Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 144 3 Channels

Chapter 144 Three Channels
The moment he came down, the spike trap on the ground began to climb upwards, the entire cave began to shake from side to side, and gravel continued to fall from above.

"What's the situation?"

The robed man didn't expect such a situation to happen, so he had to look suspiciously at Lin Chen aside.

Lin Chen shook his head. He didn't know why this happened. Could it be that when the robed man used the Shenzong Qi, some mechanism in the cave was triggered?
Both of them looked at the spike trap not far away that was still climbing upwards in silence. They saw that the spike trap was suspended in the air for about five seconds, then began to tilt, and finally stood directly in the center of the cave.

At this time, the spike trap has completely blocked the cave behind him, leaving only a narrow opening on the right.

"Go and see!"

Lin Chen took the lead and walked towards the narrow opening, and then the man in the robe followed.


As soon as Lin Chen got closer, he saw three dark holes outside the opening. To be precise, it was more like three passages leading to different places.

Lin Chen didn't say much, and walked in directly. Since Lin Chen was thin, this opening would naturally allow him to pass through. The figure of the robed man was more skinny than Lin Chen, so there was no problem in passing.

When the two of them walked through the narrow mouth, their faces showed confusion.

"This is the exit?"

The robed man asked with some uncertainty, after all, he did not follow Lin Chen's words.

Of course, Lin Chen didn't have any answers to the robed man's question, but he was sure at this moment that the way to open this hidden passage must be related to the robed man's gas. Perhaps those masters of the Shenzong period walked into these passages?

"It's like this. Usually, the hidden passages need to be opened with the help of the Shenzong period's physical body, and each Shenzong period will choose to disperse its own gas just like you when entering. Over the years, it will become like this."

Lin Chen started talking nonsense again, after all, it is impossible for him to have a showdown with the robed man directly at this time, right?
"I see!"

The robed man nodded in agreement. Judging from Lin Chen's logic, there seems to be no problem, but which of the three passages should he take?
"There are three passages on the left, middle and right, which one do you think is appropriate?"

The robed man had no idea, so he could only pin his hopes on Lin Chen.

"Have you ever thought...these three are dead ends?"

Lin Chen reminded, if these passages can really go out, after so many years, why haven't we seen a master of the Shenzong period go out?

"Then what do you mean?"

The robed man was taken aback by Lin Chen's words, and his heart became even more uneasy. It has to be said that as a master of the Shenzong period, the robed man's courage is simply pathetic.

"Spread out!" Lin Chen suggested, and the robed man nodded.

"Where are you going?"

After the robed man finished asking, Lin Chen pointed to his left: "This way!"

The man in the robe smiled and walked forward first: "No, I'm going to the left!"

After the robed man finished speaking, he went straight into the dark cave on the left. Seeing this, Lin Chen shook his head, wondering if this man was stupid?Do I still need to lie to him?
Afterwards, Lin Chen hesitated for a moment, and walked directly into the middle hole.

Just after Lin Chen walked in, it was very humid inside. He walked out of the dark cave after only ten seconds of walking.


Just after Lin Chen walked out, he was speechless for a moment, because three more passages appeared in front of him.


Lin Chen took a deep breath, right now he has no choice, there is nothing here, there is nothing suspicious around, there is no way to decipher it, he can only act by feeling.

This time after Lin Chen entered the cave, he walked at exactly the same time as before, but this time, Lin Chen was not in a hurry to go out, he was inside the cave to see the situation outside beforehand.

"A hatchet?"

Lin Chen saw three different passages again, but this time a huge ax the size of a person appeared above the cave.

"Could it be fraudulent?"

Lin Chen wanted to test what he thought in his heart, and then he stuck half of his body out of the hole. Immediately afterwards, the giant ax above seemed to have eyes, and slashed towards Lin Chen from the air quickly.


With a loud noise, the entrance of the cave in front of him was completely smashed by the giant axe. If Lin Chen returned to the cave one step later, he would definitely be split in half by the giant axe.

Because when the giant ax approached Lin Chen, he could clearly feel the destructive power, which was even more terrifying than what Tai Qianjing brought him.

"too weird!"

Lin Chen let out a long sigh of relief in the cave entrance, feeling extremely puzzled in his heart, he obviously didn't touch anything just now, he just leaned his body out.

"Is it possible that this organ can feel the breath of people?"

Apart from this explanation, Lin Chen couldn't think of any reason why the giant ax could be triggered for no reason.

What's even more weird is the giant axe. Under its seemingly ordinary appearance, its power is definitely no less than that of a divine weapon. After all, no one controls it. Its power is enough to kill a master of the advanced stage, which is too terrifying.

While Lin Chen was thinking, the giant ax returned to the top of the cave again. Seeing this, Lin Chen didn't plan to go this way anymore, turned around and returned to the original cave.

"Try the middle!"

Seeing that there was no way to go to the left, Lin Chen simply continued to choose the middle path at the beginning, and then Lin Chen accelerated his pace and walked into the middle passage.

Not long after entering, Lin Chen saw the next cave.


Lin Chen saw that there were still three different passages in the cave, but he didn't find any suspicious mechanism.

"Looks like it's right here."

Lin Chen thought about it, and stepped on the cave with his left foot. Suddenly, Lin Chen's foot softened, and he said something bad in his heart, and wanted to retreat, but the more Lin Chen struggled, the deeper he sank.

The whole ground looks as hard as a rock, but once you step on it, it's like entering a swamp.

"How could this be?"

Lin Chen was surprised to find that no matter how he urged his divine power, it had no effect on the underground "swamp". Instead, the speed of his descent continued to accelerate because of the power of the divine power.

At this time, the ground began to emit white smoke. Lin Chen is no stranger to this kind of white smoke. Its appearance means that there is something strongly corrosive on the ground. Fortunately, as a cultivator, Lin Chen's body will not be harmed by ordinary corrosion. .

However, the more Lin Chen wanted to retreat, the deeper he sank, and the ground had already submerged into Lin Chen's thigh.

Lin Chen watched his body sinking continuously, feeling very anxious but helpless in his heart, if he couldn't retreat right now,
"Why not?"

Lin Chen suddenly thought of something, he simply gave up his plan to retreat, and leaned forward directly, striding forward with both legs.

At this moment, Lin Chen was surprised to find that he was able to walk slowly on the ground, but he still had no other way to retreat.

"I see!"

(End of this chapter)

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