Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 348 The only member of the Demon Realm

Chapter 348 The only member of the Demon Realm

Tu Xuejing couldn't bear it any longer at this moment, and ran towards Lin Chen together with Yan Huyue. Tu Xuejing's speed had reached its limit. In front of him, followed by Yan Huyue.

"Okay, since you all want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Bai Canghai originally planned to deal with Lin Chen alone, but these people just didn't open their eyes, and if they insisted on hitting him with a knife, then Bai Canghai would not be polite.

At this moment, a streak of scarlet gas directly hit Bai Canghai's King Saber.


As soon as the scarlet gas touched the edge of Bai Canghai's knife, there was a loud noise, and then Bai Canghai only felt his hands go numb, and the King's Knife unconsciously fell to the ground.

"People in the God Realm are still so self-righteous, I really don't know what they think? You can kill my people if you say so?"

A short figure appeared in front of Bai Canghai, this figure was no stranger to Lin Chen and Tu Xuejing.

"I'll go! Where's the kid here?"

"Who said he belonged to a child! The person who stopped the God Realm just now came from this person."

"Isn't it?"

"Why not? If I'm not mistaken, that scarlet gas should come from—the Demon Realm!"


The people in the stands were all in shock. They saw Tu Xuejing kneeling directly in front of the child, and shouted respectfully, "Master!"

That's right, this person is the boy from Huanlin Village, Xiao Yuan who once defeated Lin Chen with one move, his real name is Yuan Ting!

Yuan Ting looked at the blood-smearing mirror and nodded slightly, then when he looked at Lin Chen, he showed a trace of doubt: "Are you still there?"


Lin Chen was puzzled by Yuan Ting's question.

However, after Yuan Ting heard Lin Chen's voice, he nodded slightly, and he had confirmed that the person who appeared in Lin Chen's body last time did not have the consciousness to dominate Lin Chen at this moment.

"Who are you!?"

Bai Canghai stared in shock at this boy who was less than one meter tall.

"Yuan Ting, the only member of the Demon Realm!"

Yuan Ting said lightly, streaks of scarlet gas appeared vaguely in his hand.

"Demon Realm!!!"

Bai Canghai subconsciously took a step back. Bai Canghai was familiar with how powerful the Demon Realm was, but it was hard for him to believe that the other party was really a member of the Demon Realm.

"what happened?"

Yuan Ting yawned, but did not pay attention to Bai Canghai.

At this moment, the shock in Bai Canghai's heart is beyond words. He just came to carry out Yuntian's order to kill Lin Chen, but now, those demon worlds and demon worlds that have long since ceased to exist are all standing out for Lin Chen. what happened?
"Long time no see, King Lin"

Yuan Ting turned around and looked at Lin Chen and said.

"You said your name is Yuan Ting?"

After hearing the other party's self-reported name, Lin Chen suddenly thought of a person, and then Lin Chen continued to ask: "Are you the former general Yuan Ting of a certain dynasty?"

After Lin Chen finished asking, Yuan Ting nodded lightly: "Unexpectedly, King Lin can still remember my identity in the mortal world, ha ha."

Yuan Ting smiled softly, his smile was full of helplessness.

"I remember that in history, you were caught in an ambush during a great war. After you escaped with difficulty, you were followed by a lot of pursuers, and the gates of the city were never opened for you. As a result, you died in the When you fell into the enemy's random arrows, when did you become a member of the Demon Realm?"

Lin Chen also knew that it was really not the right time to ask these questions, but he couldn't help but ask because of curiosity.

"Lord Lin, wait a minute!"

Yuan Ting did not directly answer Lin Chen's words, but turned around and hit Bai Canghai with a palm. Bai Canghai did not expect this sudden blow at all, and then Bai Canghai suffered internal injuries from this palm and lost the battle. Ability, even returning to the God Realm, has become a luxury for Bai Canghai.

"Okay, I've taken care of the annoying stuff."

Yuan Ting clapped his hands, his expression still very relaxed.

"Let's put it this way, I didn't die at that time. On the night after I was hit by random arrows, I survived by chance, and then escaped from the imperial city secretly. By the way, the dynasty I belong to is the Peng Dynasty!"

When Yuan Ting spoke, none of the people around dared to speak. They all knew that this was a legendary member of the demon world. How strong, none of the people present can judge.

Yuan Ting continued to talk about his escape from death. Although Lin Chen didn't know why the other party told him so many private affairs about Yuan Ting, Lin Chen still listened carefully.

Yuan Ting fled for three days and three nights, hunted down wild animals on the roadside when he was hungry, and drank some water from the river when he was thirsty. In this way, Yuan Ting continued to move towards the south.

Until the fourth day, Yuan Ting, suffering from hunger and cold, hid in a cave. At that time, Yuan Ting did not know that he accidentally opened the passage from the secular world to the world of cultivating gods. After Yuan Ting walked out of the cave, the world in front of him It has completely changed.

Yuan Ting, who came to the world of cultivating gods, continued to drive on the road, but Yuan Ting had no clue about the destination he was going to. The surroundings were all unfamiliar, and the route in his memory could not be matched at all.

In this way, Yuan Ting walked for several days and nights in the strange world of cultivating gods, until he met a middle-aged man, to be precise, he was from the demon world.

After seeing Yuan Ting, this person gave Yuan Ting a ring, and told Yuan Ting that as long as the ring was worn, a cloak would appear. The ring found in that mysterious cave.

Hearing this, Lin Chen and Tu Xuejing were the most surprised.

"But I saw that you have turned into a bone? You people in the demon world can still possess you?"

Lin Chen was really curious. This Yuan Ting is only four or five years old now, so it must not be his real body.

And Tu Xuejing was also surprised that his master still had this tortuous story.

Tu Xuejing saw that the ring in his pocket was taken out, the ring that Tie Hu gave him at that time, unexpectedly belonged to his master Yuan Ting, this is really fate.

"This is my body."

After Yuan Ting just explained this sentence, he continued.

After Yuan Ting inexplicably got the ring given to him by the people from the Demon Realm, he immediately met a ferocious beast. Of course, that ferocious beast did not belong to the Demon Realm, it was just an ordinary animal.

Originally, Yuan Ting did not believe in these mysterious things, but at a critical moment, Yuan Ting held on to the determination of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and put on the ring that the man said.

Sure enough, after Yuan Ting put on the ring, there was an extra cloak behind him, no matter how the beast attacked Yuan Ting, it couldn't hurt Yuan Ting even a single bit.

(End of this chapter)

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