Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 199 The Body of Thousand Souls

Chapter 199 The Body of Thousand Souls
"go to hell!"

Fu Shuai yelled loudly, and a more powerful force appeared in his palm. Lin Chen, who was already much lower than Fu Shuai, was directly hit by Fu Shuai's supernatural power and squatted on the ground. Fu Shuai didn't say anything , kicked Lin Chen on the shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen flew upside down, a gust of wind blew through the window, and everything in the office disappeared in an instant. The reason why this happened was because of the collision of the palms and fists of the two people just now.

"Lin Chen, no matter how you fight today, you won't be my opponent!"

Fu Shuai's gloomy face turned serious. At this time, Fu Shuai was more like a normal person, and the madness just now was gone.

"Oh? Who gave you confidence?"

Lin Chen sneered at Fu Shuai, who was pressing him step by step. When Fu Shuai was about to approach him, Lin Chen stretched out his hand——


A stream of icy blue gas moved towards Fu Shuai at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What is this?"

Fu Shuai seemed to have regained his senses, and he felt very inconceivable about Lin Chen's endless stream of gas. Before he could react, the ice-blue gas had already enveloped his whole body. His actions were hindered, and even every step he took was difficult.

"The fourth floor of Swift Shadow Fist!"

Seeing Fu Shuai's slow movements, Lin Chen didn't hesitate, and directly hit Fu Shuai with another set of Swift Shadow Punches.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"


Countless loud bangs came from Fu Shuai's body, Lin Chen's [-] punches hit almost every part of Fu Shuai's body.

"I don't believe you have no weaknesses!"

Lin Chen kicked Fu Shuai in the stomach: "Heavenly decision! Break it!"

This time, Lin Chen's Tian Xing Jue was to tear off the defensive gas on Fu Shuai's body, and then -

"Come again!!!"

Seeing that Fu Shuai had no gas protection, Lin Chen used the Swift Shadow Fist again, and did a complete set, and this time Fu Shuai had no protection.

Lin Chen's powerful martial arts one after another made Fu Shuai lose his temper. The stagnation effect brought by the Ice Body Pill only lasted five seconds at most for Fu Shuai, the peak of Shenzong's late stage, but five seconds For Lin Chen, what he can do is far beyond Fu Shuai's imagination.


At this time, Fu Shuai no longer had that sense of stagnation, he turned his head and looked at Lin Chen with a half-smile: "Is this all your ability?"

Lin Chen looked at Fu Shuai in disbelief. Seeing his posture, it seemed that what he had just done had no effect at all?
But how is this possible? Thinking back when Lin Chen used this method to deal with Xiang Huaibo when he was a priest, after breaking Xiang Huaibo's defensive gas, Lin Chen was able to break several of his ribs. Now Lin Chen They are all masters of the Shenzong period, even if Fu Shuai is the peak in the later period, it is impossible for him to be all right?

"My body of ten thousand souls, how can you break it?"

Fu Shuai said very proudly.

"The body of ten thousand souls?"

Lin Chen had never heard of this thing.

"It's useless to tell you, anyway, you are already a dying person in my eyes!"

Fu Shuai sneered, then waved his hand in the air.


Lin Chen only dared to feel a huge force hitting his body. This kind of way of killing the enemy in the air could never be used by the masters of the Shenzong period.


Before Lin Chen realized it, his whole body was thrown out of the window by Fu Shuai from the office.

Just as he was about to fall to the ground, Lin Chen hurriedly used the unique martial skill of the Shenzong period——walking in the air!

With the ability to travel in the air, Lin Chen can teleport to the ground in the air, avoiding falling damage.

"What kind of monster is this?"

After Lin Chen landed safely, he raised his eyes to look at the window of Chen Ting's office in the Lin Group, and at this time Fu Shuai had disappeared.

"Are you looking for me?"

Fu Shuai did not know when he had come to Lin Chen's back, and then he slapped Lin Chen's body again. Fortunately, Lin Chen's body was not penetrated by Fu Shuai this time.

Lin Chen tried his best to restrain his body, and under the palm of Fu Shuai, the internal organs in his body had been turned upside down.

"Lin Chen, go to hell with me!"

Fu Shuai yelled loudly, and his body transformed into countless afterimages, attacking Lin Chen at the same time, each of them looked like three-dimensional shadows, and also looked like Fu Shuai's body.

"Which one is it?"

Lin Chen was very anxious. He came to Lin Chen at Fu Shuai's speed, and it took less than a second. During this period, Lin Chen's thinking was running fast, and he could tell who was Fu Shuai's real body.

"do not care!"

When Fu Shuai was about to approach Lin Chen, Lin Chen could only choose one to fight in a hurry.

"You made a mistake!"

This voice is not any one in front of Lin Chen, but——

At Lin Chen's feet!


Fu Shuai hit Lin Chen directly on the chin with his palm from bottom to top, and then Lin Chen flew upside down.

Only at this time did Lin Chen realize that those afterimages just now were just illusions, Fu Shuai had already hidden under his body, disguised as Lin Chen's shadow.

Logically speaking, as a cultivator, Lin Chen shouldn't have a shadow. This is Fu Shuai's biggest flaw. Unfortunately, under such circumstances, who can notice these?
"What are you thinking? It's not over yet!"

Fu Shuai looked at Lin Chen in a daze, and looked at him with a mocking face, and then those afterimages flocked to Lin Chen again.

At this time, Lin Chen only felt weak in his limbs, not to mention urging his martial arts, even getting up normally was extremely difficult.

Next, Lin Chen forcibly ate all of Fu Shuai's afterimages. When these shadows came into contact with Lin Chen, they directly merged into Lin Chen's body.

At this moment, Lin Chen only felt that there were countless souls in his body biting his body, the pain was unbearable even with Lin Chen's willpower.

"Hahahaha, Lin Chen, what's wrong with you? Are you dying? Do you want to kneel down and beg me? Beg me!!!"

When Fu Shuai saw Lin Chen's appearance, the madness returned to Fu Shuai's face. He was very satisfied with the result. Seeing the person he hated to the bone was in pain. This kind of pleasure was better than any other thing in the world. Everything is going to be good.

"Ah!!" "Ah!!!"

At this time, apart from the severe physical pain, Lin Chen was also tortured inhumanely mentally, and he couldn't restrain himself from roaring.

"Heaven's decision!!!"

The Tian Xingjue in Lin Chen's body finally took over the dominance of his body at this time, and then Lin Chen's body once again emitted black air, and the remaining soul in his body began to be mercilessly swallowed by the black air. Not only that, Lin Chen Chen began to recover quickly from all the traumas he suffered.


Fu Shuai saw Lin Chen like this, and thought of Lin Chen's single-handed confrontation with the masters of the God Cultivation Alliance. Fu Shuai still vividly remembered the terrifying scene.

"Myriad shadows and setting sun!"

(End of this chapter)

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