Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 391: Confused

Chapter 391

"It's like this. Ten years ago, when Shen Datong took Gong Xiaohong to travel in Heizhou, they ran into local gangsters. Seeing that Shen Datong was well-dressed, they tried to blackmail him, and then took him away. Originally, the local gangsters did not intend to keep Shen Datong, and they had already shot him and Gong Xiaohong in the head"


When Lin Chen heard the last sentence, he also felt very unbelievable. He quickly took Lin Qing's life and death book and checked it again, and the content written on it was exactly the same as what Lin Qing said.

"No, even if Shen Datong is really dead, then Gong Xiaohong is still alive today."

"Well, and it is recorded in the book of life and death that Shen Datong has always been alive."

Lin Qing pursed his lips and said, "There are some other things that are also very strange. It's about you, Master."

"what happened?"

Lin Chen frowned and looked at Lin Qing, feeling extremely puzzled in his heart.

"As soon as I returned to the underworld, you were the first person to read the book of life and death. Although you have become a god with nine turns and will not exist in the book of life and death in the underworld, after your first death in the mortal world, The soul did not go to the underworld and the mortal world, but became a soul body, but you are not a real soul."


Lin Chen was stunned by Lin Qing's words, what is it all about.

"That is, at the moment of your death, the soul body will be taken away by the power of the underworld, but the underworld can't find your soul at all, and the reason why you can become a soul body with soul power does not belong to you. soul."

Lin Qing explained as much as possible.

"I probably understand that my real soul can't be found in the underworld, but the living one is another soul, right?"

Lin Chen also understood what Lin Qing meant. After all, he knew that his soul came from another time and space. It was normal for him to find it strange that he could not find it in the underworld. Of course, Lin Chen did not intend to tell Lin Qing about these things.

"It is also very strange that some very strange phenomena have frequently occurred in the past few decades."

"what happened?"

Lin Qing looked at the book of life and death and continued: "During the past few decades, there have been many people who were already dead but have been alive. The example of Shen Datong is just one of them, and it is the most incredible thing. The souls in those people are indeed exhausted, and the reason why they are not dead is just like you, master, their souls do not belong to themselves, so no matter whether it is the gods or the underworld, there is no way to start."

After listening to Lin Qing's words, Lin Chen was puzzled for a few seconds, and then had an answer in an instant.

"Could it be that time and space are messed up? As a result, many dead people like me survived with the help of another time and space, and their memories were deprived?"

If Lin Chen hadn't experienced the miraculous scene he saw in the cave last time, it would be impossible for Lin Chen to figure out these things.

"Wow, the plane is taking off!!!"

Lin Qing yelled suddenly, startling some people around. Some people wanted to say a few words to her at first, but after seeing that the other party was the two people who were angry with Shen Hongfeng in the waiting room just now, They all kept their mouths shut.

Seeing Lin Qing's excited appearance, Lin Chen smiled helplessly. Lin Qing, who was talking to him seriously just now, suddenly looked like a five or six-year-old girl.

The plane was flying fast in the air, and Lin Chen also closed his eyes tightly, thinking about what Lin Qing told him all the time in his mind.

"Why do two different time and space appear in the same world? And it is in the last few decades. Could it be that something major has happened in the three worlds? Also, why do middle-aged men try to go to another time and space to bring themselves back there?" To me, to exist as my new soul?"

These questions kept circling in Lin Chen's mind, and Lin Chen was one of the first two. It was a very painful thing not to figure out these unknown things that were closely related to him.

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Qing looked out of the window excitedly for a long time before she set her sights on Lin Chen. When she saw Lin Chen frowning tightly, she couldn't help feeling worried.

"Ah? It's all right."

Lin Chen didn't want to tell Lin Qing these things, after all, it was very unpredictable, and Lin Chen felt that these things would be revealed soon.

"OK then"

Lin Qing glanced at Lin Chen with some disappointment. She and Lin Chen had been together for a long time, and she could see through some of Lin Chen's emotions at a glance. Because of this, Lin Qing also knew that Lin Chen didn't want to tell her, so she didn't want to tell her. Too much to ask.

"By the way, master, how do we go to the God Realm?"

It was only at this time that Lin Qing realized that Lin Chen had no intention of taking the plane at first, but proposed it because he saw that he was curious.

"Of course it's in the air"

Lin Chen said it as a matter of course, making Lin Qing puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"Actually, I originally planned to go to the highest mountain in the Mortal Realm to enter the God Realm, and you woke me up because you are interested in airplanes."

"The tallest mountain?"

Lin Qing blinked, but didn't fully understand what Lin Chen wanted to express.

"The highest mountain in the mortal world is Mount Everest in China. I remember that it seems to be more than 8000 meters high. After reaching the peak, with the help of special divine power, you can open the ladder leading to the God Realm. The divine power of the peak masters in the later period is also enough to go to the God Realm, but there are places where the gods stay, and the average god cultivator has no effect where they go, and they may never return."

"That's it"

Lin Qing nodded after hearing Lin Chen's explanation, and said, "The plane can fly over pigs?"

Lin Qing didn't fully remember what Lin Chen said about Mount Everest, so when he said the nouns, he vaguely mentioned them.

"Of course, the plane can reach a maximum of more than 1 meters. In short, there is nothing wrong with surpassing Mount Everest."

Only in front of Lin Qing can Lin Chen find his sense of existence in certain aspects. After all, these are just some basic common sense. In front of people like Lin Qing who don't know anything, Lin Chen can still play the role of a schoolmaster .

After Lin Qing listened to Lin Chen's explanation, he turned his gaze out of the window. At this moment, the plane was already flying at a high level, and the altitude had already exceeded 8000 meters.


After Lin Chen noticed the airflow outside the plane, he stood up slowly. Before Lin Qing could reply, a stewardess walked towards Lin Chen.

"Sir, for your safety, please sit back in your seat and fasten your seat belt when the plane is moving, thank you."



Seeing Lin Chen's embarrassing appearance, Lin Qing couldn't help but chuckle.

(End of this chapter)

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