Chapter 143 I ate

"I think you also know that if you use the wrong method to enter the extremely cold place, you will be trapped to death inside. Now, no one knows how to leave this place except me. Are you sure you want to tie me up?"

Lin Chen didn't even blink his eyes when he lied, and those who didn't know thought that he really had some way to get out from here.

"Can you get out?"

There was a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the man in the robe. Of course, he also knew that after entering the wrong extremely cold place, even the masters of the Shenzong period would not be able to come out. But in this desperate situation, no hope will be let go.

"If you tie me up, then my solution is useless!"

Lin Chen made it clear that he wanted the robed man to untie the tangled thread.

Hearing this, the robed man hesitated for a long time. When he was about to untie the silk thread, he suddenly sneered and said, "Boy, you don't have to lie to me, there is nothing you can do, right?"

"Believe it or not, but there is one thing I want to declare in advance. If I have no way to go out, I will die in the end anyway. Why should I go out of my way to lie to you?"

Lin Chen's words are indeed correct, and the robed man was indeed moved by Lin Chen's words, so what if Lin Chen deceived himself?Anyway, he would not be his opponent, so he could simply take a gamble.

Thinking of this, the robed man waved his hand, and all the silk threads on Lin Chen's body were scattered.

"Don't think about it, take me out quickly!"

The voice of the robed man came from all directions in the dark cave, giving Lin Chen the feeling that there were all the robed men hiding in the dark, the atmosphere was really weird.

"I know!"

Lin Chen didn't even look at the robed man, his eyes kept scanning the entire dark cave, and he was thinking about how to cheat him.

"Can you hurry up!?"

Seeing Lin Chen standing still, the man in the robe said impatiently.

Lin Chen listened to the robed man's words, his eyes suddenly locked on the spike he had just fallen into, and then Lin Chen suddenly thought of something, and said: "My method is simple and simple, but I'm afraid you won't dare!"

"What a joke!? Why wouldn't I be afraid to go out?"

The robed man said disdainfully.

"you sure?"

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me how to get out!"

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth raised slightly, and he pointed to the spike beside him: "The exit is here!"


The robed man took a step closer to the spike trap, his tone full of suspicion.

"Hiding the dark cave here in Leng's house, the real secret is hidden here, as long as you lie down in the middle of the spike trap, align the acupuncture points on your body with each spike, and then stab it fiercely, you will be able to Open the hidden exit."

What Lin Chen said was so mysterious, it made people think it was ridiculous, but at the same time it felt a little possible.

But the robed man didn't think too much about it, he felt that Lin Chen was fooling him, so he cursed: "I'll go to your mother. Wait a minute!"

The robed man suddenly thought of something, and then looked at Lin Chen with a sinister smile: "That's right, your method is indeed feasible, but why don't you go out first?"

Lin Chen seemed to have expected that the robed man would say this, so he had another set of arguments in his mind, otherwise he wouldn't be so stupid as to deceive himself.

"I have been in the dark cave for 21 years. I have penetrated the secret of this cave ten years ago, but I can't go out, because the trigger mechanism of the spike trap must be a master of the Shenzong period."

"What god?"

After saying this, he turned back to the robed man. He looked at Lin Chen's eyes suspiciously, trying to see something from them, but Lin Chen's eyes were so empty that he couldn't give the robed man any answers.

"Impossible! Stop bluffing me!"

The robed man almost believed Lin Chen's nonsense, how could it be such a coincidence, why did he have to be a master of the Shenzong period?Anyway, you let Lin Chen say everything, and the man in the robe is not a fool.

"Don't believe me? Look around here."

As Lin Chen spoke, he walked towards the robed man. The robed man looked at the dark caves all around him suspiciously, and asked even more puzzled, "What are you looking at?"

"Has anyone been found dead?"


Only then did the man in the robe look suddenly enlightened. So many masters of the Shenzong period had fallen from this wrong extremely cold place, but now they have not even seen the bones. Obviously they did not die here.

"Do you believe me now?"

Lin Chen was always paying attention to the expression of the robed man, and at this moment he finally saw the emotion he needed on the man's face.

"But." The robed man seemed to have thought of something, and took a step back suddenly: "But, where are the masters below the Shenzong period?"

"I ate!"

Lin Chen said without thinking.


The long-robed man was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Lin Chen and said, "Could it be possible that Your Excellency is someone who hides his family?"

Lin Chen didn't speak, and he didn't dare to say anything more, who knows what the hell is a hidden Huajia.

"Sure enough, isn't it? Those who hide the Hua family rely on the fallen bones of the cultivators to refine their divine power!"

What the robed man said, Lin Chen couldn't help but praise him, why is this kid so straightforward.

"I didn't expect to meet a master of the Hua family here. I took the liberty just now, so don't take offense!"

The robed man's attitude towards Lin Chen suddenly reversed 180 degrees, which made Lin Chen cough twice in a hurry, with an inscrutable smile on his face.

But this family member is hiding such a high status in the family?Even if the other party clearly knows that he is only a master of the gods, he respects him so much?
Lin Chen kept making various judgments in his mind, and the best way he could think of was to stop talking about anything about the Hua family.

"A master of the Shenzong period, as long as his divine power is not extinguished, the so-called Achilles' heel of the body will have no effect on you, so please!"

Lin Chen made a 'please' gesture in front of the robed man, then stepped aside.

The robed man nodded, and then jumped lightly, arriving at the center of the spike trap.

After standing up, the robed man exerted a little force on his feet, and the powerful gas on his body slammed towards the spikes below him.

"So strong!"

Lin Chen couldn't help but sighed in his heart, the gas of this master of the Shenzong period was simply terrifying, even standing under the spikes, Lin Chen could feel the gas spreading wildly around him, making it difficult for Lin Chen to breathe.

"I have dissipated all the gas from my body, is it okay now?"

The robed man looked at Lin Chen and reconfirmed that he had done the right thing, because as long as the body of a master of the Shenzong period like this is in danger, the gas on his body will appear involuntarily, so if you don’t disperse it first, I’m afraid it will The spikes also couldn't penetrate the robed man's body.

Lin Chen nodded, and then the robed man held his breath and prepared to follow Lin Chen's words.

Sudden!The robed man only felt the spikes under his body begin to tremble violently, and then the entire cave began to vibrate crazily like an earthquake.

"not good!"

Lin Chen felt that the cave was about to collapse, so he quickly dodged to the side. Seeing this, the robed man had no choice but to temporarily avoid the sharp edge, and returned to the bottom from the spike.

(End of this chapter)

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