Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 398 Anti-gravity

Chapter 398 Anti-gravity

So what do you think, one Yuntian and one Goddess, and two of the most powerful people in Yunshen Temple are protecting Lin Chen, how would those gods dare to yell at Lin Chen?
"Lord Lin, don't worry about Goddess, think of a way to save us!"

I don't know who broke the silence, and made Lin Chen withdraw from his memories.

"I'm going, you old bastards, you always think of me when something happens? Besides, I'm also very confused now, okay? I know who made you old bastards unable to move!"

Lin Chen still spoke to these gods in the same tone as before.

"Lord Lin, you are from God's Realm. Our Cloud Temple is affected by the time-lag anti-gravity of the fifth son of the Sky God. You have more ideas in the entire Cloud Temple. You must have a way."

After the 40-year-old uncle just finished explaining, he didn't forget to flatter Lin Chen.

"Time-lag antigravity."

Lin Chen has heard a little about time lag. He is the most puzzling existence among the ten sons of the sky god. Anti-gravity is not actually a natural force, but a force of the universe. I don’t know what time lag is. did it.

"Lin Chen, who was reborn as a god of mortals long ago, now returns to the God Realm, what is the purpose!?"

Just when Lin Chen was thinking, a cold voice came from behind him. Lin Chen heard it and turned around quickly, but he didn't find anyone talking to him, and he couldn't detect the other party with his spiritual sense.

"Yo, you still know me? Then do you dare to show up?"

Lin Chen pretended to be indifferent and said, followed by a suffocating three-second silence, and the controlled gods looked around.

"You want to see me? That depends on whether you have the ability!"

As soon as this person finished speaking, Lin Chen felt that the soles of his feet were weak, and his body became light, and he was about to float to the top of the Rebirth Hall at any time.

"Not bad, anti-gravity is pretty good at 6."

Lin Chen didn't panic much, and then——

"Heaven's Judgment! Break!"

After Lin Chen urged Tian Xingjue out, Lin Chen, who was already half-floating, stood firmly on the ground again.

"Tsk tsk tsk, your anti-gravity seems to have no effect on me."

After Lin Chen stood firm, the anti-gravity force from his body had completely disappeared, so he couldn't help but mocked the other party.

"It's really quite capable!"

As he said that, a figure appeared in the upper part of the Hall of Rebirth. The other person had a pair of eyes. The difference in this pair of eyes was that a pattern similar to a clock appeared on the lens.

"Oh? Why are you standing on top of me?"

After Lin Chen saw the other party, he already knew that he was the third son of the Sky God, Shi Lag!

"I really want to know why my anti-gravity doesn't work for you."

Shi Zhi said, slowly floated down from above, and landed gently in front of Lin Chen.

It was also the first time for these gods to see Time Lag, and the atmosphere at this time was very tense. They didn't know whether Lin Chen, a god who could always do what ordinary people couldn't do, was the opponent of Time Lag.

"You care so much, let it go quickly."

When Lin Chen said this, all the gods opened their eyes wide, hoping that Lin Chen would let them go.

But Lin Chen just put his hand in front of the goddess, and said: "Let her go quickly, otherwise you don't know why I can resist your anti-gravity if you want to break your head!"

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, before the time lag could reply, those gods had already exploded.

"Fuck, Lin Chen, you are heartless, we are also your former partners after all!!!"

"That's right, Lin Wang, you bastard with the opposite sex and no humanity, I curse you to go to the [-]th floor of purgatory!!!"

After Lin Chen heard about the eighteenth floor of Purgatory, he quickly replied, "Don't tell me, I just went there yesterday, so it's no big deal!"

Lin Chen's words were taken as a joke by others, but this time lag said: "It turns out that the destruction of the underworld is related to you!"

After Shi Lag finished speaking, those gods looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't even know that the underworld had been destroyed.

"You are indeed very capable. You can enter the eighteenth floor of purgatory and take away the locks of purgatory! With your ability, I can promise to let her go!"

These words of time lag undoubtedly helped Lin Chen pretend to be an invisible coercion in front of these gods, and then the goddess also regained her freedom.

"Thank you!"

After Lin Chen thanked you, he continued: "Let me ask you, why do you people from the God Realm come here to find the God Realm unhappy?"

"I was instructed by my father to do it, and I didn't ask about the rest, and I'm not interested in knowing."

Shi Lag continued to maintain his usual calm reply.

"It turned out to be the will of the god of the sky."

Lin Chen secretly thought in his heart that he had originally thought about whether he was the God of the Sky, but the God of the Sky, who has been gentle for so many years, has no great interest in the rule of power. How could he suddenly attack the God Realm?
"Lin Chen, you don't need to make a fuss. The God Realm has been doing things more and more out of line recently. Sooner or later, our God Realm will have to clean up the people of the God Realm. So although I don't know the specific reason why my father would do this, I can understand it."

After Shi Lag finished speaking, Lin Chen hurriedly asked, "What did the God Realm do?"

For Lin Chen's question, Shila did not give any answer, and continued to remain silent.

"That's good. Even if the God Realm did something wrong, you don't need to take action against people from the Mortal Realm, right?"

Lin Chen squinted his eyes and asked, he actually just wanted to test the time lag, whether the people who let Hong Ling kill the mortal world were also instructed by the God of the Sky in the God Realm.

"what did you just say!?"

There was a trace of imperceptible anger on Shi Lag's calm face, but Lin Chen saw all of this.

"Hongling, the seventh son of the God of the Sky, ordered people from the mortal world to attack passing planes within his domain, causing countless deaths. Does that make sense?"

Lin Chen sat on a stool beside him, his eyes fixed on Shilag's expression, waiting for his explanation.

"Hongling? It's actually Hongling!!!"

The anger on Shi Zha's face became more and more obvious, he clenched his fists forcefully, and unknown gasses emitted from his body one after another, and these gasses caused the gods of the Rebirth Hall to hang in the air one by one.

"Heaven's Judgment! Break!"

Seeing this, Lin Chen directly resorted to Heavenly Jue to help those gods get out of the predicament. They also gave Lin Chen a grateful glance, and the goddess also stood quietly beside Lin Chen at this moment, with a pair of bright eyes He never left Lin Chen's face.

"People in the God Realm may be wrong, but are you people in the God Realm absolutely right? Why do you decide what is right and wrong?"

Although Lin Chen was hurt by the God Realm, it had nothing to do with the God Realm itself, it was mainly Yun Tian, ​​so Lin Chen would still stand on the side of the God Realm at critical times.

(End of this chapter)

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