Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 385 Why not?

Chapter 385 Why not?

Yang Yun told Yang Xiao that he only wanted to be an ordinary person in his life, and Yang Yun had no intention of caring about the rights of the underworld.

But the suspicious Yang Xiao didn't fully believe in Yang Yun. Yang Yun's realm at that time was only the realm of Hades. Yang Xiao considered the final decision and asked Yang Yun to pretend to be in charge of the underworld during the retreat.

Yang Xiao knew that breaking through the Underworld Emperor did not happen overnight, but at most it would only take a few decades. No matter how fast Yang Yun's breakthrough speed was in these decades, he would not be able to reach the Underworld Emperor's realm, so when he returned to the Underworld, , Yang Yun has to leave.

But Yang Yun did not agree to Yang Xiao's request, which made Yang Xiao, who was eager to break through, extremely angry. He sent someone to put Yang Yun's wife and children under house arrest in the underworld as a threat to Yang Yun.

In desperation, Yang Yun had no choice but to live in the underworld in order to protect his wife and children. At that time, Yang Yun also met Yang Mingyue, the daughter of Yang Xiao.

Yang Yun also likes this clever Yang Mingyue very much. Compared with Yang Xiao's gloomy personality, his personality is much more lively.

It was precisely because of this that Yang Xiao was worried that his daughter would turn to Yang Yun after he left, and worried that he would never follow the path of Emperor Underworld, so regardless of Yang Yun's obstruction, he broke his own daughter Yang Mingyue's real body, It turned into a spirit body, imprisoned in the mortal world, and the place was in the house where Lin Chen lived afterward.

After Yang Xiao left, Yang Yun kept trying to rescue Yang Mingyue back to the underworld. After all, being imprisoned in such a small room in the mortal world was too cruel for a cheerful girl.

It's a pity that Yang Yun's power in the underworld is too disparate compared with Yang Xiao's, so Yang Yun had to add a gas to protect Yang Mingyue in addition to the gas that Yang Xiao used to imprison Yang Mingyue. This gas is to help Yang Mingyue The underworld gas in the body, in case people from the God Realm find out and harm her.

When Yang Xiao imprisoned his daughter, Yang Yun expected that Yang Xiao would never let him and his wife and children go if he broke through to the Underworld Emperor. name, entered the eighteenth floor of purgatory!

Through the strong underworld gas in the lock of purgatory, Yang Yun broke through to the realm of the underworld emperor in just 20 years, but there is still a long way to go from Yang Xiao, and Yang Xiao will return to the underworld soon .

Just when Yang Yun was frowning and distressed, what he was most worried about finally happened. Yang Xiao had returned to the underworld, and his realm had successfully broken through to Emperor Hades.

The first thing Yang Xiao did when he returned to the underworld was to look for Yang Yun, but he searched the entire underworld without finding any trace of Yang Yun.

If the gatekeeper of Purgatory hadn't told him the news that someone pretended to be him, Yang Xiao would probably have been kept in the dark.

That night, Yang Xiao brought Yang Yun's wife and children to the lock of purgatory. He had already seen that Yang Yun had been cultivating desperately during this time, and he had also borrowed the lock of purgatory that was forbidden by Yang Xiao's order.

In a fit of rage, Yang Xiao killed his wife and son in front of Yang Yun. This was not over yet, and Yang Xiao imprisoned Yang Yun under the eighteenth floor of purgatory with fifteen iron chains.

And one of the iron chains was condensed from the bones of Yang Yun's wife and children.

"Are you clear now? I swear, as long as I can get out, I must kill Yang Xiao!!!"

Yang Yun became more and more excited, his eyes were completely bloodshot, and his wife and children just died in front of him, which became Yang Yun's eternal nightmare.

After Lin Qing finished listening, tears could not stop flowing out.


Lin Qing couldn't help muttering in a low voice, but Yang Yun still heard the words.

"What did you call me!!!?"

When Yang Yun heard Lin Qing's words, he was not surprised, but a kind of hatred that went deep into the marrow!

"You are Yang Xiaosheng's bastard!?"

Yang Yun has already gone crazy by now, and he is no longer the kind uncle in Lin Qing's memory. After all, no one who has gone through these things can be soft-hearted to the enemy's daughter anymore, right?

"Yang Yun, you'd better pay attention to what you say, Lin Qing, no, Yang Mingyue is just a pawn of Yang Xiao, all the injuries you suffered have nothing to do with her!"

Lin Chen doesn't care about other things, no one is allowed to scold Lin Qing in front of him, no matter what reason you have, you can't!
"I kill you!!!"

Yang Yun went crazy, he couldn't hear what Lin Chen was saying, and there was nothing but hatred in his eyes.

"sorry Sorry sorry"

Lin Qing didn't know what to say, for what her father had done, she didn't know what else to say besides saying sorry to Yang Yun.

"Get out!!! I don't need your apology! Can my wife and daughter come back if you apologize?"

"Why not?"

Lin Chen said with a soft smile.

At this moment, both Lin Qing and Yang Yun's expression froze on their faces. After a while, Yang Yun said: "Don't talk nonsense here, the soul of the person killed by the underworld has already dissipated in the three realms!"

Yang Yun didn't believe Lin Chen's words at all, but for what Lin Chen said just now, there was a glimmer of hope in Yang Yun's eyes.

"It is true that they are no longer in the Three Realms, but they still exist in this world. Have you heard of the Realm of Chaos?"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, Yang Yun couldn't understand what the Realm of Chaos that Lin Chen was talking about was at all.

"What. Realm of Chaos?"

"You don't need to worry about what it is, you just have to trust me. If you lead me to find the lock of purgatory, I will not only set you free, but also bring your wife and daughter back to you in the future!"

Lin Chen solemnly promised that if he could really fulfill his mission, it wouldn't be a problem to ask the God of Chaos how many more people he wanted, including his parents!

"You really have a way?"

Yang Yun also became dubious about Lin Chen, mainly because this young man is indeed very different, maybe there really is some kind of strange secret technique.

"You are Qing'er's uncle, so I will definitely help you!"

Lin Chen glanced at Lin Qing and said, and Lin Qing's eyes were full of gratitude. Although she didn't know what Lin Chen could do, Lin Qing believed Lin Chen's promise unconditionally.


When Yang Yun heard the name Qing'er, he was obviously taken aback. After all, he didn't know the name Lin Chen gave Yang Mingyue.

"Oh, that's right. Yang Mingyue is the Lin Qing I mentioned. When she was imprisoned in the mortal world, she was with me."

After Lin Chen finished explaining, Yang Yun nodded slowly: "I see."

"Okay, I don't have enough time, tell me where is the lock of purgatory?"

Lin Chen looked at the time, and after Yang Yun finished speaking, there were only 8 minutes left.

(End of this chapter)

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