Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 201 Breakthrough of Heavenly Decision!

Chapter 201 Breakthrough of Heavenly Decision!
Lin Chen's guess is indeed correct, the myriad shadows of the setting sun are mobilized by the urging divine power, if Fu Shuai's cultivation state is at the peak of the late Lingshen stage, then every shadow that appears can reach the peak of the late Shenzong stage.

Moreover, Myriad Shadows and Setting Sun also has a suicidal mobilization method, that is, the cultivator sacrifices his divine power to mobilize, which can elevate the shadows to a great level, so they can now become the Shenzong period.

However, if Fu Shuai is still unable to kill Lin Chen after raising them to the Shenzong stage, then after Fu Shuai is seriously injured, he will directly fall from the peak state of the late Shenzong period to the early stage of Shenzong, and once he returns to the early stage of Shenzong, then Fu Shuai will go back to the early stage of Shenzong. If you want to improve your realm, you have to make it ten times more difficult than before.

Even if Fu Shuai succeeded in killing Lin Chen, his cultivation would have to return to the later stage of Shenzong. Anyway, no one would be stupid enough to use this method of losing divine power under normal circumstances.

"Lin Chen!!! This time, you are not dead!"

Fu Shuai's voice covered Lin Chen in all directions, those shadows seemed to have Fu Shuai's thoughts, their movements and voices were exactly the same.

When Xi came down, he happened to see this scene in front of him.

"This? They, change, strong?"

Xi couldn't believe it, the shadows grew to such a terrifying extent as soon as he got off the elevator, and Fu Shuai disappeared. All this happened too strangely, Lin Chen had the upper hand just now, Looking at this posture, Lin Chen is at a disadvantage again?

When Lin Chen saw Xi appearing, he quickly gave him a look, signaling her not to leave the Lin Group's gate.

Immediately afterwards, these shadows began to approach Lin Chen crazily.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"


These powerful shadows of the Shenzong period used suicide attacks to attack Lin Chen frantically. Even though Lin Chen had four kinds of divine powers by his side, he suffered moderate injuries at this time.

You must know that Lin Chen is still in the early days of Shenzong, and now he is attacked by so many "bombs" in the Shenzong period, even if Lin Chen is a monster, he still has more than enough energy.

"Lin Chen, how did you win?!!! Hahahahaha"

Fu Shuai's voice filled Lin Chen's ears again, the sound was deafening, both Lin Chen and Xi had the illusion that everyone in Tiannan City could hear Fu Shuai's voice.

"It's not certain who wins and who loses, right?"

Lin Chen forcefully squeezed out a smile. The battle between him and Fu Shuai was like fighting for his own cards. Whoever has more cards will win the battle. There is no gorgeous part in this battle, just like a turn-based system , You make one move, I will make another move.

The shadows were still attacking Lin Chen, and Lin Chen felt more and more powerless, as if he would be blown to pieces by these shadows if he relaxed a bit.

At this moment, Lin Chen felt that the four divine powers in his body began to feel uneasy again, and Tian Xing Jue began to dominate the divine power in Lin Chen's body again.


"Heaven's decision! Quiet!"

Lin Chen unconsciously blurted out that he inadvertently understood the third layer of Tian Xing Jue, which is also a brand new means of fighting the enemy.

As soon as Lin Chen said the word 'quiet', the surrounding air seemed to freeze, even the wind stayed in the air, and time seemed to have stopped in Lin Chen's eyes.

Lin Chen looked at everything around him in amazement. Those shadows approached him at a tortoise speed. Lin Chen didn't know if others felt this way. In short, in Lin Chen's eyes and senses, time had completely slowed down. down.

"I want to see where your body is!?"

After Lin Chen was shocked for a few seconds, he quickly regained his senses. He could feel that under such circumstances, the consumption rate of Tian Xing Jue was particularly astonishing. Lin Chen would leave this state in at most 3 minutes.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen set his sights on the Wan Dao shadows that were attacking him, each of them seemed to be exactly the same in Lin Chen's eyes, and it was particularly difficult to see who was Fu Shuai's real body.

"Who will it be?"

Looking at these shadows, Lin Chen was very anxious. Their steps and movements were all the same, and it was impossible to tell who was different.


"Am I stupid?"

Lin Chen scolded himself secretly, and he suddenly realized that just looking at these movements and steps is useful?At this time, the most appropriate thing to do is to use spiritual sense to detect. Although these shadows are from the Shenzong period, the divine power and realm of Fu Shuai's body are absolutely different from them!

After figuring this out, Lin Chen didn't procrastinate, and directly activated his spiritual consciousness to cover the black shadows on the entire street.

"Not you and not you"

Lin Chen probed and screened one by one, and finally he locked on a place.

"It turned out to be here?"

Lin Chen felt it was incredible, because there was no Fu Shuai's body here at all, and Fu Shuai's body was actually attached to the wall of the Lin Group, and the shadow cast by the window was Fu Shuai's body.

"I can't see that the strength has improved a lot, and the IQ has also gone up?"

Lin Chen couldn't help but praised, if Lin Chen hadn't possessed 'Quiet', he would never have thought that Fu Shuai's body would turn into the shadow of the window.

"See how you escape this time!"

After noticing Fu Shuai's body, Lin Chen walked across the air and appeared beside Fu Shuai.

"Four Elements Fist!"

Lin Chen didn't have any reservations, and directly turned his four divine powers into a terrifying force and hit Fu Shuai.


After Fu Shuai's body was seriously injured by Lin Chen, he fell heavily from the wall of the Lin Group to the ground, and time returned to normal again.

"Fu Shuai, it looks like I won this battle?"

Lin Chen walked up to Fu Shuai, and asked pretending to be surprised, but Fu Shuai's myriad shadows and setting sun had also lost their effect, and the black shadows on the street had also turned into nothingness.


The outcome was decided, and Xi Ye could finally return to Lin Chen's side. She stood behind Lin Chen and looked at Fu Shuai with hatred. This hateful person almost killed Lin Chen.

When Lin Chen saw Xi coming, he blocked his body in front of Xi. He was deeply afraid that Fu Shuai would have some trump card. Although Lin Chen was not afraid of anything, he was afraid that Fu Shuai would hurt Xi.

"Lin Chen! Why!!! Why do you want to have trouble with me! Why did you kill my family!!! Why!!!?"

Although Fu Shuai was dying, his tone was still full of hatred for Lin Chen.


Lin Chen felt a little funny when he heard Fu Shuai's words: "If you hadn't harassed Shangguanli in every possible way back then, if you hadn't humiliated me countless times when Lin Chen was down, would we have become sworn enemies?"

Lin Chen recalled that before he became a god, Fu Shuai seemed to him an opponent he would never be able to defeat in his eyes.

"So what? Then you can ruin my family?"

(End of this chapter)

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