Chapter 90

A pair of round eyes trembled, and the stars in the black pupils were shining. Her first step to help Yechen brother go home was finally completed!

He secretly gave himself two thumbs up in his heart.

He smiled politely at the tyrant and said, "Thank you, father!"

Mu Heng touched Mu Jinjin's small round head, his gloomy eyes were covered with a layer of soft light, and he looked like an old father doting on his daughter.

"Good girl! From now on, whenever Jinjin has any weird ideas, tell Father more about them, such as building tunnels."

Mu Jinjin nodded obediently! "Okay!"

Secretly clasped her fingers, she is full of modern scientific methods, why should she tell you a big pig's hoof, if it wasn't for helping Yechen brother go home and reunite with his parents this time, she wouldn't teach the tunnel method.

"What tunnel?" Mu Qin was confused.

Mu Heng raised his gloomy eyes, full of coldness.

Why hasn't the eye-obscuring person left yet?
"Didn't Elder Sister sign the contract? Why don't you go back and get the money to buy stinky grass?"

Mu Qin's purple pupil trembled.

OK!Your family of three will bully others!When the queen comes, I will make you look good!
"Even if the emperor didn't give an order to the Palace Case Office, how can I bring Concubine Jiang here?"

According to the contract, Concubine Jiang came to fetch the stinky grass in person, even if Mu Qin handed over 500 taels of gold, she still couldn't get the stinky grass.

Mu Heng frowned, "I'm going to pass on the word of mouth, let the sixth father-in-law take you to the palace case office, bring the person here directly, and bring the gold with you."

Mu Qin was so unwilling to do so, her purple pupils were covered with a shadow, and she bit her lip hard.

"My palace obeys!"

Leaving the Palace of Splendid Embroidery with the sixth father-in-law.

Mu Jinjin tilted his head and blinked his round black eyes, which reflected the man's tall figure.

"Father, is there anything else?"

She wanted to talk to her mother for a while, because the emperor was here.

Mu Heng looked at his daughter, with a pleasing milky look on his face, and hugged her.

"My little Mianmian, I am here to guard your mother and daughter, waiting for Mu Qin to come back."

Mu Qin is a difficult person, and she is obedient now because the emperor is here.If Mu Qin sees that the emperor is not there later, there may be another storm.

Mu Heng wants to guard the little cotton in his heart.

Jin Naiqing gave Lianbing a wink, and asked Lianbing to arrange the people in the yard.

She followed the emperor's footsteps and was going back to the room to talk with the emperor.

The little father-in-laws have already arranged the Eight Immortals table.

Jin Naiqing walked into the room, and saw the Eight Immortals table exactly the same as before, which was very pleasing to the eye.

"Thank you, the emperor, for thinking about the Eight Immortals table for his concubines."

Mu Heng hugged Mu Jinjin and sat on the mahogany chair beside the table, and glanced at Mu Jinjin in relief.

Thanks to this little Mian Mian for reminding him, otherwise, he would have lost a chance to make Jin Naiqing happy.

"As long as Aifei likes it!"

When Mu Jinjin heard this, he pouted, knowing that this big pig's trotter would not tell the truth, and took the credit for himself.

He raised his black eyes and looked at Jin Naiqing. Seeing the tranquility and joy on the beauty's face, he didn't intend to argue with the big pig's hooves.

As long as the mother is happy!

Jin Naiqing was satisfied that the Eight Immortals table was delivered, but she was not satisfied with the emperor's arrangement.

"Your Majesty released Mu Yingsi, why didn't he tell his concubines and Jin Jin, then Mu Yingsi is the daughter of Concubine Jiang, how could she not be involved at all?"

Jin Naiqing felt that Mu Yingsi was a child with a bad character, and she didn't quite believe that Mu Yingsi was alone in harming Mu Jinjin.

Mu Heng sighed, and said: "I can understand the feelings of my concubine! Yingsi and Jinjin are both my daughters, and I want a bowl of water to be fair, and I have to investigate this matter fairly. Yingsi and Poison Jin Jin's matter has nothing to do with it, she just hid me about memorizing the essay, and I have already punished her twenty boards."

Then, Mu Heng talked with the mother and daughter about the process of investigating the case in detail, and then heard the roar of the little koi.

Here comes the newborn!

Mu Heng stood up holding Mu Jinjin in his arms, walked out with Jin Naiqing holding hands, and saw Concubine Jiang wearing shackles.

It's no wonder that Mu Qin said that the palace case office is not a place for people to stay. This Concubine Jiang is like an eggplant beaten by frost, she has no momentum, her face is dirty, and there are scars on her arms.

Jin Naiqing asked Mu Heng in a low voice, "Your Majesty, did Concubine Jiang use torture?"

Mu Heng sighed, and said: "The evidence is solid, and there are witnesses, but she refused to admit to harming you, so I ordered someone to beat her several times."

Still not admitting it? !
Jin Naiqing thought of what Mu Jinjin suffered when he suffered from rickets, and the torture he suffered in his heart, his palms trembled unconsciously.

The cold voice said: "The concubine asked her to admit it!"

After saying that, she walked in front of Concubine Jiang and slapped her with a raised hand.

There was a "snap"!Very loud!

Mu Heng was inexplicably shocked, his beloved concubine has such a big temper and strength, it's really shocking!

Hugging Mu Jinjin's arm visibly struggled.

Mu Jinjin glanced at Mu Heng curiously, why did the big pig's hooves shake?It turned out that I was frightened by my mother!You know my mother is amazing!

Concubine Jiang spat on the ground, spat out a bloody tooth, blood was hanging from the corner of her mouth, and looked at Jin Naiqing with dull eyes.

"Even if you kill me, I can't admit what I didn't do."

"You still don't admit it?!"

Jin Naiqing's beautiful face was covered with a layer of cruelty, she raised her arm high and hit it hard.


It resounded through the Hall of Splendid Embroidery, and there was an echo, "Pa..."

Concubine Jiang tilted her neck to one side, and said to Jin Naiqing: "I wanted to hurt you and Jinjin, but I really didn't have time to do it. I heard that Mu Jinjin had schizophrenia. I was happy for several years, I just hope that you will never be an imperial concubine again, but if you still become an imperial concubine and bring your daughter to compete with me, of course I will hate you!"

Jin Naiqing smiled coldly, and said: "So, you continue to use loss of voice powder to harm my daughter?" She roared vigorously, "Say!"

Concubine Jiang looked at Jin Naiqing aggrievedly, and said, "I thought about using loss of voice powder to harm Jin Jin, but I didn't have time to do it. How could I have thought that things would happen so fast. If I hadn't met Longan that day, Longan let me go Hongxiang Palace, I'm still kept in the dark!"

Jin Naiqing grabbed Concubine Jiang's collar, pulled it forward, and said: "You should pretend less, I asked Longan afterwards, and Longan said she didn't see you. You obviously knew it in advance and ran to watch the excitement in time , Who else do you want to deceive!"

Longan is the queen's maid. She has been with the honest and dignified queen for more than ten years, and her character will not be bad.

Jin Naiqing must believe what Longan said, and she will never believe Jiang Huangfei's defense.

Lifting his leg was a kick, kicking Concubine Jiang to the ground, and stepping on Concubine Jiang's stomach.

"You caused me to grow old all night and my daughter to suffer for three years. I will never forgive you lightly!"

The beautiful woman fiercely kicked Concubine Jiang's stomach.

It was too painful, Concubine Jiang covered her stomach with her hands, spitting blood from her mouth, "I admit it, I admit it..."

(End of this chapter)

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