Chapter 59

In the middle of the night, Yuan Qing was suddenly awakened by the vibrating sound of the mobile phone placed on the bedside table.

"Hello." Yuan Qing lowered his voice and walked out the door on tiptoe.

A woman's ghostly cry and wolf howl came from the mobile phone:

"Woooooooooo... Qingqing, he's really going to get married!"

Yuan Qing rubbed his forehead and asked patiently:
"Who is going to get married? May I ask who you are, and what are you doing in the middle of the night?"

"Qingqing, you are so cold, so heartless, and so heartless."

"You are Xiao Lu?"

"Yes, a woman can only truly appreciate the warmth and warmth of human relationships when she is broken in love. Why, you and your family are so happy that you can't even hear my voice."

"Miss, do you know what time it is? Don't you need to go to bed? May I ask why you called me at two o'clock in the morning?"

"Tomorrow is... Chang Shan's wedding, you won't forget it?" Xiao Lu said pitifully, her tone full of sadness and grievance.

Yuan Qing sighed softly:
"Didn't you already know the date of his wedding?"

"Yeah, I already knew that."

"If you really want to talk to him, you should tell him earlier."

"This is the end of the matter, what's the use of my talking, woo woo woo..."

"Oh!" Yuan Qing's head hurt even more, "Then what are you going to do?"

Xiao Lu on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment, then asked without answering:

"Will you and Lu Bai attend his wedding?"

"Well, yes, I made an appointment before, so it's not good to change my mind temporarily."

"Then I... go too."

Yuan Qing felt a "thump" in his heart, and asked cautiously:
"You won't go—to grab a kiss, will you?"

"Stupid! A little level, okay? The marriage between Wenyuan Group's heir and Xiao's parents and daughters is a real version of a wealthy marriage. How expensive is the bride's outfit? Which designer designed the wedding dress? Who are the bridesmaids and groomsmen? How extravagant is the wedding? Are the two elders of the Xiao family satisfied with this son-in-law? Whether the bride really loves the groom? There are so many things that can be revealed, but any professional media person will go there!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Lu put down the phone.

Yuan Qing rubbed his bombed ears, returned to the room, and sighed again involuntarily.

"what happened?"

A man's low voice came from the ear, and the light was turned on immediately, and the bedroom was shrouded in a warm halo.

"Xiao Lu's phone number."

Without too much explanation, Lu Bai instantly understood Yuan Qing's meaning:
"Is she going to his wedding?"

"Well, she said she would go."

Lu Bai turned off the light, and embraced her with a strong long arm from behind, a familiar and gentle atmosphere surrounded her:

"For some people, only one life is cruel, because they have to make a choice between ideal and reality."

"If Chang Shan really loves Xiao Lu, he shouldn't marry someone else for other purposes."

"I personally feel that from the moment Chang Shan gave up his career as a reporter, he has decided to bid farewell to his past, and Xiao Lu is a part of his past. Therefore, no matter how entangled he is in his heart, he will never give up for anyone or anything. Everything at our fingertips. In fact, whether it is pain or sweetness, we all have to pay for our choices, and no one is exempt."

"how about you?"

Lu Bai smiled:

"I have never regretted my choice. As long as I can win my current life, I am willing to give my all in my life."

Yuan Qing didn't speak, but pressed herself tightly against his warm chest, no matter what happened, she would never let go of her Lu Bai.

Chang Shan and Xiao Ziyan's wedding was held as scheduled.

At exactly 11 o'clock, Yuan Qing and Lu Bai took the elevator to the top floor of the Pearl Restaurant, and stepped on the transparent glass floor, feeling like walking on eggshells.There are no unnecessary decorations around the restaurant, and you can have a panoramic view of the city of Loo in the daytime through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows surrounding it.

Yuan Qing has never overlooked Lucheng from such a high place. This bustling, busy and modern city looks so small and far away at the moment, and the people living in the city have become countless blurred black spots, among which are How many stories are being staged?How many of these never-ending stories of birth and death are known?
Perhaps, these problems will always be unsolvable equations, and the only thing that can be done is to manage your own story well.

In front of the flower arch not far away, Chang Shan stood there with a smile on his face, greeting the guests attending the wedding.

When Chang Shan saw the two of them, his masked smiling face finally restrained a lot:
"Is she coming?"

