Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 151 Killing the fake 3

Chapter 151 Killing the False Thirteen

What the skinny man said made Lin Chen suddenly realize: "Oh, so the leaves that suddenly appeared that day were not accidental, but what you did?"

When Lin Chen said this, killing intent emerged. It seemed that this person not only harmed himself, but Puppet Qian was also killed by him?
After thinking of the name that Puppet Qian fell and roared that day, Lin Chen said, "Fake Thirteen, tell me, how do you want to die?"

As Lin Chen said, he glanced at Tai Qianjing and Yan Huyue behind him. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he was surprised to find that the divine power in Tai Qianjing's body was gone, and the bones in Yan Huyue's body were like It was like falling apart, completely unable to support her to stand up.

"How do you know my name?"

The pseudo-thirteen is getting more and more frightened now, didn't they agree that the masters of the Shenzong period would not be able to get out if they fell?But how did this Lin Chen become a master of the general stage?
"How do I know your name? You have to ask the puppet of the puppet family about this!"


Pseudo-Thirteen did not expect Lin Chen to say the name of Puppet Qian, it seems that Puppet Qian was with Lin Chen after he fell?
"Want to live?"


Pseudo Thirteen didn't expect why Lin Chen would suddenly ask this sentence inexplicably.

"Help me restore Tai Qianjing and Yan Huyue to their original state, and I won't kill you!"

"You said it!"

There was a strange color in the pseudo-thirteen's eyes, no one would want to die if he could live, then the pseudo-thirteen took out a medicine box from his pocket.

"There are exactly two pills from our fake family in it, which can unravel the poison of trapped animals on their bodies."

"The poison of trapped beasts?"

Lin Chen asked suspiciously.

"Well, the poison of trapped beasts is a poison specially made by our fake family to tame wild beasts. Our own attack ability is weak, so we can only use poison."

Pseudo Thirteen explained: "Now that the demon world is gone, the poison of trapped beasts is naturally aimed at you cultivators."

"Demon world?"

Lin Chen looked at the false thirteen with some surprise. If the false family and the demon world are from the same era, that means the false family has a history of thousands of years?

"Can I go?"

Fake Thirteen looked at Lin Chen and asked.

"I'm not sure if your pills are working yet, and you can't go anywhere until they get better."

In fact, Lin Chen had already made a plan in his heart. After Tai Qianjing and Yan Huyue recovered, he would kill the false thirteen. If such a person were in an extremely cold place, it would definitely be harmless to Lin Chen. profit.

"OK then."

False Thirteen said, sat on the ground, and didn't care what Lin Chen was going to do next.

Seeing this, Lin Chen took a look at the fake Thirteen's medicine box and prepared to open it.



Xiaohan rushed into Lin Chen's body fiercely, and then knocked the medicine box in Lin Chen's hand to the ground with a cat's claw. After the two pills rolled out, Xiaohan directly swallowed them into his stomach.

"Xiao Han, what is this?"

Lin Chen looked at Xiaohan with some displeasure, what is this cat doing?
The kitten turned around and looked at Lin Chen like a fool. When Lin Chen and Xiaohan met each other's eyes, there was a voice in his heart.

"Toxic, do not touch!"

Although Lin Chen was very strange in his heart, he still knew that this was the message Xiaohan sent him.


Lin Chen's eyes locked on the false thirteen not far away: "You still don't know how to repent?"

Fake Thirteen was startled by Lin Chen's eyes full of murderous intent, and quickly knelt on the ground begging for mercy: "It's not poisonous, I swear to God, if it's poisonous, I'll kill you"

Before Pseudo Thirteen finished speaking, Xiaohan rushed directly in front of him, then opened his mouth, and spit out two pills in his mouth directly on Pseudo Thirteen's face.

Seeing this, the false thirteen withdrew in fright.


Pseudo Thirteen anxiously urged martial skills in his heart, trying to hide his figure, but it was still a step too late.

The effect of the black pill had already taken effect on him. At this time, the fake Thirteen was the same as Tai Qianjing, without any divine power at all.

Lin Chen and Tai Qianjing also noticed something wrong with the false thirteen. When Lin Chen scanned it with his divine sense, he found that the false thirteen had no divine power.


Lin Chen is now finally convinced that Xiaohan didn't lie to him. Fortunately, he brought Xiaohan here, otherwise he would only be the next big surprise.

"What else do you want to say now?"

Lin Chen walked up to False Thirteen and asked sharply.

"Don't kill me!!!"

False Thirteen looked at Lin Chen in horror, he finally felt the breath of death.

"Tai Qian was shocked!"

Lin Chen turned his back and shouted.

"Yes? Boss Lin Chen?"

Tai Qian was shocked and called Lin Chen the boss, but Lin Chen didn't care: "Can you go?"

"Of course!"

Lin Chen nodded when he heard this, and then directly mobilized his divine power to beat the puppet Thirteen who was lying on the ground begging for mercy like a dog.

Only a second later, the false thirteen had died. In the history of hiding the false family, few people would be killed by others. The death of the false thirteen this time undoubtedly discredited the history of the false family.

After Lin Chen confirmed that the fake Shisan was dead, he walked up to Tai Qianjing: "Wait to a safe place, and I will help you recover your divine power."

"what about me?"

Yan Huyue pouted, looked at Lin Chen with some taste, and thought: The first thing you care about is a man, really, don't you know you care about me?

Lin Chen glanced at Yan Huyue, then continued: "As usual, I'll hug you."

"This..." Yan Huyue's face turned red as if it had been burned by fire: "Is this not good?"

"That's it."

Lin Chen was also happy to be at leisure.

"hug me."

Yan Huyue directly stretched out her hands and put them in front of Lin Chen's eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Chen shook his head helplessly, and then hugged Yan Huyue in his arms. Tai Qianjing, who was beside him, showed a rare obscene expression and looked at Yan Huyue, who was lying in Lin Chen's arms with a happy face.

As a result, Yan Huyue gave her a hard look.

"Let's go."

Lin Chen held Yan Huyue in his arms, and together with Tai Qianjing and the other three, they followed Xiaohan towards the dark place.

"Lin Chen, where did this cat come from? It's so beautiful."

When Yan Huyue saw this kitten, she loved it very much. Women really have no resistance to cute little animals.


Xiaohan turned around and called out to Yan Huyue, and seemed to like her very much.

"It. Well, I'll explain it to you later."

Lin Chen was very focused, and was afraid that the cat would disappear after running, so now he explained to Yan Huyue without distraction. "Boss Lin Chen, I really admire you, what are you doing?"

Before Taiqian finished speaking, Lin Chen interrupted: "What did you call me?"

Lin Chen looked at Tai Qian as if he just realized it, and asked in surprise.

"Boss, I heard that the pseudo-thirteen said that you entered the wrong extremely cold place, but you were able to be the first person to come out. This alone is worth calling you the boss!"

Taiqian said in shock, and became more and more excited: "Boss Lin Chen, you saved me twice, if you have something to do in the future, just let me know, even if you go through fire and water, I will do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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