Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 399 Battle Time Lag

Chapter 399 Battle Time Lag
Lin Chen disdains those who like to judge themselves as good and evil, always standing on the commanding heights of morality, accusing others arrogantly, but in fact he is not as clean as he looks.

"I will truthfully report this matter to my father, Lin Chen, I am very grateful for you telling me this."


Lin Chen said lightly, then pointed to the gods in the Rebirth Hall and said, "Then why don't you let them go quickly, and then leave here in a hurry?"

Lin Chen's words moved the gods so much that they snotted and burst into tears. They almost knelt down to Lin Chen. In times of trouble, you can tell at a glance who is the one who can really help you. of.

However, before waiting for the time lag to reply, Lin Chen continued: "If they don't leave, they will dirty my Rebirth Hall by then, are you responsible?"

"Damn it! Lin Chen, you little bastard, who do you think will dirty your rebirth hall?"

"That is to say, we gods are in the God Realm, do you think it is as dirty as your mortal world?"

"and many more!"

Lin Chen suddenly interrupted their complaints. Originally, Lin Chen thought they were old and unscrupulous, but said that the mortal world was dirty?
"Whoever said that the world is dirty just now, please raise your hand to signal me."

Lin Chen said very politely on the surface, but at this time, the gods who were still clamoring just now dared not speak out.

"Very good, because we have been together for hundreds of years, I pretended I hadn't heard that sentence just now, but! If I hear anyone dare to insult the mortal world again, don't blame me for turning my face and denying others !"

Lin Chen's words are not a joke, if anyone really dares to say that the Mortal Realm is wrong, Lin Chen will definitely kill him.

"Okay, Lin Chen, I don't have time to listen to your lip service!"

Shi Ji suddenly said at this moment: "I couldn't let anyone present without my father's instructions, so I can only say sorry."

"Oh? Then give me a try?"

Lin Chen is not afraid of his time lag, so what if there is anti-gravity?So what if he is the son of the sky god?Isn't Hongling his opponent?
"Hmph, if you think that the people in our God's Domain only have this kind of ability, then you are very wrong!"

A sinister smile appeared on Shila's face. At this time, Lin Chen also realized that the other party must still be hiding his strength, and became vigilant.

Shi Ji also stared into Lin Chen's eyes, and it took a while before Shi Ji said: "You can make moves now, but if you can hurt me, I will let go of all the gods present today! "

Lin Chen didn't say much about Shila's boastful words, but those gods all exploded.

"Lord Lin, hit him! He really thinks he is invincible, doesn't he?"

"That's right, King Lin let him know how powerful we God Realm people are!"


The gods yelled at each other, Lin Chen was really upset when he heard it.

"Shut up for me!"

Lin Chen yelled, and the gods of the Rebirth Hall were like kittens again, sitting quietly by the side, not daring to make a sound.

After the gods calmed down, Lin Chen once again set his sights on Shi Zhi: "I hope you will remember what you just said!"

"Of course!"

Shi Zhi nodded confidently, and then—

"Swift Shadow Fist!"

Lin Chen didn't use his ultimate move, because Shi La said that as long as he hits him, he will be considered a loser, so the Swift Shadow Fist is the best attack method.

Lin Chen's Swift Shadow Fist today is not the number and speed of the ninth floor back then. The number of punches he unleashes in one second cannot be judged by the naked eye or any senses, even Lin Chen himself does not know No matter how many punches he punched, anyone under the attack of Swift Shadow Fist cannot avoid it!
Facing the onslaught of Jiyingquan, Shila didn't panic at all, and just stood there without moving a second.
"you lose!"

Lin Chen spoke without even looking at Shi Lag, because he felt that the Swift Shadow Fist he had just performed was a punch to the flesh.

"is it?"

Shi Zhi sneered, and then pointed to the gods in the Rebirth Hall: "Take a good look, is it really me you hurt?"


Lin Chen was covered in cold sweat by Shi Zhi's sudden words, and then turned around quickly. When he saw the gods, his heart skipped a beat.

"How could this be?"

The gods in front of Lin Chen collapsed to the ground one by one. Although there were no obvious injuries, it was obvious that they had temporarily lost their ability to fight.

"I am clear"

"What you want to say is that the martial skill you launched obviously hit me, right?"

Shi Lag had already guessed what Lin Chen's doubts were, and continued to explain: "Anti-gravity is not only for others. I am the biggest source of anti-gravity. Since the day I was born, I have never been hurt by anything. No matter if it's a strength-type damage or a speed-type attack like you just now, they can't get close to me at all. All the moves you play will face the other side in an instant. Did your body shift when you used that set of martial arts?"

After Lin Chen heard this, his eyebrows almost twisted into Chinese knots. He really didn't understand why this anti-gravity has such a bug. This is completely different from the rebound damage that Lin Chen has seen before. The rebound damage is at least rebound. When it comes to the opponent, how can there be a random bombing like anti-gravity?

"Lin Chen, Lin Chen, don't you understand? Whether it is anyone in the six realms, the strong are some people with extraordinary wisdom or unparalleled martial arts, but you don't know that they are still not equal to nature after all. Power? Our God's Domain is the strongest existence in the entire world, do you understand?"

The words of time lag seem arrogant and boundless, but what they say is true. If the world is destroyed in nature, then what should these gods and monsters do?

Lin Chen also understands that time lag cannot be damaged no matter what method is used. After all, any attack method needs the support of strength, unless?
What did Lin Chen think of? If you use mind control martial arts, time lag might not be able to defend against it, right?It's just that the key point is that Lin Chen has never learned any martial arts of control, so he has no way of testing his ideas.

"You don't need to waste your brain thinking about what is there and what is not. Originally, I wanted to let you go, but judging by your appearance, if you want to fight against the people in our God's Domain, I can't keep you!"

Shi Zhi squinted his eyes at Lin Chen and said, obviously he has already moved to kill.

"Come on!"

Lin Chen and the gods were baffled by the word time lag, and the goddess also looked at Lin Chen very worriedly. She finally saw Lin Chen, but she did not expect such a result.

At this time, three men entered the Hall of Rebirth. Upon closer inspection, they didn't even have faces.

(End of this chapter)

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