Chapter 91

Jin Naiqing stopped her feet, tugged on the pleated skirt twice, put away her cruelty, restored her beautiful and dignified appearance, and turned to walk towards the emperor.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Jiang has already admitted her mistake. The concubine feels that the punishment must be severe, and the whole palace must be used as an example."

At this time, Jin Naiqing is dignified and beautiful, and she is completely different from the woman who beat and kicked people just now.

This is Jin Naiqing whom Mu Heng has known all along.

Mu Heng gasped, "Concubine Ai is right, my punishment of Concubine Jiang must be taken as a warning by the harem and make them fearful."

Jin Naiqing nodded and said, "The emperor is wise."

Mu Jinjin pursed his lips tightly, looking down at the miserable Concubine Jiang lying on the ground, his black eyes flickered.

This woman was caught with evidence, and she still refused to admit it even though there were witnesses to testify.

Mu Heng raised his gloomy eyes, and stared fiercely at Concubine Jiang.

"I want to break her tendons and let her fend for herself in the prison!"

If the tendons in the hands and feet are severed, the person cannot walk or grasp, and if he is thrown into a prison to fend for himself, it will be very miserable.

This just made Empress Jiang suffer, and it couldn't relieve Jin Naiqing's anger.

Jin Naiqing looked at Mu Heng, "Your Majesty gave Concubine Jiang a happy time, but did you ever think that my concubine suffered for three and a half years because of Concubine Jiang, and Xiao Jinjin was tortured by Concubine Jiang for three and a half years?"

Mu Heng felt that this punishment was already very harsh, "According to the law of the Palace Case Office, it should be punished like this. Concubine Ai, do you have any other ideas?"

Jin Naiqing couldn't think of a better idea for a while, she just wanted Concubine Jiang to taste the pain of three years.

"The concubine doesn't want Concubine Jiang to die too happily. If people die like a lamp goes out, what can she understand?"

Concubine Jiang's eyes widened blankly, she looked at Jin Naiqing, her lips trembled, when did this beautiful woman become so cruel?
"Jin Naiqing! How are you going to torture me?! Tell me quickly!"

Jin Naiqing looked down at Concubine Jiang, her cold eyes narrowed. This woman has always been proud, well-clothed and well-fed, and defiant. Now she is so downcast that she is handcuffed and fettered. Surely life would be worse than death, right?

"Concubine Jiang, what are you most afraid of?"

Concubine Jiang gasped, she walked all the way, avoiding her palace as much as possible, she didn't want her son to see her in such a situation, she was suffering from pain in her heart, life would be better than death.

Looking at Mu Heng pitifully, he said: "Your Majesty, please take pity on this poor concubine, please give this concubine a good time!"

happy? !
Jin Naiqing sneered, "The more you want to be happy, the more you don't have it!"

In this way, Mu Heng felt that what Jin Naiqing said made sense, and he really couldn't give Concubine Jiang a good time.

Mu Heng raised his gloomy eyes and glared at Concubine Jiang, "You are so scheming that you caused Naiqing's mother and daughter to suffer for more than three years, and you still want to have a good time with me? How can such a cheap thing be found!"

Turning his eyes, his eyes became much brighter, he looked at Jin Naiqing, and said: "My concubine, what do you say about how to deal with Concubine Jiang, I will listen to you!"

Jin Naiqing narrowed her eyes coldly. He had the most ruthless thought in his life, which made this woman's heart suffer forever in pain.

"Concubine Jiang should be most afraid of Mu Han seeing you in such a mess, right? Presumably, Mu Han doesn't know that you are in handcuffs and shackles, right?"

Concubine Jiang's whole body trembled, visibly trembling, and the grass around her also rose and fell.

"You, do you want Mu Han to come?"

Mu Han, whom Concubine Jiang is very afraid of, is Concubine Jiang's son. Mu Jinjin saw this little boy when he was reading comics, and he loves face very much.

Jin Naiqing sneered, "You think I'm so stupid, just let Muhan come to see you? That's too cheap for you! I want to find you a good job, so I will let you wear prison uniform and shackles , I will serve Mu Han as a lowly servant in your palace, and the maids who served you in the past have higher status than you, they can beat you and scold you, and let Mu Han see, this arrangement makes me feel a lot better."

Mu Jinjin's dark eyes are round and round, and his fair little face is full of joy. Jin Naiqing's fierce look can give her daughter full protection.

She turned to look at the big pig's trotter who was holding her, and grabbed Mu Heng's sleeve with her small hands.

Hello!It's your turn to speak!
Mu Heng stared straight at Jin Naiqing with a pair of gloomy eyes, and Jin Naiqing's tall and beautiful figure was reflected in the deep pupils, and the woman with a weak temperament seemed particularly resolute at this moment.The few strands of white strands caught in the middle of the black hair also looked so dazzling.

My concubine is really beautiful.

Mu Jinjin noticed that the eyes of the big pig's trotters were straightened, and his little hand grabbed Mu Heng's sleeve and pulled it hard, it's time for you to speak!You are not allowed to look at my mother like that!
Anxiously raised her little hand to cover Mu Heng's eyes.

A small white hand in front of him interrupted Mu Heng's thoughts.

The man let out a long breath and retracted his thoughts. He should say something fair.

He pushed away Mu Jinjin's little hand, and glared at Concubine Jiang with gloomy eyes, "When you torture others, you should think that sooner or later you will have such a day! I think Naiqing's method is very good. It not only protects your Life, let you reunite with your son every day, and live in your old palace, what are you dissatisfied with?!"

When the servants around heard this, their backs trembled.

This made her feel worse than killing Concubine Jiang!

This Imperial Concubine Jin is really not easy to bully, the way of revenge is too high!
Once this incident happened, no one in the palace would dare to bully Concubine Jin anymore, that would be a fate worse than life.

Concubine Jiang took a deep breath, lowered her lifeless eyes with a look of resignation.

"I, Concubine Jiang, was born in an aristocratic family. I was born with a golden spoon in my mouth. I have been served by slaves all my life. I am clothed in rich clothes and rich food. I always have to be modest with others, but now I have come to such an end. To become even lower than a slave A lowly servant girl can only do the dirtiest and most tiring work in the palace, and let my son see, what's the point of being a woman like me? Ha ha!"

Mu Heng looked at Concubine Jiang coldly with gloomy eyes.

The dirty woman was full of crazy words, "Sixth Eunuch! Press Concubine Jiang back to the palace case immediately, don't be an eyesore here!"

Liu Gong said: "The slave obeys!" This Jiang Huangfei is also to blame for herself!
He led someone to drag Concubine Jiang out.


Mu Qin's maid came in, carrying a heavy package.

Salute to the Emperor, Concubine Jiang and Princess Jinjin.

"Report to the emperor, the eldest princess ordered the slaves to send 500 taels of gold, and then take the stinky grass back."

Mu Heng looked at Jin Naiqing and said, "My concubine, you are the one to decide!"

Jin Naiqing breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Since Mu Ying didn't know anything about it and is innocent, I don't care about that child. I only hope that the eldest princess can teach her well, raise her well, and let her be kind-hearted when she comes out of the completed house." I'm going to prepare stinky grass right now!"

(End of this chapter)

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