Chapter 392

Lin Chen sighed and sat back in his seat. He didn't want to break the rules of the mortal world too much, so he had to wait until the stewardess didn't notice him, and immediately teleported out.

"Master, that young lady just now looks very beautiful~"

At this time, Lin Qing still did not forget to ridicule Lin Chen.

"Ready to go anytime!"

Lin Chen pretended to be serious and reminded that at this moment, a middle-aged man with a flustered expression came on the plane. His eyes were erratic, and drops of sweat appeared on his forehead from time to time.

"This person has a problem!"

Lin Chen only took one look at this person, and realized that the other person was not simply getting up and exercising his muscles and bones.

"Master, do we want to take care of this?"

In fact, Lin Qing didn't have much personal opinion on these things, anyway, she only listened to Lin Chen.

"Let's take a look at it first!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he closed his eyes directly, and then covered the entire plane with his spiritual consciousness. Everything that happened in the plane was played in Lin Chen's mind one after another.

At this moment, the middle-aged man with a flustered expression just walked straight to the cockpit of the plane.

"Sir, passengers are not allowed to enter here, please let me know if you have any needs."

The flight attendant who spoke was the one who 'reminded' Lin Chen just now that the flight attendant was watching a sci-fi drama with a tablet computer of a certain brand.

"I, I. I'm here to go to the toilet."

While the man was talking, he unconsciously put his hand into the inner pocket of his clothes, as if he was about to draw a gun. This move naturally aroused the suspicion of the stewardess, but the stewardess did not say anything, and still calmly defended the man. Pointed out the location of the toilet.

“Toilets are at the end over there”

The flight attendant pointed to the direction behind the man, but at this moment, the man quickly took out a tiny silver needle from his pocket, and instantly pressed it against the flight attendant's neck.

"If you don't want to die, don't move around!"

The man leaned into the stewardess' ear and said, his tone full of threats.

"follow me!"

The man saw that no one had noticed, so he quickly brought the flight attendant into the flight attendant lounge, but what the man didn't expect was that there were four or five flight attendants inside. When those flight attendants saw this scene, they didn't scream like ordinary girls. , but sat calmly on the sidelines, waiting for the next development of the matter.

"Don't use your brains, I just want to go to the cab!"

The man said and raised the needle in his hand: "I have a lot of poison in it, as long as one drop gets in, she won't be able to survive!"

"Okay, sir, we can agree to your request, please calm down a little bit?"

A flight attendant who looked about 35 years old said, her eyes were fixed on the man's eyes, hoping to make him not too excited, so as not to do something irreparable.

"Stop talking nonsense! Take me there!!"

The man didn't calm down because of this, but became more and more manic, both hands began to shake, and the stewardess who was threatened by him was already pale at this moment, with tears pouring out of her eyes one drop after another.


The seasoned stewardess was already panicking at the moment. Although she knew how to deal with this kind of thing, she was still a little at a loss when it happened in front of her eyes.

First of all, it is obviously impossible to take this man to the cockpit. Even if the man kills the stewardess, he cannot be allowed to enter the cockpit. Nor was he allowed to enter the cab.

"Miss Wang, help me"

The flight attendant who was held hostage pinned all her hopes on this flight attendant called Miss Wang. The only thing she wants now is to survive.

"To shut up!!!"

The man slapped the flight attendant hard on the back of the head, and then took out his mobile phone to check the time, as if it was urgent.

"Qing'er, look up the details of that man for me."

Lin Chen always felt that things were not as simple as they seemed on the surface, he had to figure out who this man was and why he did such a thing.

"it is good."

Lin Qing quickly agreed, then took out her life and death book and quickly locked the man's identity.

"Master, he... He died five years ago, and he was a captain before, and this is the flight he was in charge of."


Lin Chen's pupils dilated suddenly: "He died five years ago?"


Lin Qing nodded, and said: "This is just like what I said before, his soul does not belong to the Three Realms, so it is not under the control of our underworld or God Realm."

"How did he die five years ago?"

Lin Chen continued to ask.

"Let me see."

Lin Qing frowned, and found the answer after searching for a few seconds: "The information shows that five years ago, the flight he was in charge of suddenly exploded. After investigation, it was found that someone deliberately created panic. In the same year, terrorist incidents occurred in many places." Attacks, but then when these things subsided, people gradually faded away."

"So it's impossible for that man to be alive"

Lin Chen knew that this man had indeed died five years ago, and this man probably came from another time and space, but why did he do everything possible to take hostages to the cab?

"Ah! The plane is about to enter the Hongling God Realm."


When Lin Chen was still thinking about the man's purpose, Lin Qing said coldly.

"Master, don't you know? Hong Ling, the seventh son of the Sky God?"

"God of the sky? I haven't heard his name for a long time."

Lin Chen vaguely remembered that in the ancient God Realm, there was a man with extraordinary talent. This man could control all the changing things in the sky, and his ability was extraordinary. Just like the clouds in the sky, they can only be seen but not touched. Although the sky god can control the sky, he can't fight against any creatures in the six realms. What he possesses is supernatural power.

What surprised Lin Chen the most was that the God of Sky never appeared in the Six Realms in the form of a 'human' or any creature, but he had ten sons, and each son controlled ten different gods in the sky. The area was called God's Domain in later generations.

"To be reasonable, I really don't know what is the use of these so-called God's Domains. Besides, what about entering the Hongling God's Domain?"

After Lin Chen pulled out his memories, he realized that Lin Qing had taken him a little off topic. The focus was obviously on the middle-aged man in the flight attendant lounge.

"Master, don't you know? The Hongling God's Domain is an area where air accidents often occur in the Mortal Realm, and it is also the area where the Northern Province and the Southern Province meet. I have seen many people who died in the Hongling God's Domain in the past month mortal."

(End of this chapter)

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