Chapter 19

The whole night, Lu Bai didn't come back, and he made countless calls, but his mobile phone was always in a state of no answer.

Yuan Qing's heart was in a mess.I didn't know where he was, and I didn't know where to look for him, until the next morning, I received a call from Xia Weiwei:
"Yuan Qing, go to the study immediately, open Lu Bai's laptop, the password is 871223, then find the folder "Complete" in the E drive, and send me all the documents in it."

"Ke Lu Bai..."

"I know, it's urgent, and the deadline for two magazines is tomorrow, so I have to send them today." Xia Weiwei's voice on the phone was flat, surprisingly calm, "After finishing this matter, Come to my house, I have something to tell you."

Yuan Qing's heart shuddered, and it turned out that Lu Bai trusted Xia Weiwei the most at critical moments.

According to Xia Weiwei's order, Yuan Qing went to Lu Bai's study.

This was the first time she opened his personal computer, checked the files on the "E" drive, and quickly found the designated folder.

Yuan Qing opened the mailbox she used as an assistant and sent the folder to Xia Weiwei. Just as she was about to shut down the computer, a folder named "Little Fool" caught her attention.

It's so weird and gross!
Imagining writer Lu Da typing these three words with an iceberg face, Yuan Qing got goosebumps all over his body.By coincidence, she tried to click into the file with the mouse, but got a prompt to enter the password.

It's an encrypted file!What kind of content did Lu Da writer try to hide?

Curious and unwilling, Yuan Qing turned off the computer, put A Bai in a cage, and hurriedly left the apartment.

After many years in Lucheng, this is the second time Yuan Qing visited Xia Weiwei's home.

Xia Weiwei's father, Xia Ruhong, is a well-known local entrepreneur in Anqing. It is rumored that he has a net worth of hundreds of millions. Since his only daughter came to Lucheng, he waved his hand and spent nearly ten million to buy it for Jiangnan Bieyuan in the third ring road of the city. He bought a villa of more than 300 square meters, equipped with housekeeping aunts and bodyguards. This father's contribution to the jewel in his palm is completely willing. As long as Xia Weiwei stays in the big city to develop, find a man of the right family to marry and have children to live safely, it is for him best return.

It took Yuan Qing nearly an hour and a half in the car to arrive at Xia Weiwei's house. As soon as her fingers touched the doorbell, the door opened automatically.

Aunt Jiang stood at the door with a blank expression on her face, saying something that wasn't exactly enthusiastic:
"Miss Yuan, you are here. Miss has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Hello, where is Xia Weiwei?"

"Miss is in the study now."

"Thank you."

Aunt Jiang didn't speak, she turned her face and walked away.

I met Xia Weiwei's housekeeping aunt twice, and each time it was superficial, just to say hello, and never offended the other party, but for some reason, Yuan Qing felt that this woman never wanted to see him.

"Yuan Qing, come in."

Just as Yuan Qing walked into the fresh and elegant living room with the crystal chandelier hanging, she heard Xia Weiwei's voice from the room on the right.The door was open, and the crimson bookshelf was full of books. Xia Weiwei was sitting at the desk facing the computer. Yuan Qing walked in quickly, and the door behind her was closed.

"What happened? Where is Lu Bai now?"

"Haven't you eaten yet?" Xia Weiwei didn't look up, she was still typing on the computer keyboard with her ten fingers fluttering, her voice was faint, and her gorgeous facial features revealed a coldness that she had never seen before.

In just a few days, Yuan Qing suddenly felt that the relationship between the three of them was a little different, as if the porcelain that had been carefully maintained for many years had somehow opened a little crack.

"Do you know where he is?"

"I don't know either." After a while, Xia Weiwei raised her head, "I only know that Lu Bai asked me to take you to my house to live for a while."


"I asked Aunt Jiang to pick up your daily necessities and pets."

"Why didn't you tell me beforehand?"

"Will you agree? Still like me, full of questions but no one to answer, and then endlessly grabbing each other and asking why!"

"Xia Weiwei, what's wrong with you, isn't it...?"

"I don't know anything. I don't know anything. I'm very busy now. Aunt Jiang will take you to the guest room."

"I have not yet……"

"Yuan Qing, you are not only Lu Bai's friend, but also his assistant. Be good, and I hope you won't make things difficult for him."

In the end, Yuan Qing stayed.

Compared with her rented house and Lu Bai's apartment, Xia Weiwei's villa is another scene.

Caesar's cage is hung in the living room. This proud and beautiful parrot is not to mention very proud. After combing its feathers early in the morning, it starts to sing, and from time to time it imitates the birds in the garden of the villa to make cheerful calls. There was Ah Bai who followed the master who stayed in the guest room except for meals, and was not moved by the outside world at all.

Three days later, Yuan Qing, who was feeding Caesar, suddenly heard Aunt Jiang's voice:
"Oh, Mr. Lu, you are finally here. These days, Miss has been so anxious that she can't even eat with worry."

"You're back?" Xia Weiwei's face was calm, but her slightly trembling voice revealed her mood. "Let's stay and eat."

"No, thank you, I'm going back today, you know, I have to rush the draft."

"Okay." Xia Weiwei's footsteps stopped beside Lu Bai's shoulder, revealing a kind of intimacy.

Caesar saw his master yelling happily, but at this moment Yuan Qing's heart was overwhelmed, and he was speechless for a moment.

Yuan Qing's eyes turned red as a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

"Why, are you dumbfounded?"

Raising his head, the man's upright and handsome face remained the same, with a slight smile, he stretched out his hand to her:
"Let's go back."


Yuan Qing involuntarily held Lu Bai's hand back, and the man's firm palm made her fluttering heart finally return to its original position.Dragging his luggage, he took Abai and Caesar with him, and even forgot to say goodbye to Xia Weiwei, so he followed him and left Jiangnan Bieyuan.

The night has just begun, and the hustle and bustle has not really faded away.

Lu Bai took the initiative to open the door of the passenger seat, and Yuan Qing sat in silently.Thousands of words, when it's time to be alone, but can't say anything.

No one in the car spoke, only the sound of Caesar flicking his tail feathers in the rear row could be heard.Ah Bai sat obediently on her lap, occasionally raised his head, and gently wagged his tail towards Lu Bai.

The three days of separation seemed as long as an eternity.The moment he opened the door, there was a stuffy smell, but it made Yuan Qing feel extra at ease.

finally arrived at home.

This is Lu Bai's home and her only safe haven at present.

Yuan Qing hung Caesar's cage back in the living room, and Lu Bai followed behind her without saying a word, as if he had something to say.

What is he trying to say?
What does she want to hear?
Is this moment finally here?

Is the door between her and him about to open, or is another lock strengthened?

"Do you... still remember the news that Li Yan circled with a red pen in that newspaper?"

Sure enough, Lu Bai's voice trying to explain rang in his ears.

"Lu Bai, it's fine." Yuan Qing turned around abruptly, stopping what he wanted to say, "You don't have to rush to explain something to me, I will wait until the day you really want to tell me."

Lu Bai was stunned on the spot, with a deep and complicated expression, and it took him a while to say two words:

"Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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