Chapter 23 Iceberg Snow Wolf
Mu Jinjin felt that she had a long dream. In the dream, she was fighting with five or six fat cats, and the hairs of those fat cats flew all over the place.

She opened her eyes, a handsome face and a pair of gloomy pupils were reflected in her dark eyes.

She blinked her eyes, and finally saw clearly that the person in front of her was a tyrant.

She leaned forward, but felt burning pain all over her skin, and a powerful big hand held her petite body.

Shen Shen's voice was a little soft, "With Father Huang here, Jinjin doesn't have to be afraid."

Petite voice: "Thank you, father."

Mu Heng said: "Jin Jin doesn't need to hide from now on, Father knows that you have filial piety, and Jin Jin was hurt because of this filial piety."

Seeing the wound on Mu Jinjin's body, Mu Heng's gloomy eyes were instantly covered with cruelty.

Mu Jinjin blinked his big black eyes, held Mu Heng's big hand with two small hands, and pouted his mouth.

"Father, you know everything?" Mu Jinjin was still worried that he would be beheaded for the crime of deceiving the emperor.

Mu Heng patted Little Mianmian's head, "Father knows all about it, you know that for the sake of your father's health, you make a bowl of white fungus soup and bring it to you late at night, and you also know that the injury on your body is because of the delivery of white fungus soup last night. To the royal father. The royal father appreciates it, but you can't take such risks again in the future."

Mu Jinjin pursed his lips and nodded, and said worriedly: "Then Father will also ask the imperial chef to arrange a white fungus soup for you at night, which nourishes yin and nourishes qi, which is suitable for people who cannot sleep late at night... um... especially Use dried white fungus and soak it in boiling water."

Mu Heng covered Mu Jinjin's mouth, "Stop talking, take care of your little body first."

A pair of gloomy eyes deepened, he got up and ordered the imperial doctor to change Mu Jinjin's dressing, and walked out of the bedroom alone.

Mu Heng is the king of a country, he should not have too much emotion, he must govern the country calmly every day.He squeezed his fists and took a deep breath...

When he looked up, he saw a pair of horns placed in the study.

This pair of horns was a trophy of General Zhen Guo, and they were sent as meritorious deeds and placed in the study.

Mu Heng remembered that General Zhen Guo used free-range beasts to deal with those plateau mad cows and defeated his opponents.

Thinking of this, Mu Heng's eyes sank, and he ordered someone to choose a mature ice wolf and send it to him.

Those were the wolves raised by Mu Heng, a pack of wolves who only recognized Mu Heng as their master.

Mu Heng gave the wolf to Mu Jinjin as a puppy.

"Jinjin, Father gave you a gift, a puppy. No matter where you go, it will always protect you."

Mu Jinjin's eyes lit up. The puppy was a bit big, like an adult wolf, with a silvery white body and fluffy hair.

She reached out to touch its coat, but saw the puppy baring its teeth at her.

She immediately withdrew her hand.

I saw the tyrant raised his hand and slapped the puppy on the face, and the puppy was sent flying.

The puppy fell to the ground dying, made a pitiful "beeping" sound, got up from the ground again, walked over as if he knew his mistake, and bowed his head to the tyrant.

The tyrant raised the dog's ears, pointed at Mu Jinjin at the dog, and said fiercely: "She is your little master! You have to protect her with your life! Do you understand?!"

The puppy made a "humming" humming sound, indicating that he understood.

Mu Jinjin thought this puppy was very beautiful, with a silver-white coat, a pair of sky-blue eyes, and a pink tongue that could stick out of its mouth.

She couldn't help reaching out to touch the puppy again, this time she was careful, ready to withdraw her hand at any time, for fear of being bitten by the puppy immediately.

The little hand slowly reached out to the puppy, and gently touched the puppy's silver-white fur. The moment she touched it, her heart was suddenly touched.

So soft!

The puppy is calm.

She boldly stepped forward to touch the puppy's fur again. Seeing that the puppy didn't respond, she firmly touched the puppy's coat.

It felt so good, her little hands rubbed the puppy's back, and the puppy stuck out its little pink tongue very cooperatively.

Mu Jinjin smiled at the tyrant, "Father, this dog is quite obedient!"

Mu Heng nodded, "It was raised by me, and whoever I let it protect, it will protect! And it will protect it with its life!"

In fact, Mu Jinjin has already seen that this is a wolf, or an iceberg snow wolf. It is a beast raised by a tyrant in the comics. It can go to the battlefield to kill enemies, one against a hundred.

It's just that the tyrant said it was a dog at this time, so she pretended not to know it, and smiled silly at the tyrant.

She felt a bunch of jealous eyes fall on her, and she saw the five-year-old girl standing in the corner from the side.

Mu Yan'er stood there for a while.

She didn't kill Mu Jinjin last night, and she was always worried. She arranged for someone to inquire, only to find out that it was Zhuozi Yechen who rescued Mu Jinjin and sent him here. She also lived in the emperor's bedroom and slept on the emperor's bed. , covered the emperor's quilt.

Regardless of the pain in her leg, she hurried over, just in time to see the emperor gave Mu Jinjin an iceberg snow wolf, and coaxed Mu Jinjin that this iceberg snow wolf was a puppy? !

Mu Yan'er wanted to get an iceberg snow wolf for a long time, she worked hard in front of the emperor, just for an iceberg snow wolf.

She had worked hard for five years to get the Bingshan Snow Wolf, but Mu Jinjin got it easily. She gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, and stared at Mu Jinjin fiercely.

Mu Jinjin had an estimate in his mind that the combat power of the iceberg snow wolf was far higher than that of the orange fat cat. An iceberg snow wolf could kill hundreds of people in a row, while an orange fat cat could only kill a few people in a row.

With dozens of times the combat power, Mu Jinjin can easily counter-kill Mu Yan'er. Thinking of this, Mu Jinjin curled his lips at Mu Yan'er.

Mu Yan'er stepped forward and bowed to Mu Heng, "Father, Yan'er heard that sister Jinjin was injured, so she came to visit sister Jinjin early in the morning, and brought the golden sore medicine that her grandfather used when he was marching, and gave it to Jinjin. Sister healing."

Mu Heng took the golden sore medicine, and said to Mu Yan'er: "Yan'er has a heart." He handed both hands to Mu Jinjin.

Mu Jinjin took the porcelain bottle from Mu Heng's hand, and smashed it on Mu Yan'er's forehead, causing a bruise.

Mu Yan'er covered her head with her hands, she was shocked, she never thought that Mu Jinjin could do this.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Mu Jinjin hit Mu Yan'er, and the maids and father-in-laws standing around were shocked.

Mu Yan'er looked at Mu Heng pitifully, "Father..."

Mu Heng glanced at Mu Yan'er with gloomy eyes, "Jin Jin was frightened last night and was in a bad mood, you have to be more tolerant to her. You stay and take care of her, you little girls will definitely have a lot to say .”

Mu Yan'er covered her forehead and smiled secretly.

After everyone leaves, she wants to let Mu Jinjin know what a big sister is!
Mu Heng was going to deal with state affairs and left with everyone, leaving only Mu Jinjin and Mu Yan'er behind.

Mu Yan'er rubbed her forehead, and gave Mu Jinjin a smirk, "I didn't kill you last night, but if I continue to do it today, I don't believe I can't kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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