Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 386 Finding the Lock of Purgatory

Chapter 386 Finding the Lock of Purgatory

Yang Yun raised his head, looked at the endless magma above and said.


Lin Chen also raised his head to look, there will be a lock of purgatory in the magma?
"Well, the chains of purgatory come from the very center of the magma. It controls all the chains under the [-]th floor of purgatory. It contains the most terrifying power in the underworld, and it is also the strongest power that controls the ground in this world!"

Lin Chen nodded when he heard that, and then he stretched out his hands and grabbed the chains on Yang Yun's body.


Lin Chen used the power of chaos to quickly pull off the iron chains on Yang Yun's body one by one, but Yang Yun was completely unprepared, and kept roaring in pain.

After experiencing such an unforgettable period of torture, before Yang Yun could breathe a sigh of relief, Lin Chen said, "I'm going up first, and I'll be back soon, please take care of Qing'er."

"Remember! If you dare to hurt Lin Qing, not only will you die, but you will never see your wife and children again in this lifetime!"

Just in case, before leaving, Lin Chen explained this sentence to Yang Yun.

"Don't worry! I was impulsive just now. I promise I won't make this mistake again. After all, this matter has nothing to do with Yue'er."

"That's good, I'm leaving!"

Lin Chen didn't stop any longer, and after using Tianxing Jue, he flew directly towards the magma above.

When passing through the magma, Lin Chen could clearly feel the scorching heat coming from inside and outside his body. Without the blood protection of the king of monsters, Lin Chen would probably melt directly into the magma.

"It really is here!"

After Lin Chen came to the upper layer of the magma, he found a huge iron lock in the center of the magma. Hundreds of iron chains protruded from this iron lock, and those iron chains went straight down.

Seeing this, Lin Chen quickly approached the lock of purgatory, but the closer Lin Chen got, the more he found that his strength was frantically declining.

This is still on the premise that Lin Chen has the power of chaos. If Lin Chen didn't use any external force, it would be impossible to get close to the lock of purgatory.

When Lin Chen walked to the lock of purgatory, his whole body was about to collapse. He was already drenched in sweat. The huge power contained in the iron lock made Lin Chen frown.

"The lock of purgatory in the underworld is too terrifying, right? Even the power of chaos is a bit reluctant in front of it at this moment."

Lin Chen knew that his power of chaos was vastly different from that of the God of Chaos, but after all, he was also the god who created the entire six worlds. Even if he only had a little power, Lin Chen shouldn't be so embarrassed.

"There is one minute left!"

Lin Chen doesn't care how strong the Purgatory Lock is, taking advantage of the power of chaos in the last 3 minutes, Lin Chen will take it down no matter what.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen stretched out his hand and grasped the lock of purgatory, trying to pull it out in one fell swoop.


Lin Chen roared angrily, exerting all the strength in his body to the extreme.

"how is this possible!?"

Lin Chen found that even if he used all the power of chaos plus the six kinds of divine power in his body, he couldn't move the lock of purgatory at all.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

Lin Chen said unconvinced, and then continued to urge the power in his body to pull out the lock of purgatory.

One minute passed, and the lock of purgatory remained in place. It was what it was when Lin Chen came, and it is what it is now.

"If things go on like this, I will never be able to take away the lock of purgatory."

Lin Chen is also very distressed now. If the next 2 minutes are still the same as now, then after losing the power of chaos, Lin Chen will have no capital to shake the lock of purgatory.

"Come again!"

Lin Chen continued to use the power of chaos to grab the lock of purgatory, but it was still useless. The 2 minutes ended when Lin Chen failed again and again.

"It's all over now."

Lin Chen looked at the lock of purgatory, with rare despair on his expression. Now that the power of chaos has completely disappeared, the lock of purgatory cannot be taken away today.

"Lin Chen, use Heavenly Jue!"

At this time, the voice of the middle-aged man in Lin Chen's body rang in Lin Chen's mind.

"Heaven's decision?"

Lin Chen's expression was a bit astonished. He just used six kinds of divine power plus the power of chaos. It's a ghost if one of Guangtian Xingjue can do it.

The middle-aged man seemed to see the doubts in Lin Chen's heart, and continued to explain: "The integration of Tianxing Jue with any divine power will reduce its original power. You have used the Five Elements Fist and Five Elements Bomb so many times. Is this still true? not understand?"


The expression on Lin Chen's face was full of shock. He really never thought that taking out his Tianxing Judgment would be more powerful than combining with the rest of the divine power.

"No wonder."

Lin Chen couldn't help thinking that every time he erupted, it was Tian Xingjue who appeared outside his body, which not only gave the opponent a stronger deterrent, but at that time Lin Chen was indeed unstoppable.

"Heaven's Judgment! Break!"

Lin Chen didn't waste much time, and directly resorted to Tian Xing Jue Po to shatter the iron chain under the iron lock, but this Tian Xing Jue Break still had no effect.

"Heaven's decision! Get up!"

Lin Chen thought, maybe he could use the floating power of Tianxing Jue to let these chains float in the air and escape the control of the chains.

"I go!"

Lin Chen murmured a little speechlessly, because after using Tian Xingjue, he couldn't shake the lock of purgatory at all except for flying up by himself.

"Are you stupid?"

When the middle-aged man saw this, he couldn't help complaining, "Who told you to use these two moves? How did you grow your brain?"


Lin Chen was also short-tempered when he was scolded, after all, he really didn't know how to take out the lock of purgatory.

"Use Tian Xing Jue as you use six-element explosive bombs!"

The middle-aged man's words directly connected Lin Chen, making Lin Chen suddenly enlightened.

"You said it earlier!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he removed all the divine power in his body, leaving only the power of Tianxingjue. He continuously condensed the power of Tianxingjue, just like condensing the five elements of explosive bombs.

This period of time was very long in Lin Chen's eyes, because at this time Lin Chen discovered that Tianxingjue could be taken out alone, Ren Linchen used it, and this is not the end, Lin Chen found that the power of Tianxingjue seems to be infinite , no matter how fast and time Lin Chen used to condense, there seemed to be no end.


Lin Chen felt that the power of Tian Xingjue seemed to explode his body, if he didn't push it out, he might explode and die.

"Heaven's Judgment! Explode!"

Lin Chen yelled loudly, this name also popped up in Lin Chen's mind suddenly, after Lin Chen yelled this sentence, a sphere with black gas appeared in his body, the shape and size were similar to the six-element bomb , but the power contained in it was something Lin Chen never thought of.

(End of this chapter)

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