Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 150 Did You Ask Me?

Chapter 150 Did You Ask Me?

The smile on Leng Hanming's face became stronger and stronger, all his hopes were pinned on Lin Chen.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet?"

After Leng Hanming finished speaking, Lin Chen opened his mouth and said, "My name is Lin Chen, Shuangmu Lin, Chen of the stars."

"Lin Chen. I remember you, Leng is very honored to have you as a friend!"

"Senior's words are serious!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he walked aside, looked at the iceberg in the distance and said, "Then I'll pass right now."

"Wait a minute." Leng Hanming said: "Xiaohan will go with you in the next few days. With it, you can avoid many troubles."

As Leng Hanming said, he walked towards Xiaohan and hugged him in his arms again.


Lin Chen suddenly felt a little embarrassed. It could be seen that Leng Hanming loved this cat named Xiaohan very much, but they only knew each other for about an hour, so they just lent it to him?
"Don't worry, Xiaohan is very smart, and I trust you too!"

Having said this, Leng Hanming took out his ice-string glazed bow again: "It's a long journey, let it take you for a ride!"

Lin Chen took the ice string glazed bow from Leng Hanming, and he was no longer polite, and directly cupped his hands: "Then I would like to thank Senior Leng!"


Leng Hanming also handed Xiaohan in his hand to Lin Chen.


Xiao Han reluctantly swung the cat's body, looking at its owner reluctantly.

"Hey, I'll let you back in a few days."

After Leng Hanming comforted her, Xiaohan calmed down slightly, and then reluctantly waved it in Lin Chen's hand.

"I'm leaving!"

Lin Chen put Xiaohan on his shoulders, and then drew the ice string glazed bow with both hands.

After Leng Hanming nodded, with a thought in Lin Chen's mind, divine power poured into his hands, and then he flew from the top of the palace to the distant iceberg like an arrow from the string.

Leng Hanming looked at Lin Chen's disappearing figure, and murmured in a low voice: "I hope you can succeed, Lin Chen."

Despite the speed bonus of the ice string glazed bow, it took Lin Chen more than half a minute to land. After Lin Chen stood firm, the ice string glazed bow moved towards Lin Chen again.

At this time, Lin Chen was standing on the top of the mountain, and there were still continuous icebergs in front of him, and he didn't know how to get to the so-called extremely cold place.


After Xiaohan yelled, he broke away from Lin Chen's hands in disgust.

"Xiao Han?"

Lin Chen didn't expect the power of this cat to be so amazing, and then he watched Xiaohan running forward continuously.

Seeing this, Lin Chen had no choice but to follow. Maybe it knows where the entrance is?
Xiaohan's speed was extremely fast, when it came to the leftmost end of the mountain, it stopped suddenly.


Xiaohan glanced at Lin Chen, then pointed forward with his cat's paw.

"You mean the entrance is here?"

Lin Chen asked with some uncertainty. After all, he went down the mountain before Wangqian, and he didn't see any entrance.


Xiaohan imitated the appearance of a human and nodded. If so, Lin Chen finally walked forward in doubt.

"This is?"

Lin Chen stood here with Xiaohan, stretched out his hand and flicked forward, but half of his hand disappeared immediately.


Xiaohan seemed to be a little impatient, and jumped directly down the mountain, and the whole cat body disappeared in front of Lin Chen in an instant.

Seeing this, Lin Chen no longer hesitated, and followed Xiaohan to jump down the mountain.

With this jump, Lin Chen only felt that the surrounding environment had completely changed. It was originally the top of the iceberg with a clear sky, but in a blink of an eye the surroundings became pitch black, and he felt a more piercing cold inside and outside his body.

Lin Chen turned his head, and there was endless darkness behind him. He also tried to walk back a few steps, but he couldn't return to the iceberg just now.

"It turns out that this is the legendary extremely cold place."

Lin Chen said, and continued to walk towards the dark place. Because it was too dark, even Lin Chen, who was a cultivator, could not see at all, and could only walk by feeling.

But fortunately, Xiaohan has a faint icy blue light on his body, so as long as Lin Chen follows Xiaohan closely, it will be right.

One person, one cat, kept moving forward in the darkness. Here, Lin Chen had no sense of time, and he didn't know how long he had walked, but it felt like time had paused.

At this moment, Lin Chen heard a very familiar voice.

"His grandfather! Why are you fake family members so shameless? I saved you that day!"

"The things done by hypocrites are really disgusting!"

Lin Chen recognized the owners of these two voices, the former was Tai Qianjing, and the latter was Yan Huyue.


Xiaohan seemed very dissatisfied with Lin Chen's sudden stop, and then used its cat claws to scratch Lin Chen's trouser legs continuously.

"Don't make trouble, take me over there to have a look!"

Lin Chen pointed to the source of the voice very seriously. From the tone of Tai Qianjing and Yan Huyue, it could be heard that they must have encountered some trouble.

Although Xiaohan was very upset, there was nothing he could do. It promised its master that it would take Lin Chen to the ruins in the extremely cold place. Now that Lin Chen had something to do, it had no choice but to help Lin Chen.

Afterwards, Xiaohan yelled, and ran towards the place Lin Chen was pointing at, and Lin Chen followed closely behind.

As Lin Chen approached, Tai Qianjing and their voices became clearer and clearer.

"Hey. Don't blame me. There is only one Bitter Cold Flower. How can I get it if I don't get rid of you pesky people?"

This voice is also very familiar to Lin Chen, and the person who can correspond to it is the thin man from that day, but the voice is much more obscene than that day.

"His grandfather, today you will either kill your Grandpa Tai, or you will lead someone to destroy your fake family before I recover my divine power!"

Tai Qian roared angrily.

"Don't worry, you will die today, and this chick will die too. Besides, our fake family will be found by you Thai people with worrying IQ?"

"I bother!"

"Okay, I won't play with you anymore, prepare to die!"

When the thin man's voice sounded, Lin Chen felt bad, so he stopped following Xiaohan, and directly urged his divine power to accelerate, and appeared behind the thin man by feeling.

"If you want to kill them, have you asked me?"

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, before the thin man could react, he appeared directly in front of his eyes.

"Lin Chen!!!!"

Yan Huyue didn't expect that the person who appeared was Lin Chen, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that as long as this man was around, she would never let anything happen to her.

"Okay! His grandpa's, I knew you must be fine! Hahahaha."

Tai Qianjing also felt refreshed in his heart, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Cut, you are too late, you have a crow's mouth all day long!"

Yan Huyue couldn't help debunking Tai Qianjing's words. During this period of time, Tai Qianjing didn't have any firm belief that Lin Chen was fine, but he kept saying in Yan Huyue's ear that something big must happen to Lin Chen, don't Wait for him to have these words.

When Yan Huyue scolded Tai Qianjing, they seemed to have overlooked one person, and that was the most shocked thin man!
"Didn't you enter the wrong extremely cold place that day, how could it be?"

(End of this chapter)

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