Chapter 92 You can do it!

The next day, Mu Jinjin happily went to the Martial Academy, talking and laughing with brother Yechen, and stopped when passing Chun'an Hall.

Mu Jinjin saw Concubine Jiang, who was wearing a prison uniform, carrying a chamber pot with an unpleasant smell, moving step by step at the entrance of Chun'an Hall.

Walking is accompanied by the sound of "Hua Leng Leng", which is the sound of fetters.

Mu Jinjin took a step behind Brother Yechen, grabbed Brother Yechen's sleeve, and covered his nose.

It looks so pitiful!

Whose fault is it that the concubine, who was so complacent before, has fallen to this point...

Seeing this scene, Yechen looked indifferent.

He looked back at Mu Jinjin.

The little girl was covering her nose with his sleeve, her little brows were knit together, and there was pity in her dark eyes.

Yechen couldn't help sighing.

Eh!The little sister is always sentimental, if you don't like the smell, don't watch it.

Without saying a word, he picked up Mu Jinjin, covered Mu Jinjin's mouth and nose, and ran away quickly.

The silver fluffy little koi galloped along with its owner.


Mu Jinjin put her arms around Brother Yechen's neck, facing the wind, and the warm wind blew onto her chubby cheeks, and she couldn't help "giggling".

She just felt that it was fun and happy for Brother Yechen to run with her in his arms.

Yechen ran to the gate of the martial arts academy in a hurry.

There are two flower bushes here, and a thick scent of potpourri rushes into the nose.

He put Mu Jinjin down, stroked Mu Jinjin's round head, his black eyes bent down.

"Sister Jinjin, it doesn't stink anymore, take a few more sniffs to get rid of the stink just now."

Mu Jinjin took two steps forward with his short legs, stood in front of the flowers, and sucked his nose hard.

Mu Jinjin suddenly felt better.

"Brother Yechen! This flower is so fragrant! Jinjin likes it so much!"

Yechen looked at the little girl for a while, and the smiling face of the little girl was reflected in his ink pupils.

Smiling faces are like flowers.

The young man bent down, reached out to reach a delicate flower, pinched the flower stem, and folded it forcefully.

A bright yellow flower fell into the boy's hand.

He walked up to Mu Jinjin, supported the small hair bag on top of Mu Jinjin's head, inserted the little yellow flower into the round hair bag, his black eyes bent down.

"Jinjin is very fragrant!"

Why does this little brother look more and more handsome!As soon as Mu Jinjin saw Yechen, his eyes started to stare.

"Brother Yechen said Jinjin Daihua looks good?"

Grabbing Yechen's sleeves with both hands, he shook his small body in front of Yechen.

The round little face is pink.

In the boy's eyes, the little girl is like a budding flower, tender and beautiful.

"Jinjin looks good no matter what, my brother loves to watch it!"

Mu Jinjin covered his face with his hands, switched his short legs, and ran into the martial arts academy.

Brother Yechen is getting more and more good at complimenting Jinjin, making Jinjin so happy!

Running into the gate of the martial arts academy, Mu Jinjin stopped, full of joy.

The cheeks are so hot.

Not wanting others to see her face so red, Mu Jinjin rubbed her little cheek hard to make it paler.

Take a deep breath, Jinjin is the calmest!

"Jin Jin!"

Mu Han's voice.

Mu Han is the son of Concubine Jiang, His Royal Highness.

She is six years old this year, one and a half years younger than her sister Mu Yingsi, she is round, fair and not tall.

Mu Han ran towards Mu Jinjin, looking a little clumsy.

He and Mu Jinjin have been practicing boxing together for a few days. He likes Mu Jinjin, the little princess, and is willing to take the initiative to say hello to Mu Jinjin.

Mu Jinjin covered her face with her hands to prevent others from discovering her blushing face.

"Brother Han!"

"Jinjin, we just found out that we won't practice boxing today, and there will be fun to watch later!"

The grievances between the two elders did not affect the two children.

Mu Jinjin stared round his eyes, and asked, "Is the excitement good?" Looking back at Brother Yechen, "If the excitement is not good, Jinjin and Brother Yechen will go back!"

Mu Han's fair face burst into a smile, like a little white rabbit raising its paw to imitate the way a little tiger opened its mouth.

But it's not scary at all, and it's very interesting, "Are you afraid of the beast? Father is over there with the beast!"

The beast is beautiful!

Mu Jinjin turned around and hooked Bai Run's little finger at Ye Chen, "Let's see the beast together! Brother Ye Chen!"

beast? !
Yechen tightened the rope that tied the little koi, tightened it firmly, and ran towards Mu Jinjin in three steps at a time.

The beast and the little cute baby, even thinking about this picture makes me feel anxious.

He wants to protect her.

"Jinjin, follow me!"

Yechen ran to Mu Jinjin's side, took Mu Jinjin's white hand, and led it.

Mu Han stood on the other side of Mu Jinjin, holding Mu Jinjin's little hand.

Together they walked towards the woods.

A lot of people have been surrounded there, and the guards have built a barrier outside the forest, forming a human wall.

The father-in-laws surrounded a group of short children, looking into the woods.

Both Wu Shaofu are there.

Mu Han led Mu Jinjin into the crowd of father-in-laws.

Yechen led the little koi and squeezed in.

Mu Chunchun, Mu Xiaxia, Mu Xiumei, Mu Xinzi and Mu Jingyan, the princes and princesses are all there.

There are also the crown prince, the second prince and the eldest princess.

Mu Yingsi also came.

Mu Jinjin carefully looked at Mu Yingsi's exposed arm, the rash was much better.

Suddenly the roar of a ferocious beast pierced the silence of the forest, and Mu Heng rode a slender and strong sabre-toothed cheetah, and rushed out from the depths of the forest.

Mu Heng was wearing a dragon armor, energetic and majestic.

Mu Jinjin opened her big round eyes, she remembered this scene.

The saber-toothed cheetah is a ferocious beast raised by General Shi. It is extremely vicious with one enemy against a hundred on the battlefield.

The tyrant teaches his children to conquer wild beasts.

The only girl in the comics who can conquer beasts is Mu Yan'er, but at this time, Mu Yan'er is about to be executed in the prison.

Mu Jinjin opened her big round eyes and looked at the children around her. It seemed that no girl could conquer the beast!
Mu Heng rode on the cheetah, and the cheetah stretched its slender legs and walked slowly towards the group of children.

Behind him came a jackal, a tiger, a bison, and a lion.

Mu Heng asked domineeringly: "Starting from today, practicing boxing is homework. I want to teach you to face the beast."

A group of children huddled together in fright, hugging each other to keep warm, "It's too scary!"

Mu Jinjin stood where he was, very calm, his eyes were always on those beasts.

A harsh voice pierced the children's timidity, "Hey! Mu Jinjin is so scared! Look at her, she doesn't even dare to move! Hahaha!"

After all, Mu Yingsi was still the thorny head, leading all the children to laugh at Mu Jinjin.

"proceed if you can!"

Mu Jinjin glared at Mu Yingsi, she knew that whoever laughed the most next would obey the imperial order and go to the one who conquered the beast in the enclosure.

Mu Yingsi, just laugh!Don't be scared to pee your pants for a while!

(End of this chapter)

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