Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 198 The Body of Reflection

Chapter 198 The Body of Reflection
Fu Shuai gave a sinister smile, then closed the book, staring at Lin Chen's with a pair of extremely strange eyes, even Lin Chen was shocked by Fu Shuai's eyes, and broke out in a cold sweat.

Fu Shuai's whole temperament, compared with him becoming a shadow slave, is much, much weirder. The breath exuding from his body seems to carry the innocent souls of countless dead people. That feeling makes Lin Chen shudder, and even Xi can't bear it. I lived with goosebumps all over my body.

Lin Chen and Xi didn't speak at this time, Fu Shuai continued to smile sinisterly and said: "I dreamed that you returned to Tiannan City, and you looked bloody all over, and then you walked to the Lin Group and stood by you Where you are now."

Fu Shuai's words sounded messy in logic, but when he thought about it carefully, it was creepy. According to Fu Shuai, Lin Chen's whereabouts all appeared in his dream?

But to be reasonable, Lin Chen felt more or less disgusted to be dreamed of by a man.

"And then, you knelt in front of me, crying and begging me to let you go, but how could I let you go?"

Fu Shuai continued to say things that made Lin Chen sick.

"I kneel to you? Are you really dreaming and being stupid?"

When Lin Chen heard this, he didn't get angry at all. If you say you are dreaming, just dream, and you still say it so shamelessly?
"Do you want to know what I did to you in my dream?"

Fu Shuai ignored Lin Chen's words and continued: "First I inserted needles all over your acupuncture points, then tore open your skin bit by bit, poured hot oil inside, and then sprinkled sugar on your body, called Some snakes, rats, rats and ants are coming to bite you. Tsk tsk, I can clearly feel the pain of your skin and flesh. Hahaha."

As Fu Shuai was talking, he suddenly laughed wildly. In Lin Chen's eyes, he looked like a terminally ill patient.


Xi couldn't bear to listen to this anymore, and felt very uncomfortable.

Lin Chen turned his head and gave Xi a reassuring look, signaling that she needn't be afraid of Fu Shuai.

"Fu Shuai, I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense with you anymore. I want to ask you two things. The first one is where are Shangguanli and Chen Ting, and also, do you know anything about my parents?"

Lin Chen's tone of voice was extremely cold. These people are indispensable in Lin Chen's life. If they are injured in any way, Lin Chen will be the first to operate on Fu Shuai.

"Shangguan Lilier"

Fu Shuai didn't seem to have fully listened to Lin Chen's words. As soon as he heard Shangguanli's name, his whole body became abnormal, and he kept chanting Shangguanli's name repeatedly.

"Lin Chen!!! Where did you get Li'er?!!! I've been looking for her for a long time, why can't I find her!!!?"

Fu Shuai suddenly opened his blood-red eyes, and roared angrily at Lin Chen, his voice seemed to shatter the Lin Group's building.

"It seems that there is no need to ask, this guy is already crazy."

Seeing Fu Shuai's judgment, Lin Chen knew that it was almost impossible to get any useful information from Fu Shuai today.

"The fourth floor of Swift Shadow Fist!"

Lin Chen's sudden martial arts appeared behind Fu Shuai in an instant, and [-] punches crazily struck Fu Shuai's back within a second.

"The reflection body!"

As soon as Fu Shuai finished speaking, Lin Chen's martial arts suddenly disappeared.


Lin Chen was shocked when he saw this. Lin Chen didn't know when the other party disappeared. A cold sweat rolled down Lin Chen's forehead, and he had an extremely ominous premonition in his heart.

"Lin, behind you!"

Xi's pupils suddenly dilated, and he quickly reminded him.

"Hahahaha Lin Chen, you are too weak!"

The gloomy voice behind Lin Chen came from Fu Shuai, and Fu Shuai slapped Lin Chen on the back.


There was a loud noise like an explosion from Lin Chen's body, followed by a bloody hole in his chest, and a hand pierced Lin Chen's back to his chest.

"Give me a sigh!"

Fu Shuai yelled, raised his foot and stomped on Lin Chen's knee, Lin Chen almost fell to his knees under the pain, but fortunately Lin Chen is not a vegetarian.

"Swift Shadow Fist!"

Under serious injury, Lin Chen gritted his teeth and activated the Quick Shadow Fist, avoided Fu Shuai, and came to Xi's side.

Lin Chen looked at the sudden blood hole in his body with a face full of disbelief
"How could you!?"

Lin Chen has now realized that the Fu Shuai he is facing now is no longer a late-stage cultivator, but a real peak master in the late-stage Shenzong. The pressure he brought to Lin Chen is even more terrifying than that of Xiang Huaibo back then. many.

"There are still many impossible things, Lin Chen, we should settle the account today!"

Fu Shuai's tone suddenly became normal, but the air exuding from his body was suffocating. As a master of the Shenzong period, Lin Chen could handle it in front of him, but the old man beside him

Under Fu Shuai's strong pressure, Xi spit out a mouthful of blood. Before she could make a move, she was seriously injured. Now that Lin Chen and Fu Shuai are fighting, Xi has nowhere to intervene.

"you go first!"

With a wave of his hand, Lin Chen dispelled the air pressure in front of Xi, and then sent Xi out of the office.

"Today it's just you and me, if there is one more person, I will lose!"

As Lin Chen was talking, he was using his divine power to recover from his injuries. Although Lin Chen had a big hole in his chest, fortunately, there was no danger to Lin Chen's heart.

"Hahahaha, good! good! good!"

Fu Shuai excitedly said yes, he has been waiting for this day for too long, he once thought that he would not be able to kill Lin Chen himself in this life to take revenge, but now that Lin Chen appeared again, it was Fu Shuai's end A matter of heart.

"Purple Grid!"

Lin Chen didn't talk nonsense with Fu Shuai, and directly hit the Purple Grid on Fu Shuai.

"What is this stuff?"

Seeing Lin Chen's purple gas, Fu Shuai was stunned for a moment, and then -

"The reflection body!"

It was another martial skill that Fu Shuai used just now, but this time Fu Shuai did not appear behind Lin Chen, but——

"Lin Chen! Die!"

Lin Chen only felt a huge pressure coming from the top of his head. Looking up, Fu Shuai's gloomy smiling face appeared in Lin Chen's eyes again.

When Fu Shuai struck down with his palm, Lin Chen could vaguely hear the sound of someone crying. This strange feeling made Lin Chen's movements a little slower.

Fortunately, Lin Chen still reacted.

"Heaven's Judgment! Break!"

Lin Chen gave a loud shout, and directly used Tian Xingjue to meet Fu Shuai's right palm with a punch.


A muffled sound came from the office. The confrontation between the two masters of the Shenzong period did not seem to have caused any damage to the office.

Lin Chen and Fu Shuai were still in a stalemate, fighting for the divine power in their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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