Chapter 24 Mu Yan'er Dying

With a ferocious expression on her face, Mu Yan'er stretched out her hand to grab Mu Jinjin's neck, "I'm going to strangle you to death today!"

Suddenly, the silver-white and furry Iceberg Snow Wolf pounced on Mu Yan'er.

The iceberg snow wolf's power was so fierce that it threw Mu Yan'er to the ground.

Mu Jinjin bowed his body, stood up and looked at Mu Yan'er.

I saw Mu Yan'er lying on the ground, her eyes were terrified, her whole body was trembling, her lips were trembling and she couldn't speak a word.

The iceberg snow wolf pressed Mu Yan'er under its body, stepped on Mu Yan'er's shoulder with its two front paws, dug its nails into the flesh of Mu Yan'er's shoulder, and roared at Mu Yan'er...

As if to swallow Mu Yan'er.

Mu Yan'er pinched the iceberg snow wolf's paws with both hands, and looked at Mu Jinjin with tears in her eyes, "Hurry up and get this wolf away! The emperor gave it to you, it listens to you the most!"


How did Mu Yan'er, who was going to kill someone last night, treat Mu Jinjin?Why should Mu Jinjin spare her at this time?

Mu Yan'er widened her eyes, "Mu Jinjin! When the emperor comes back later and sees this scene, he will say that you killed someone on purpose!"

Is it true that Mu Jinjin is a three-year-old child?Are you frightened by such a scare?
"Shut up your childishness! Mu Yan'er! Didn't your father see you kill someone, so you didn't kill someone? You killed me twice with your own hands! Don't you think others will never know?!"

Mu Jinjin's voice was so childish and sharp that Mu Yan'er was startled when she heard it.

Having already recognized its master, the Iceberg Snow Wolf heard that Mu Jinjin was scolding Mu Yan'er, so it stomped on Mu Yan'er hard, scratching Mu Yan'er's shoulder with its paws.

Mu Yan'er screamed, "Mu Jinjin, please spare me! It hurts too much!"

When Mu Jinjin cried out for pain yesterday, what was Mu Yan'er doing?Looking coldly at the side and still sneering.

Why did Mu Jinjin spare Mu Yan'er today?

What Mu Yan'er and Mu Jinjin said last night, Mu Jinjin can return it to Mu Yan'er.

"I heard that the iceberg snow wolf is ferocious and brutal, and it is extremely protective of the master. It is much more powerful than those orange fat cats you had last night. This iceberg snow wolf wants to kill you, but it's because you want to kill me! You have to blame yourself! No wonder Someone else! Oh! By the way, tell me immediately if you have any last words, I’m afraid you will become this wolf’s lunch if it’s too late.”

Mu Yan'er burst into tears, she peed her pants in fright, she was only five years old, and she didn't want to die yet.

"If I died at the age of five, I still have a lot of glory and wealth to enjoy! I don't want to die like this! Mu Jinjin, I beg you, I was wrong before, I always wanted to kill you, it was mine No, Jinjin, please bypass me! I will never kill you again after I survive, never again!"

Mu Jinjin looked at Mu Yan'er coldly with dark eyes, "How can I trust you? When you saw me lying on the bed and couldn't move, you still wanted to strangle me to death! If it wasn't for its protection, I would I have already gone to see Hades!"

Mu Yan'er cried and shouted: "I was wrong, I was really wrong!"


Mu Heng was dealing with state affairs in the study outside, and heard crying in the bedroom, so he brought someone in to check, and heard Mu Yan'er admitting to killing Mu Jinjin.

This Mu Yaner's heart is too poisonous, she has already hurt Mu Jinjin, and she wants to strangle the helpless Mu Jinjin to death in the bedroom!

"Mu Yan'er! Fifty blows with a cane! Shut up in confinement!"

Fifty boards? !
Adults can't stand such a style of play.

Children can be killed.

The attendants stretched their necks and looked at Mu Yan'er, whoops, they are doomed.

