Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 349 The Secret of the Blood-Smeared Mirror

Chapter 349 The Secret of the Blood-Smeared Mirror
Surprised, Yuan Ting wore his cloak and came to a small town where the level of cultivators were very low. Yuan Ting got a lot of things about the Six Realms there, and knew that the Demon Realm was in the Five Realms of Gas at that time. Under the siege, many people from the Demon Realm also came to the Mortal Realm to seek refuge.

In this way, Yuan Ting stayed in that small town for eight years. During these eight years, whenever he heard the news of the defeat of the Demon World, Yuan Ting became very restless, and his body began to change little by little.

Yuan Ting found that his body began to stimulate scarlet gas, and even the color of his pupils became different from that of ordinary people. People in the small town gradually discovered the secrets of Yuan Ting.

On the day when the Demon Realm was completely defeated by the Five Realms, the news that Yuan Ting possessed the blood of the Demon Realm spread throughout the town. The situation where the gate of the city is closed outside.

That is to say, from that moment on, Yuan Ting no longer had any justice, any emotion in his heart, and all that was left was the crazy killing.

That's right, the moment Yuan Ting broke out, he completely became a member of the Demon Realm. He slaughtered the entire town. After killing these people, Yuan Ting didn't regret it at all. What he thought of was how to escape the pursuit of the other five worlds.

In the end, Yuan Ting returned to the cave where he came in, but Yuan Ting tried various methods, but he couldn't return to the secular world from the world of cultivating the gods.

At that time, Yuan Ting's state of mind had fallen to the bottom, he had neither hatred nor love, and Yuan Ting, who was devastated, gradually exhausted the last magic power in his body and died in the cave. As time went by, Yuan Ting also turned into a pile of bones, only the cloak behind him was still draped behind him.

Thousands of years have passed, the demon world has long since ceased to exist, and there are no longer six realms in the world.

Suddenly one day, when a couple from Huanlin Village was returning to Huanlin Village, there was a sudden heavy rain. In desperation, the couple hid in a cave.

At that time, the woman was already pregnant. Unfortunately, not long after the woman entered the cave, she found out that she was about to give birth.

This is also the first time for a man to encounter such a situation. Under anxiety, he became a 'midwife'. The woman shed a lot of blood on the way to give birth, and the blood gradually flowed to the position where the court was, staining The corner of Yuanting's cloak was red.

Since the demon world has long since ceased to exist, Yuan Ting has nowhere to return after his death, so his spiritual power and magic power are all attached to the cloak. After encountering blood, Yuan Ting's soul also entered the woman's body , attached to her soon-to-be-born child.

While being possessed by the Yuan court, it also brought great pain to the woman. In the end, although the child was born smoothly, the woman died because of it.

The man cried heartbroken, and thought about dying with the woman, but after seeing his child, the man dismissed the idea.

On the same day, the man brought his son back to Huanlin Village. The man was covered in blood, and the people in Huanlin Village were so frightened that they gave way.

At night, Yuan Ting's soul awakened in the child's body, and the first thing Yuan Ting did after waking up was to kill his 'father'.

When he found out that he was only the size of a baby, he didn't steal the child's consciousness. At this time, no matter how powerful Yuan Ting was, he was just a baby. In addition, Yuan Ting thought that people from the five realms would hunt him down again, so he simply used this baby to hide .

In this way, Yuan Ting grew up under the care of the village chief. Most of the time, Yuan Ting was "Xiao Yuan".

At the beginning, these villagers felt sorry for Yuan Ting, but year after year passed, Yuan Ting never grew up, which made everyone in Huanlin Village think Yuan Ting was a monster, and gradually began to distance themselves from him.

Some people even negotiated to get rid of Yuan Ting secretly at night, but they never thought that this baby who seemed not even a year old could kill them easily.

Originally, Yuan Ting was still moved by the villagers who raised him, but after that night, Yuan Ting's last trace of humanity was gone.

However, Yuan Ting did not kill these villagers, but continued to recharge his energy until he met Lin Chen!
At that time, Lin Chen was still the king of Lin in the God Realm, and by chance, Yuan Ting used his soul to travel to the secular world.

He also happened to meet Lin Chen who was wandering in the secular world. At that time, Lin Chen had just become a god and wanted to go back to the mortal world to find his parents. However, his parents were not found, but he found the last member of the demon world.

In order to prevent Yuan Ting's soul from causing trouble in the mortal world, Lin Chen solved it casually. Lin Chen did not report this matter to the God Realm. After the resolution, Lin Chen returned to the God Realm not long after.

Lin Chen's injury to Yuan Ting was something that Yuan Ting would never forget. After his soul was damaged, Yuan Ting led his remaining soul back to the world of cultivating gods with the last trace of magic power, but after that, Yuan Ting spent hundreds of years to restore his soul.

It wasn't until Huajia and Sanhuzhai began to appear in the southern forest of the God Cultivation Realm.

In this way, Yuan Ting used his harmless appearance to hide his identity as a member of the Demon Realm, and sneaked into Sanhuzhai at night to kill these people and capture their souls, thereby strengthening the magic power in his body.

Day after day, year after year, Yuan Ting finally became the most powerful existence in the world of cultivating gods, but Yuan Ting did not leave Huanlin Village just like that, until he found out that there was a poison refiner named Tu Sanchi in the world of cultivating gods.

Tu Sanchi is not only extremely talented, but also No. 1 in the world of cultivating poison. However, Tu Sanchi has a sinister heart. Not only did he kill his father to refine poison, but he also wanted to kill Tu Xuejing!
Yuan Ting saw that Tu Xuejing had a more powerful talent for refining poison than Tu Sanchi, so he rescued Tu Xuejing and killed Tu Sanchi at the same time!
In order to prevent their Tu family's poison refining equipment from being taken away, they made up such a shocking story for Tu Xuejing, that is, Tu Xuejing killed his father!
It can be said that the unscrupulous and conscientious actions of Tu Xuejing were all the news released by the Yuan court.

In order to repay Yuan Ting, Tu Xuejing also regards him as his benefactor and master!
Hearing this, Lin Chen couldn't help turning his head to look at the blood-smearing mirror, full of apology in his heart.

When Tu Xuejing saw Lin Chen, he just smiled slightly, as if he didn't mind that Lin Chen misunderstood him.

Lin Chen looked at this woman with sincere admiration. No matter who misunderstood her, she would never explain it to herself. This kind of state of mind is not something ordinary people can have.

"Okay, I didn't expect such a story between you and me."

Lin Chen smiled wryly and said, when Lin Chen came to Huanlin Village, Yuan Ting also said that he had helped him, but it turned out to be irony. Lin Chen thought that he had done such a great thing. ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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