Chapter 400
"Do you know who I am?"

Shi Lag explained: "Strictly speaking, they don't have any life. In a sense, their existence is people who violate the principles of nature."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Chen listened for a long time, but he just didn't feel that what the other party said was human.

"These three people are the products brewed by your killing intent in the Six Realms. From the moment you activate your killing intent, an invisible wave will form in the air. The gas brought by these waves will slowly Condensation, and finally this kind of killing intent is born, their purpose of existence is very simple, that is to kill!"

The time lag shocked everyone. Who would have thought that such a terrifying monster would be formed in a single thought?

Lin Chen also felt a strong killing intent from these three murderous people, which was countless times more terrifying than any kind of killing intent, and even his breathing became pungent.

"Lin Chen, are you ready to die? As far as I know, anyone killed by supernatural means will lose their soul forever and cannot be reborn!"


When Lin Chen heard this sentence, he said calmly. He might not believe it when he said it, but there is a realm of chaos in this world. Incapable of fighting!

"In the face of life and death, you can be so calm, Lin Chen, you are really different."

Shi Lag sincerely praised Lin Chen, after all, Shi Lag didn't call out the murderous man, and everyone who saw him was so frightened that his legs became weak.

"Before you kill me, I have to refute you!"

Lin Chen looked at Shi Zhi and smiled, this smile made Shi Zhi very uneasy: "What do you want to say?"

"Do you think that the people in your God Realm are really as transcendent as you said? Do you think that you and I would have the conversation today without life? Everything in the world does originate from nature, but it originates from life , what can dominate life in this world is not the power of nature in your God Realm, but the ability to control life and death in the God Realm and the Underworld. With this alone, people from your God Realm are not qualified to BB in front of our God Realm!"

What Lin Chen said, the gods were in high spirits, usually everyone competed for fame and fortune, but when foreign enemies came to attack, everyone would stand by the side of the God Realm without hesitation.

Ever since the Cloud Temple was controlled by God's Domain, the gods of the Cloud Temple have been suffocating in their hearts, and now this can be regarded as a common enemy, and Lin Chen has become the last hope of the Cloud Temple!

"It's ridiculous, I."

"You can deny what I said, but only if you throw away your own life before talking to me!"

Lin Chen didn't give Shi Ji any chance to refute, no matter what today, Lin Chen won't lose face in front of the people of God's Domain.

"Stop talking nonsense, your God Realm can't control the lives of people in our God Realm, kill him for me!!!"

Shi Lag became a little annoyed, and he didn't intend to continue the verbal dispute with Lin Chen, and directly ordered the killer to kill Lin Chen.

After receiving the instruction from Time Lag, Killer rushed towards Lin Chen frantically, as if a switch on his body had been turned on.

"Myriad Flame Swift Shadow Fist!"

Lin Chen didn't wait for the killer to make a move first, and took the lead in urging his fusion martial art Wanyan Shadow Fist. When the fist hit the killer, the killer directly passed through Lin Chen's fist and passed through Lin Chen's body.

"Lin Chen!"

"King Lin?"

At this moment, the gods broke into a cold sweat for Lin Chen, fearing that if Lin Chen died in front of them like this, then their last hope would be shattered.

"It's useless to shout your throat, no one can survive under the hands of three killers!?"

Before Shi Zhi finished speaking, Lin Chen calmly patted the dust on his clothes.

"What did you just say?"

Lin Chen looked at Shila and said in a very relaxed tone. Obviously, his body was not injured at all.

"How could this be?"

Shi Lag couldn't believe his eyes, the murderer made a move, looking for death, even Yuntian, the supreme god of the Cloud Temple, couldn't do three tricks in the hands of the murderer, and how could this Lin Chen be able to do it? ?
What's more important is that Shilag didn't realize that Lin Chen was a god. Although the divine power in his body was strange, he was just a relatively powerful cultivator.

"Don't look at me so suspiciously. What I have in me is something you can't guess."

As Lin Chen said, he continued to walk towards Shi Lag, his eyes were full of teasing, which made Shi Lag even more unhappy, but he also panicked from the bottom of his heart.

"The murderer killed him for me!"

Shila didn't intend to let Lin Chen continue to approach him, and quickly ordered the killer to continue to attack, but the killer stood motionless at the moment.


Everyone showed puzzled eyes, and they couldn't understand how the murderous man who was so strong just now was like a wooden man at this time.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!!"

Shi Lag suddenly yelled crazily, it is impossible for the murderous person who has tried and tested himself not to obey his orders.

"Lin Chen, you must have used some magic to keep them immobile, right?"

Facing the problem of time lag, Lin Chen shook his head and said, "I would like to ask, where did the murderous people attack?"


Shi Lag didn't understand why Lin Chen would ask this question, and he answered naturally: "Of course it's a soul attack, after all, they are also existences of nothingness."

"That's right, no one can harm my soul in the six realms, do you believe it?"

Lin Chen showed a confident smile, pressing Shila step by step, Shila kept retreating, and kept muttering in his mouth: "No one can hurt. Impossible."

Lin Chen watched Shi Lag gradually lose his rational eyes, and finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. The moment the killing intent entered his body, Lin Chen felt that his soul was under great threat, but killing Yiren didn't do anything to Lin Chen's soul, but just passed through Lin Chen's body.

Through this point, Lin Chen guessed that perhaps because his soul did not belong to the six realms, the killer could not lock the target, causing the killer to skip Lin Chen's soul directly. It will become so stupid and stupid, not knowing what to do next, as to whether it can return to normal, it is not a question for Lin Chen to consider.

"Time Lag, I'll give you a chance now, leave my Rebirth Hall immediately, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Lin Chen didn't want to waste time with Shilag, after all, he still had more important things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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