For a moment, neither Yuan Qing nor Lu Bai understood Chang Shan's question, but soon Lu Bai replied:
"Miss Xiao said she would come."

"Oh." Chang Shan replied with his usual expression,
Yuan Qing was conflicted in his heart, whether it was to persuade Chang Shan to change his mind quickly, or to let Xiao Lu give up, it seemed that it was too late, so he had no choice but to change the topic:
"Mr. Chang, why don't you see Uncle Chang and Aunt Chang?"

"My mother is unable to attend due to health problems. As for my father—" Chang Shan smiled slightly, "Since I decided to marry the Xiao family, he has suffered from both physical and psychological discomfort. He went abroad for recuperation not long ago and has not returned yet. .”

Yuan Qing was stymied, so he had to change the question:

"Where's the bride and her parents? Why didn't you see them?"

Chang Shan even lost his expression:
"Miss Xiao is making a big fuss in the bride's dressing room because of the unsuitable bouquet in her hand. My future father-in-law and mother-in-law have no choice but to go to the dressing room to coax her. The only thing to be thankful for is that it should have been my duty. However, my father-in-law and mother-in-law are self-aware of the temperament of their beloved daughter, and they are determined to replace me, the son-in-law, to appease her, so I will be at ease, as long as I stay in place as an entertainer."

Yuan Qing was completely speechless by the groom's sharp and unique insights. Suddenly, her eyes froze, and she looked straight ahead to the right. Lu Bai followed her line of sight suspiciously, and saw a pair of well-dressed The young men and women are walking towards them. Among them, the woman with shoulder-length hair, sparkling ears, whiter skin than snow, and a slightly protruding belly in a wine-red evening dress is Xia Weiwei.

Long time no see, Xia Weiwei bid farewell to the marriage that made her haggard, and regained her former glory.

And carefully, step by step, by Xia Weiwei's side is her newlywed husband Wang Anrui.

Yuan Qing and Lu Bai did not receive their wedding invitations, but they only saw the news of their marriage in the newspaper by chance.It is said that the wedding was held in a small church in Lucheng, and it was very low-key. Except for the close relatives of the Xia family, everyone was turned away.

Compared with Lu Bai, Wang Anrui's appearance seemed much more inconspicuous, but standing next to Xia Weiwei, looking at his wife with all his heart, in Yuan Qing's eyes, he was like a solid stone, taciturn, but absolutely safe and reliable.

"Long time no see, Lu Bai, Yuan Qing, hello." Xia Weiwei smiled softly on her face, "Chang Shan, I wish you a happy wedding, and you and the bride will always be of the same heart and have a happy union for a hundred years."

Chang Shan smiled politely: "Thank you for your blessing, Xia Weiwei, are you okay?"

"With my dad and An Rui taking care of me, my body has recovered pretty well."

"Xia Weiwei, the past is gone, and everything in front of you really belongs to you."

"Got it, thank you!"

Xia Weiwei cast her eyes on Lu Bai, her lips moved for a moment, and then she said:
"Sorry, I couldn't attend your wedding."

"It's okay." Lu Bai said lightly, but his tone was very gentle, "Health is the most important thing."

"Yuan Qing..."


"Let's go first." Wang Anrui took Xia Weiwei's arm and nodded to them all.

"Yes, yes." Lu Bai replied.

More than ten years of love-hate feelings drifted away like a breeze. No matter how much regret you have, it can only be turned into a sigh from the bottom of your heart, and life still has to move on.

"Why don't you go in?" Chang Shan asked.

Yuan Qing thought of Xiao Lu in her heart, her red and swollen eyes and her pitiful appearance appeared in front of her eyes, and she gave the bridegroom a rather resentful look:
"Of course I'm with you. Isn't it fun to stand alone at the reception area and act as a telephone pole?"

"Okay then. Thank you." Mr. Chang, who was usually eloquent and eloquent, suddenly ran out of words.

In addition to the reporters who were blocked outside the banquet hall, there was an endless stream of guests attending the wedding.

Yuan Qing and Lu Bai, as Changshan's "mother's family", helped to greet the guests at the reception area, no matter the guests they recognized or not, Yuan Qing always nodded and bowed, his whole face almost burst into laughter.

