Chapter 186

Lin Chen secretly thought in his heart, if he was someone he knew during the time of the God King, he probably met him when Lin Chen was the executive officer of the God Realm and helped the other party to be reborn. It's just that after so many years, Lin Chen has helped too many people Rebirth, there are very few people who can have an impression.

"The intention to go to Tiannan City is extremely dangerous. I want to send someone to protect you. I don't know what you want?"

Although Cang Yong agreed to Lin Chen, he still couldn't let go of his mind.

"No need, since it is so dangerous, it is obviously difficult for you to deal with old age. If something difficult happens, your people may also find it difficult to deal with it?"

Lin Chen's words made Cang Yong frown slightly. What he said was indeed true. The strength of the masters dispatched by the God Cultivation Alliance should not be underestimated. Unless the entire Cang Clan is dispatched, no matter how strong the masters are, they may not be able to survive.

"Okay, old man, you don't have to worry about it, I don't have any cards."

Lin Chen showed a bright smile. He has a beam of teleportation light beside him. When he is in danger, he can teleport away in an instant, but it is really difficult for Lin Chen to have one more person by his side.

"OK then."

Cang Yong accepted Lin Chen's proposal, and then continued: "However, if you encounter any unsolvable problems, you can return to my Cangmen. As long as you enter Cangmen, I can assure you that no one will hurt you any more. !"

"it is good!"

Lin Chen agreed.

"Old man, I want to borrow your toilet."

Before Lin Chen left, he still had to make some necessary preparations. Of course, going to the toilet was not for going to the toilet.

"Oh?" Cang Yong naturally saw that Lin Chen wanted to do something that he didn't want others to know, so he didn't ask much. After telling Lin Chen the location of the toilet in the manor, Lin Chen left the study.

After entering the toilet, Lin Chen directly took out his silver key to open the God Realm treasure chest system.

After opening it, Lin Chen's purpose was very clear, and he clicked directly into the martial arts category, where there was still quietly lying the heaven-defying martial art that needed 1000 million reputation points to buy——Wan Yan Shen Fist!
Lin Chen hasn't checked his reputation value for a long time. His reputation in the secular world has already risen in the early hours of the morning, and his reputation value has skyrocketed to 700 million.

The 700 million yuan to buy Wanyan Shenquan is naturally more than enough. Seeing this, Lin Chen clicked the buy button without hesitation.

Then the system sent a notification sound: "A new martial art has been detected, is it included?" '


"Martial arts. Wanyan Shenquan has been included, do you want to learn it now?" '


After a series of operations, Lin Chen could finally start to study Wanyan Shenquan. After starting to study Wanyan Shenquan at one o'clock, Lin Chen only felt that his fists were full of strength.

This kind of power is so powerful that it almost stretches Lin Chen's skin. After a while, Lin Chen slowly got used to it. Then, Lin Chen clicked on the attribute introduction of Wanyan Shenquan again:
Name: Wanyan Shenquan.

Quality level: Cultivation level (upgradeable)

Attribute introduction: The signature martial skill of the god Lei Yan in ancient times, every level up, increases the power attack by a thousand tons. When the martial skill breaks through the ninth level, it will have the effect of burning flames. With a punch, it can turn the sea water into hell magma , The power is amazing, not to be underestimated!

Lin Chen had almost forgotten this introduction, but now it seems that it still gave Lin Chen a strong shock.

"In other words, I can hit a thousand tons with one punch now?"

Feeling the power of his fist, Lin Chen murmured to himself, if it weren't for someone else's territory, Lin Chen really wanted to try how scary the thousand tons of power really is.

"Now my pair of fists have heaven-defying strength and extreme speed. It seems that in terms of boxing, I may have obtained the strongest martial skill in the Three Realms!"

Lin Chen thought very excitedly, now that Jiyingquan and Wanyanshenquan are in his body, how can ordinary masters of the Shenzong period be Lin Chen's opponent?
At this time, Lin Chen suddenly thought of something again. In the battle of the New Era Group that day, his teleportation light beam could not be activated by Feng Yichen's divine power.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen quickly tried to summon the teleportation beam of light. When the light appeared, Lin Chen stepped into the beam of light in a flash.

"Practice Shenquan, I'm back!"

Lin Chen was excited when he saw the cultivation spring, and it had been more than two months since he left. These familiar feelings were being brought back by Lin Chen little by little.

After practicing Shenquan and turning around, Lin Chen returned to Cangmen again. Now that Wanyan Shenquan has been studied, it is time for Lin Chen to set off.

After leaving the toilet, Lin Chen knocked on the door of Cang Yong's room, but there was no answer. Only then did Lin Chen realize that Cang Yong had come to the lobby on the first floor to wait for him.

Seeing this, Lin Chen went downstairs: "Old man!"

"Are you all ready?"

Cang Yong looked at Lin Chen and asked, it seemed that when Lin Chen went to the toilet, a terrifying power appeared in his body, but Cang Yong thought it was his own illusion.


Lin Chen nodded, and then Cang Yong opened the door: "Lin Chen, the same sentence, if you need anything, Cangmen welcomes you at any time!"

Lin Chen looked at Cang Yong gratefully, did not speak, nodded slightly, and then walked out of the gate.


Just when Lin Chen was about to leave, Yan Huyue's voice sounded behind Lin Chen. Hearing this, Lin Chen turned his head and saw Yan Huyue running towards him.

"Where are you going?"

Yan Huyue was very disturbed, she didn't want to see Lin Chen leave, and she didn't want him to risk his life again.

"Tiannan City!"

In Yan Huyue's ears, the short three words seemed to be whispers from the doomsday. She gradually lost control of her emotions, took a step forward, and grabbed Lin Chen's clothes tightly.

"Lin Chen, can you not leave?"

Yan Huyue looked at Lin Chen with an almost begging tone and said, but Lin Chen still shook his head: "No, Huyue, I will come back to see you!"


Yan Huyue was overjoyed when she heard Lin Chen said that she would come to see her.

"Of course, you are so beautiful, you have to take a closer look, maybe I can live a few more years, haha."

Lin Chen naturally joked with Yan Huyue.

"Hee hee, I can't see that you can still joke?"

It was the first time Yan Huyue saw Lin Chen making jokes. This dull and serious person had such a personality after recovering his memory?

"Okay, I really have to go, take care of yourself."

Lin Chen looked at Yan Huyue with a smile and said, Yan Huyue nodded vigorously, and then watched Lin Chen gradually move away from her sight under her reluctant eyes.

"Lin Chen, you must come back safely."

Yan Huyue murmured, at this time Lin Chen's figure had completely disappeared in front of her eyes, and the manor of Cangmen sank to the ground again.

(End of this chapter)

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