Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 404 Mutual Guess

Chapter 404 Mutual Guess
At this time, the surroundings were very quiet, and Wuxin didn't say a word. Lin Chen just stood quietly in the Wuxin Temple, and his tense nerves did not relax for a moment.


A blue lantern appeared right in front of Lin Chen. The light of the blue lantern was very weak, and Lin Chen could only use this little light to see the surroundings of the temple clearly.

"This blue lamp represents my soul. Once it is lit, it will continue to burn the souls of all creatures in the Wuxin Temple. After 10 minutes, even the Emperor will be powerless."

Wu Xin said lightly, in this huge temple, the voice seemed very hollow.

After Lin Chen quietly listened to Wuxin's words, he didn't feel much flustered in his heart. So far, his soul has not been traumatized by anyone or anything.

Moreover, Lin Chen also discovered that in this kind of high-level duel, the enemy's killer moves are often aimed at his own soul, which is also the advantage of Lin Chen's invincibility, which can be called a bug.

"What if I can still stand completely in your temple after 10 minutes?"

Lin Chen asked calmly, he was very confident that he would never die in 10 minutes!


After Wuxin heard Lin Chen's words, there was a hint of surprise in his tone, but it was quickly covered up by his self-confidence.

"If you can still survive in my Wuxin Temple after 10 minutes, it will prove that I can't do anything to you at all, so you can go wherever you like when the time comes, and I won't stop you!"

"That's what you said!"

What Lin Chen wanted was Wuxin's words, and for the following time, the green lantern was always in front of Lin Chen's eyes, and the surrounding lights flickered slowly.

Lin Chen also really felt an illusory force slowly intruding into his body, and his divine power was weakened by half in an instant, but as soon as that force touched Lin Chen's soul, it was quickly bounced back.

Lin Chen has no fighting ability at all at this time, if not for his soul being able to withstand the attack of the blue lantern, Lin Chen would probably have fainted by now.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon came the 9th minute. At this time, Quiet Wuxin finally became a little restless.

"Lin Chen?"

Wuxin tentatively called Lin Chen's name, he could indeed feel Lin Chen's life signs, but this is too unscientific, right?Even a person in the realm of the emperor would be dying at the moment when he entered the Wuxin Temple, let alone Lin Chen who is not even a god.

After Wuxin called Lin Chen's name, Lin Chen didn't answer, and he kept looking around, fearing that Wuxin would see that he was not dead and forcefully kill him, so he could only stand still.

"10 minutes! Little friend Lin Chen, it looks like you lost!"

What Wu Xin said was not so confident, because he never realized that Lin Chen was dead.

Afterwards, the green light was slowly extinguished, and the darkness of the temple was suddenly dispelled. What Lin Chen saw was a pure white and transparent palace. Standing inside, he could clearly see everything outside.

Lin Chen's divine power quickly recovered little by little after the green light went out.

"Excuse me, it looks like I'm not dead yet?"

Lin Chen's sudden words startled Wuxin who didn't show up. If Lin Chen could see the other person's face, he believed that Wuxin must be very shocked at this moment.

"How are you?"

Wuxin really wanted to ask Lin Chen something, but she didn't know where to start, so she remained speechless and kept silent.

"Wuxin, please let me go according to our agreement just now!"

Lin Chen didn't spend too much time talking with the other party, and the most important thing was to leave this scary place as soon as possible.

"Lin Chen. So you don't have a heart?"

It was only at this time that Wuxin realized that Lin Chen also had no heart, which surprised Wuxin even more than that Lin Chen didn't die.

Wuxin remembers that he belongs to a strange person who was born without a heart. Later, he was taken into the God Realm by Fanyu. In the invasion of the years, Wuxin's body gradually decayed. Fanyu discovered the uniqueness of Wuxin without a heart, and transformed his soul For Qingdeng, this Wuxin Temple was built for him. For thousands of years, the Wuxin Temple has been Fan Yu's most powerful vassal temple.

And Wuxin remembers very clearly that Fanyu told himself at that time that there is no one in the six worlds who can live without a heart except Wuxin.

But Lin Chen in front of him is also a heartless person, how can this not surprise Wuxin?

"What do you know?"

Lin Chen originally planned to leave quickly, but when he heard Wuxin's words, he hesitated again. Lin Chen has been brooding about the fact that he has been alive without a heart.

"Lin Chen, can you tell me why you lost your heart?"

Wuxin didn't answer Lin Chen's words, but asked Lin Chen back.

"Is this important?"

Lin Chen did not choose to tell Wuxin what happened, after all, Lin Chen and the other party are not familiar, and it can be said that the two are still hostile.

"Of course it's very important, because... like you, I have never had a heart!"

After Wuxin finished speaking, Lin Chen's pupils dilated slightly: "Wuxin Temple, Wuxin is like this."

At this time, Lin Chen knew that Wuxin really had no heart just like his name, but Lin Chen didn't know why the other party could turn into such a huge temple.

"I have been in the God Realm for thousands of years. I have understood all the anecdotes and strange things in the world, but I have never been able to figure it out. Lin Chen, although you and I have not met today, maybe you are my enemy. But you and I are both unintentional people, just based on this point of view, it can be considered a kind of fate."

Lin Chen could hear that when Wu Xin said this sentence, he was excited and happy, but more of it was a kind of deep helplessness.

"In a battle in the mortal world, I was hit by the opponent's Heart Eater, so I lost my heart."

Lin Chen thought for a while and finally told Wuxin the truth. For some reason, Lin Chen always had an inexplicable affection for Wuxin. Maybe it was because he didn't have a heart?
"Thousands of Souls Eat Hearts?"

Wuxin murmured a few words of the name of the martial arts skill, suddenly.

"It turns out that you weren't born without a heart, but you just fell into the martial arts of a mortal cultivator."

When Wuxin said this, his tone revealed disappointment. He originally thought that Lin Chen had the same experience as himself.

"I'll go! Could it be that you were born before?"

Lin Chen felt very embarrassed. He still thought that Wuxin was just a temple, but he didn't expect that the other party was once a human being?


Wuxin didn't know what to answer, and the atmosphere suddenly became very awkward. Both of them guessed each other's identity, so there were misunderstandings one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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