His handsome face is calm and indifferent, only the corners of his mouth raised strangely, as if a cunning cat saw it. Little mouse, the wild wolf is eyeing the little sheep.

Yuan Qing felt a "thump" in his heart, and turned his head back silently.

Originally, a girl like her who was ranked in the middle of the class, with a middle height and appearance, and even with a tepid personality, even if she was close to Squad Leader Lu, she would not interfere with each other, but unfortunately it was a weekend evening. , when Yuan Qing was ordered by his mother to go out to buy soy sauce, he came across such a scene: In charge of the study discipline of the whole class, the squad leader Lu Da, who looked upright, righteous, and inhumane, was wearing the clothes of a bartender and sitting In the back alley of a certain bar, people were drinking canned beer as water.

The style of painting changed too fast, and she didn't react for a while, so she missed the chance to escape.

Lu Bai raised his head, stared at her for a moment, then smiled slightly:
"Hi, student Yuan Qing, what a coincidence."

"Okay, what a coincidence."

Squad leader Lu's Wannian Bingshan face is fine if he doesn't smile, but when he smiles, the spring is bright, which brings disaster to the country and the people.

On the second day, Lu Bai took the initiative to apply to the head teacher to sit in the seat behind Yuan Qing, euphemistically saying: In order to improve the overall performance of the class, we must help some students with middle grades improve their learning ability, but unfortunately she became the One of his helpers.

Since then, Lu Bai's shadow has been everywhere in Yuan Qing's life. This shadow has always enveloped her, making her feel at ease, happy and painful. She wants to leave but is never willing to take half a step.

This is her secret, a secret that has been hidden deep in her heart for many years.

Even if Lu Bai never opened up to her in this life, she still hopes that this relationship that started more than ten years ago will never end, even if it can never be love.

(End of this chapter)

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