Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 187 I'm Resurrected

Chapter 187 I'm Resurrected

After Lin Chen left Cangmen, walking on the country road, he suddenly thought of something, which made him fall into deep speechlessness.

"This is so meow. Isn't it Tiannan City? It's like how far away I want to go!"

Lin Chen couldn't help complaining in his heart. Although Cangmen is hidden, it also belongs to Tiannan City, but it's just in the suburbs. With Lin Chen's ability to come here, he can come back within 10 minutes.

Although what Lin Chen said is true, although the distance is very short, the Tiannan city center that Lin Chen is going to is full of dangers. Even if the distance is short, Lin Chen may not be able to come back alive, so Yan Huyue and Cang Yong It is not unreasonable to go to war so much.

Lin Chen's walking speed seemed to be lazy, but Lin Chen used the master of Shenzong period to swipe through the air every step, so the seemingly long distance became brisk under Lin Chen's feet.

At this time, Lin Chen was only two or three times away from Tiannan city center at most.

Just when Lin Chen was about to continue to cross the sky, he saw several men in yellow clothes appearing in front of him. Judging by his clothes, they looked like some kind of family uniform.

"Why do you think the boss told us to wait here? How many ordinary people are there in Nan City today?"

One of the men wearing knuckles couldn't help complaining, apparently losing his patience.

"Brother Xiao, don't complain. It's not like you don't know the boss's temper. If one or two ordinary people pass by later, we can intercept and kill them!"

Although the distance between the two of them was more than 100 meters from Lin Chen's side, Lin Chen could still hear their conversation clearly.

"Interception? Ordinary people?"

When Lin Chen heard this, he was secretly startled. According to them, as long as they are ordinary people, they will kill them?

As soon as this thought came up, Lin Chen couldn't help but shudder. If ordinary people in Tiannan City were almost killed by the God Cultivation Alliance, wouldn't Chen Ting and Shangguanli be?
Thinking of this, Lin Chen hurriedly walked towards the positions of the few people in front.

"You! Stop!"

Before Lin Chen could speak, the man wearing knuckles blocked Lin Chen aggressively.

"Where did you come from?"

Brother Xiao was also very baffled at this time, he hadn't noticed Lin Chen's existence just now, and after a while, this man appeared in front of him.

"Passing by."

Lin Chen stared at Brother Xiao and said, the people behind Brother Xiao seemed to have sensed something was wrong, and surrounded him one after another.

"Brother Xiao, this kid's breath is erratic, he is probably a cultivator!"

After the little brother finished speaking, Brother Xiao also frowned. His spiritual sense did not detect Lin Chen's cultivation realm, and he always felt uneasy.

"Which family are you from?"

Brother Xiao decided to find out the origin of this person first before making any plans. If the other party is also a member of the God Cultivation Alliance, wouldn't the water flood the Dragon King Temple?
"Bury the loving family."

Lin Chen's mind inexplicably had a name that hangs on the sky, and he just blurted it out.

"Buried love."

Brother Xiao doesn't seem to have any impression of this family, but the word burial love always feels familiar.

"Brother Xiao, this kid is playing tricks on us! Burying love is a kind of 'nickname' that netizens gave to a group of people who acted and dressed as mentally retarded many years ago."

That little brother seemed to be very proficient in the city's 'history', and he told Lin Chen's so-called origin of the funeral family.

"How dare you fuck me!!?"

After Brother Xiao heard it, his popularity was not good. He obviously had a good attitude, but he was still being teased by the other party. Thinking of this, Brother Xiao directly revealed his mid-term aura in front of Lin Chen.

"He's not a member of our Self-cultivation Alliance, it seems he is a remnant of the Alliance? Brothers, kill him!"

After Brother Xiao finished speaking, the three younger brothers he brought revealed their aura in front of Lin Chen at the same time.

Lin Chen observed that apart from brother Xiao who is a master of the gods, the other three are all masters of the late stage of spiritual consciousness. Lin Chen didn't pay attention to any of these four people.

"Let you see how good my cultivator Huang's family is!"

As soon as Brother Xiao opened his mouth, a pair of fists slammed into Lin Chen's chest. This force made Lin Chen think of the big man who was nearly two meters tall among the families who surrounded and killed him that day.

"It seems to be called Huang Pangchong?"

Lin Chen secretly thought in his heart, facing Brother Xiao's punch, Lin Chen didn't care at all, and took Brother Xiao's punch abruptly without moving his body.

"Hmph, what are you pretending to be!!?"

Brother Xiao had not been proud for a second, and saw that when his fist touched Lin Chen's body, he directly bounced Brother Xiao dozens of meters away. The most terrifying thing was that all the bones in Brother Xiao's fist had been shattered. crack.

Immediately after
"You go to the south!"

"Go west!"

"Then you go north!"

Every time Lin Chen uttered a sentence, he punched one of them. After the last sentence, these four people and Brother Xiao were lying in four directions, east, west, north, south, respectively.

Seeing this, Lin Chen nodded in satisfaction: "Well, that's right, I just got a mahjong table together."

The four people lying on the ground have completely lost their fighting power at this time, their expressions are full of panic, and at this moment they still can't see Lin Chen's cultivation state, but they can only use their toes to know, this Lin Chen's state is not It's all they can resist.

Afterwards, Lin Chen walked across the sky and came to Brother Xiao.

"A master of the Shenzong period?"

Although Brother Xiao couldn't observe Lin Chen's state, but with the signature teleportation martial skill of a master of the Shenzong period, it's hard to know.

"What's your relationship with that Huang Pangchong?"

Lin Chen withdrew his killing intent at this time, no matter what, he had to figure out the whole story.

"Hufa Huang? Do you know Protector Huang?"

When Brother Xiao heard Lin Chen talk about Huang Pangchong, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes, and he guessed that Lin Chen might have friendship with Huang Pangchong.

"Of course I do!"

Lin Chen said.

Then Brother Xiao let out a long sigh of relief: "Hi! I was shocked. I am familiar with Protector Huang. He is my master. My name is Huang Xiao. Dare to ask the senior's name?"

"Lin Chen."

Lin Chen didn't shy away from his name, and told Huang Xiao directly.

"Oh! So it's Senior Lin, I"

When Huang Xiao said this, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. When he realized it, his pupils dilated suddenly, and he pointed at Lin Chen with trembling hands and said, "Lin Chen!!! Are you Lin Chen??"

Huang Xiao is no stranger to the name Lin Chen. He has already been fascinated by the name Lin Chen before he left the world of cultivating the gods. Everyone said that Lin Chen is a monster, and he can defeat seven or eight masters of the gods and generals with just the magician. , Lin Chen's deeds are unbelievable, but isn't it rumored that he was killed by Xiang Huaibo long ago?
"Does my name sound good? Just call me!"

Lin Chen pouted, pretending to be displeased.

"Impossible! Impossible! Aren't you already dead?"

Huang Xiao looked at Lin Chen in horror, and his voice began to tremble.

"Yeah, I'm resurrected again, can't I?"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he didn't intend to continue talking nonsense with Huang Xiao: "Let me ask you, what is the purpose of the God Cultivation Alliance to kill ordinary people in Tiannan City?"

(End of this chapter)

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