Fortunately, the parents of the bride Xiao Ziyan finally returned to the "combat team", otherwise she would really go crazy.

"Xiao Chang, I'm really sorry, Zi Yan has been spoiled by us since she was a child, so she is inevitably a little childish, so please don't take it to heart."

"Dad, Mom, I don't care. Today is the day when Zi Yan and I are very happy. Naturally, Zi Yan should be the most perfect bride. The problem lies with me. The key is that I didn't think carefully about the details. Haihan."

This answer, which was almost comparable to diplomatic rhetoric, made the two elders of the Xiao family very satisfied, and at the same time made Yuan Qing dumbfounded.

Looking at Chang Shan's faint smile, she suddenly felt how lucky she was to have met a man like Lu Bai. He longed for warmth, happiness, and peace of the years just like her, instead of like Chang Shan who hid his secrets in his chest. There are too many complicated things and too many desires, so that I personally let go of the most important person in my life.

After the luxurious and grand wedding banquet was over, Xiao Lu still didn't show up.

At the moment when Chang's newlyweds were smiling and standing in front of the flower arch, Yuan Qing quietly looked at Chang Shan's face. .

Lu Bai and Yuan Qing walked out of the Pearl Restaurant.

A crescent moon hung in the grape-purple sky.

The night is alluring, the street lights are lazy, the breeze is slow, and pedestrians are slow. The distance from the restaurant to the parking lot is only a few steps away. Yuan Qing simply put his head on Lu Bai's broad shoulders and let him lead him away. .

"A spoiled girl."

A man's magnetic voice came to his ears, and Lu Bai put his arms around her.

"Tell me, why didn't Xiao Lu come to Chang Shan's wedding banquet, when she said she would come?"

"As a rational person, when she finds that she cannot restrain her pain, she should not appear on this occasion out of consideration of the consequences."

"Then...Chang Shan really won't regret it? I clearly saw that he was so absent-minded at the wedding, and his eyes were so lonely. It seems that he didn't really bid farewell to the past."

"It's right to be reluctant, but he will never regret it."


"Before the wedding banquet started, during the conversation with Chang Shan, I suddenly found that maybe no one wanted the wedding to come as soon as possible than Chang Shan. There is no way to retreat. Even if he feels distressed about this marriage in the future, he will limit this distress to a controllable range and will not affect the overall situation."

"Why on earth is this? He wants to push himself to this point?"

"I think, one is for his mother, the other is for himself, and the third is for Xiao Lu. If Chang Shan renounces his status as the heir of Wenyuan Group, their mother and son will become his father's abandoned sons, and they will live forever in the underworld. Under the contemptuous eyes of others, even if Chang Shan continues his career as a reporter and chooses to marry Xiao Lu, their married life will be affected by their parents' disputes, and it is unlikely that they will feel truly happy."

"Will Xiao Lu give up on Chang Shan?"

Lu Bai was silent for a moment, then replied:

"Admiration for someone may be a more hopeless feeling than love. I can't tell you how long it will take to resolve such a sincere and complicated emotion."

"Alas..." Yuan Qing sighed, rubbing against the man's arms like a cat. "I'm so glad that the person I met was you, not Chang Shan."

"Me too, fortunately you are not Xiao Ziyan who has been trimmed from head to toe."

"Wow, how did you find out? I still heard Chang Shan tell me, have you seen or heard of her before?"

Lu Bai laughed loudly:

"Don't forget my profession, I am as discerning as I am, and I am as careful as dust."

"Really?" Yuan Qing looked at her husband suspiciously, "Then tell me, how many months am I pregnant?"

"What?" Writer Lu Da was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had an auditory hallucination.

"I wanted to take this news as a birthday present for you, to surprise you, but I couldn't bear it anymore. Let me tell you, when I went for a physical examination yesterday, the doctor told me that I was two months pregnant!"

As soon as the words fell, a pair of firm and powerful arms had gently hugged her, the man's eyes seemed to be filled with stars, and the ground was full of brilliant smiles:

"No wonder I found out that you are as fat as a piglet recently. Fortunately, you haven't been asked to lose weight..."

"Wow, have I gained weight? Where have I gained weight?" Yuan Qing shouted.

"It's not important, nothing is important, the important thing is that I'm going to be a father!"

(End of this chapter)

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