Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 200 4 Lines of Fist

Chapter 200 Four Elements Fist

Fu Shuai didn't intend to wait for Lin Chen to erupt completely, so he directly used his unique martial art Wanying Setting Sun. Immediately after receiving it, countless black three-dimensional shadows began to stand up on the ground, and they all appeared in Lin Chen's eyes all at once. Chen.

Under the sunlight, these black shadows look extraordinarily weird. Although they don't have facial features, there is a little yellow light rushing through their bodies, as if the 'sunset' lives in everyone's body.

Ten thousand shadows and setting sun, the power of each three-dimensional shadow is comparable to that of a master in the late stage of a god general. Although it is said to be ten thousand, the most that Fu Shuai can mobilize is about five or six thousand.

Just imagine, five or six thousand peak masters in the late stage of the gods will attack you with an almost suicidal attack method. Even Lin Chen, a bug-like master of the Shenzong stage, can't stand it at all.

Lin Chen watched countless shadows approaching him, and felt incredible in his heart. After the outbreak, Lin Chen can still maintain his sanity without being disturbed by Tian Xingjue.

When the first shadow hit, Lin Chen punched fiercely: "Heavenly Judgment! Break!"


As Lin Chen yelled out the word 'bro', that shadow turned into nothingness in an instant.

"Heaven's Judgment! Break!"




Using Tian Xing Jue one after another, even if Lin Chen turns into a black gas form, the divine power of Tian Xing Jue can't make up for it at all.

Fu Shuai stood aside, looking at Lin Chen as if watching a play: "I want to see how much divine power you have at your disposal!"

Hearing Fu Shuai's words, Lin Chen also knew that the situation was extremely bad. If things continued like this, once the divine power of Tian Xing Jue was exhausted, Lin Chen would have to be forced to return to his original state. At that time, he would really be at the mercy of others.

Lin Chen also tried to use the black air surrounding him to swallow the shadow, but after recovering his sanity, Lin Chen discovered that the master master who was swallowed by the black air that day was not good for himself. The divine power of Tian Xing Jue is much more.

Now Lin Chen's Tian Xing Jue has reached the second level. Although it is still 'broken', it is no longer a passive martial skill.

As time passed by every minute and every second, more and more shadows came towards Lin Chen, a small part of these shadows disappeared by Lin Chen's 'break', and most of the rest were swallowed by Lin Chen's black energy, but Tian Xing The divine power of decision has become less and less.


Standing in front of Chen Ting's office window at this time, looking at the scene downstairs, she could see that Lin Chen was getting weaker and weaker.

"You, absolutely, can't, yes, yes!"

Xi murmured worriedly, now she can't help Lin Chen at all, she can only watch Lin Chen endure these tortures, but she can't do anything.

"Lin Chen, I still have more than half of my shadow, I want to see how long you can last?"

Fu Shuai looked at the other party as if he was determined by Lin Chen, he was not in a hurry at all now, Fu Shuai enjoyed the pleasure of torturing Lin Chen slowly, he finally understood Zhou Kuangzhi's trick today. Unknowingly, Fu Shuai has become more and more like Zhou Kuangzhi's character.


Lin Chen snorted coldly, he didn't bother to talk to Fu Shuai at all, even if he had to die today, Lin Chen would never make Fu Shuai feel better.

At this moment, Lin Chen suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the Tianxingjue in his body.

The Tianxing Jue, which was crazily consuming divine power, began to slowly condense in Lin Chen's body at this time, and it did not help Lin Chen defend against those shadows, even Tianxing Jue couldn't use it.

"what happened?"

Lin Chen had a bad feeling in his heart, did Tian Xingjue give up resistance?


As soon as Lin Chen thought of this, the Tianxingjue in his body started to gather other divine powers!

This is not so much agglomeration, it is better to say that they are merging!

At this time, the divine power in Lin Chen's body, together with the ice body pill, the divine power of the underworld, and the Tian Xing Jue, a total of four different divine powers began to slowly merge.

An extremely powerful force slowly began to appear in Lin Chen's body. This feeling made Lin Chen extremely excited, and even Fu Shuai who was beside him noticed that something was wrong with Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen? You're not resisting anymore?"

Fu Shuai saw that Lin Chen no longer used Tian Xingjue, and he felt an extremely ominous premonition in his heart.


Lin Chen suddenly took a breath, he felt his divine power slowly condensed on his fists, the fusion of the four divine powers gave Lin Chen an illusion, as if his pair of fists could hold his fists in seconds. Earth seconds air!
"Four Elements Fist!"

Lin Chen didn't know where the idea came from. At such a critical moment, he still had the leisure to give this sudden "martial skill" a name.

"Four Elements Fist?"

When Fu Shuai heard Lin Chen's words, he also felt baffled, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: Where did you get so many martial arts?Does your family sell martial arts?

"Do you want to try?"

Lin Chen looked at Fu Shuai with a half-smile, all the four kinds of divine powers in his body had been successfully fused, and the collapsed Tian Xing Jue began to fill Lin Chen's body again, and the shadows that struck Lin Chen were hitting Lin Chen's body When it hit, it was like hitting a steel plate, and it didn't have the slightest effect on Lin Chen.

Now Lin Chen finally understands that this Tian Xing Jue is so spiritual. When it loses to its opponent, it will adopt the method of fusing divine power, which not only protects Lin Chen, but also makes Lin Chen have a brand new one. His unique martial art - Four Elements Fist!

"Hmph! Stop putting on airs here!"

Although Fu Shuai began to feel uneasy in his heart, but on the surface, he was completely right. He didn't wait for Lin Chen to make a move, and came to Lin Chen before he could make a move.

"go to hell!"

Fu Shuai dodged to Lin Chen's front and back, without any delay, he directly hit Lin Chen's chest with his palm.


Lin Chen has completely ignored Fu Shuai's attack now. With the fusion power in his body, Lin Chen feels that he is already invincible in the Shenzong period.


"Let you try my new martial art! Four Elements Boxing!"

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, he put his fist directly on Fu Shuai's right palm, the fists collided, and four different colors of gas shot out of Lin Chen's fist, and then——


Before Fu Shuai could react, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then flew upside down dozens of meters away!

Seeing this scene, Xi finally felt at ease, and she was also very happy for Lin Chen at this time, then Xi also turned around and prepared to take the elevator downstairs.

"How is it? Is my new martial skill good?"

Lin Chen looked at Fu Shuai, his tone full of sarcasm.

"Hmph! My Ten Thousand Shadows and Setting Sun is not over yet!"

When Fu Shuai said this, his body disappeared out of nowhere in front of Lin Chen's eyes, and then the power of those three-dimensional black shadows suddenly increased to the early stage of Shenzong!

Lin Chen felt the terrifying power in these shadows, and felt incredible. Could it be that Fu Shuai borrowed his divine power to provide these shadows?
(End of this chapter)

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