Mu Heng stepped forward, pushed the iceberg snow wolf away, picked up Mu Yan'er from the ground, grabbed Mu Yan'er by the collar, as if carrying a dead cat, and threw him out of the bedroom with a look of disgust.

He ordered: "Drag it out, fifty big boards!"

Mu Heng never looked at Mu Yan'er again.

Yechen came back with the evidence, came to Mu Heng, and knelt down.

"Your Majesty Qizuo, the culprit has been found out. He chased the orange cat fur all the way to Shibi Palace, and found five orange fat cats and a bell used by Mu Yan'er. The person who killed Princess Jinjin It's Mu Yan'er."

Mu Heng asked: "Where's the orange fat cat?!"

Yechen replied: "Waiting outside Hongxiang Palace."

Mu Heng looked towards the direction outside Hongxiang Hall with a pair of gloomy eyes, his eyes became more gloomy, "I want to avenge Jinjin."

Looking back at Jinjin on the bed, she was wearing white soft cotton clothes, with long black hair hanging loose, and a pair of innocent and lovely black round eyes.

Mu Heng hugged Mu Jinjin, "I'll take you to see revenge."

Take Yechen, Liu Gonggong and his party to the outside of Hongxiang Hall.

Here is the emerald green lawn, on one side is Mu Yan'er being beaten, and on the other side are five fat orange cats tied by chains.

Mu Jinjin pursed her lips and looked at Mu Yan'er, and saw that when the red wooden plank fell, it could cover Mu Yan'er's back and buttocks, and hit it hard, causing Mu Yan'er to scream and scream His voice was already hoarse.

Tut tut, how miserable!

I knew why I had to do it today, this is the end of a bad mind.

Mu Heng didn't feel sorry for Mu Yan'er at all, what he loved the most was the sensible and well-behaved little Mian Mian in his arms.

"I knew that Jinjin would be injured, so I should have given the Bingshan Snow Wolf to Jinjin earlier in the morning."

The tyrant is blaming himself? !

Are you blaming yourself for her? !

Mu Jinjin was greatly moved.

Comfortingly said: "Father, don't be sad, Jinjin is fine."

Stretching out her little arm, she shook it in front of Mu Heng, "Jinjin already has strength."

Among Mu Heng's many children, only Mu Jinjin can comfort him, while the other children only know how to flatter, obey and fear him.Suddenly meeting Jin Jin's consolation, Mu Heng's heart trembled inexplicably.

Unable to raise the corners of his lips, he touched Mu Jinjin's slender arm, "It's getting stronger, stronger, and my body is getting better!"

Mu Jinjin grinned and smiled sweetly, "Yes! Father!"

The more likable this little cotton is, the more Mu Heng feels indebted to Mu Jinjin.

He took out a tiger leather whip from his waist, hugged Mu Jinjin and walked towards those fat cats, "Daddy will avenge you!"

After saying that, he raised his leather whip to beat those orange fat cats.

I only heard the fat cat screaming again and again, and after a while, the cat's fur flew everywhere.

Mu Jinjin suddenly remembered the dream she had in the morning, she beat these cats, and the cat hairs flew all over the place.

When these cats were viciously scratching Mu Jinjin last night, Mu Jinjin wanted to beat them!
"Father, put Jinjin down."

Although Mu Heng didn't know what his daughter wanted to do, he followed her daughter's wishes and put Mu Jinjin down gently.

Mu Jinjin rode on the back of a fat orange cat, punched and kicked the fat cat, the cat's fur flew all over the place, and the cat meowed again and again...

Seeing how powerful Little Mianmian's fist was, Mu Heng couldn't help laughing, "Hehehe! A tiger father has no dog girl, my little Mianmian has finally become stronger."

Mu Yan'er looked at Mu Jinjin, saw Mu Jinjin sitting on the fat cat's back fisting and kicking in a very happy manner, and saw her father's doting on Mu Jinjin, she cried even louder!
(End of this chapter)

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